Fri, 31 March 2017
Today's Flash Back Friday goes back to Episode 37. Jason Hartman is joined by Shannon Cherry, The Power Publicist, to figure out how to get companies to sponsor small business owners, coaches, consultants, and non-profit leaders who need to reach a specific demographic. Shannon has been matching oranizations with sponsors for nearly two decades, and has helped them get hundreds of thousands of dollars through her Sponsorship Made Simple Academy. As the Power Publicist, Shannon Cherry, APR, MA, helps business owners and entrepreneurs attract more customers through publicity and marketing. She is the founder and president of Cherry Communications and its subsidiaries, Be Heard Solutions and Penny Pinching Publicity. A former TV and newspaper journalist, Shannon has developed hundreds of innovative public relations strategies. Through her hard work, many clients have seen themselves in media like USA Today, NY Times, the AP, CNN, Good Morning America, and other highly watched/read venues. Shannon was named one of the top 60 business bloggers in the world & one of the top 30 PR bloggers. She also runs the popular and highly-recommended e-zine, Be Heard!, delivered to more than 6,500 subscribers each month. |
Fri, 24 March 2017
![]() This weeks Flash Back Friday takes us to Episode #31. Jason Hartman interviews Dustin Mathews, Chief Marketing Officer for 7 Figure Speaking Empire, 2010 Speaker Coach Of The Year and 2010 Infusionsoft’s Marketer of The Year Finalist, about how to properly start a profitable speaking career. Dustin has managed and marketed hunders of events, seminars and boot camps, sometimes generating over $12 million dollars in a year. Dustin prides himself on transforming a new, green speaker into a beloved, sought after speaker. He's also the author of How To Get Rich Working For FREE, and Secrets of the Real Estate Millionaires. The fundamentals of being a successful speaker haven't changed: impeccable credibility, social proof, engaging stories that impact the sale, an enticing offer, these are all needed. What HAS changed is the mindset of your audience. And if you don't understand how the mindset has changed, you're not going to get through to them, and you won't be successful. So if you're getting lower conversion and sales rates than you have before, it's likely because you're using old, dated strategies and techniques. The formula for profitable speaking is different now, and you have to understand it to further your career. Listen in as Jason and Dustin go over the NEW way you need to be addressing your audience to make your listeners your customers. Website: |
Wed, 22 March 2017
Jason Hartman talks with Chris Guillebeau, author, world traveler, and non-conformist. From 2002-2013, Chris made it his mission to visit all 193 countries, and succeeded. His first book, The Art of Non-Conformity, led him to his second book, The $100 Startup. Those books have been translated into more than 20 languages and sold over half a million copies. Chris joined Jason to talk about his travel adventures, his beliefs on entrepreneurialism, and the power that being geographically independent brings to each individual. Key Takeaways: [2:22] How Chris' trip across the US and Canada led to his book The $100 Startup [5:30] What being geographically independent can mean for you and your lifestyle [9:15] Why Chris decided he should write about non-conformity [12:15] Chris' experience between writing his thesis paper compared to blogging [16:02] What The Happiness of Pursuit means to Chris [20:11] Chris' advice to any aspiring authors Websites: |
Fri, 17 March 2017
Today's Flash Back Friday takes us back to episode 33, March 14, 2011. In this episode, Jason Hartman talks with the President and Founder of INQUARTA, Don Osborne. They explore powerful internet marketing techniques that will boost your small business, but are still simple to do. They utilize Don's expertise on how to start and market your business online, as well generating the revenue you need. Throughout his career, Don has given over 400 speeches, written 15 books, guides, planners, and DVDs available through INQUARTA Publishing. He taught economics and finiancial management as adjunct faculty at University of Redlands, and is co-organizer of the Orange County Internet Marketers. Website: |
Thu, 16 March 2017
Mark Manson is a blogger, author and entrepreneur. His specialty is writing personal development advice that, for the most part, doesn’t suck. His website,, is read by more than 2 million people each month. Since 2007, he’s focused on helping people with emotional and relationship problems, and has worked with thousands of people from over 30 different countries. Key Takeaways: [2:34] Focusing on few things will greatly improve your quality of life [7:24] Small changes can help sort out your life issues [11:20] The internet has skewed our definition of "normal" [14:22] Technology may be changing faster than we can mentally handle Websites: |
Wed, 8 March 2017
Robert K. Tanenbaum is the author of 31 books – 28 novels and three non-fiction books. Over 14 million copies of those 31 books are in circulation, something very few authors can say. Robert served two terms as Mayor of Beverly Hills and is a member of the State Bars of New York, California, and Pennsylvania. He has also taught at the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley. Robert and Jason Hartman talk about his book Fatal Conceit, as well as our dysfunctional legal system. Key Takeaways: [3:25] How our legal system needs to be revamped [6:50] The prosecution has an easy job when everything is done properly [11:03] Whether prosecutors should face consequences when a case is overturned [13:17] Some steps to take to fix the legal system [17:02] Several troubling signs that were ignored by the government when investigating Lee Harvey Oswald's shooting of President Kennedy. [19:01] How Benghazi and Fatal Conceit correlate [22:55] Writing from experience is how Robert's been able to sell so many books Website: |
Fri, 3 March 2017
Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Speaking of Wealth #28 with Bryan Caplovitz. Jason Hartman talks with Bryan Caplovitz, founder of SpeakerMatch. SpeakerMatch tries to do exactly what its name suggests, matching speakers and speaking opportunities. The company discovers professional speakers, business leaders, tech gurus, educators, and other experts who are searching for an audience. Groups can post open calls for speakers for free, they are expanding their reach to some top fresh, creative, and strategic thinkers in the country. Site users are actively searching for speakers, so they're guaranteed to find motivated talent. Organizations are also free to search our online speaker showcase for talent that may meet their needs. SpeakerMatch is the creation of Bryan Caplovitz, former business technology consultant. While building his consulting firm, Bryan saw the need speakers had for find opportunities to speak. He soon realized that organizations were having trouble finding speakers too, so he moved in to fill the gap. |