Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman
SOW 69 - The Intersection of PR, Social Media, Marketing and Sales with Scott Kelly

Jason Hartman and Black Dog Promotions Owner, Scott Kelly, put together the relationship between public relations, social media, marketing and sales. Scott defines public relations as a relationship with the media and relating to the public, getting the word out on activities. He and Jason discuss best strategies for media exposure with the face of social media changing so much through the years. Scott emphasizes that the goal of the business or a campaign has to be clear in order to capture an audience to promote a product or service. Scott provides some tips and tools for a successful public relations/marketing campaign through social media.  For more details, listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

Black Dog was founded by Scott Kelly who has an MBA in marketing and over 20 years’ experience in marketing, advertising, sales and sales training. He has started several companies from his spare room and built them into multi-million dollar corporations with hundreds of employees. He has trained over 1,000 sales and marketing professionals and has helped dozens of companies sell hundreds of millions of dollars in products and services internationally. He has worked around the world including, Russia, India, Europe and South America, and has taught marketing at the university level in the US and Europe. This experience could be very valuable to any business that wants more business.

Black Dog Promotions is a marketing consulting and media relations firm for small to medium sized companies who want to sort through all the advertising they are "Sold" and develop an advertising, marketing and media relations campaign focused on the unique aspects of "their" business and "their" goals. In addition, Black Dog Promotions represent several online, print, radio and television media, but are not beholden to any media but are focused on providing the right mix of media for businesses.

Direct download: sow-69-ScottKelly.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:37pm EST

As speaking expert Vickie Sullivan says, “Buyers do not want content that they’ve heard before.” So how do you offer unique content? Jason Hartman and Vickie, President of Sullivan Speaker Services, Inc.,  talk about what this means from a market intelligence standpoint. There are three standards that define uniqueness in thought leaders:  1. What haven’t [...]
Direct download: sow-68-VickieSullivan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:23am EST

One of the greatest ways in the current technological age to generate some extra money is through passive income. The concept has been around and in practice for some time now, and there are many tips and tools available to get started or improve an existing process. Listen on as Jason Hartman interviews the owner [...]
Direct download: sow-67-PatrickFlynn.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:47am EST

Jason Hartman and Ken McArthur get together to talk about making an impact in people’s lives.  People have the ability to make either a positive or negative difference in the lives of millions of people. Creating products and services or providing valuable solutions to problems can make a positive impact and Ken explains some of [...]
Direct download: sow-66-KenMcArthur.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:51am EST

Jason Hartman interviews Jane Atkinson, business and speaking consultant with Speaker Launcher, about the best methods to develop a successful speaking business. Jane describes her process, Ready, Aim, Fire. In the Ready stage, it’s getting crystal clear on what the speaker is promoting or selling. The Aim phase is making sure the speaker’s websites are [...]
Direct download: sow-65-JaneAtkinson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:46pm EST