Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Social media has taken the world by storm, becoming the most used medium for advertising, information sharing, and business development, with many platforms through which to reach and network with customers around the world. Jason Hartman interviews Deirdre Breakenridge on the changes in public relations, how to find the people you’re trying to attract, how to monitor your community of consumers, and listening and meeting the needs of your clients by providing more meaningful information.

Some of the most popular platforms today are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Vimeo. Deirdre explains how to “listen” on the various platforms, including searching Google and Yahoo, describing different powerful software platforms that can provide this tool for bigger brands. She also discusses effective public relations monitoring for speakers and publishers, including being part of community chats, blogs, and forums in social media communities, such as Twitter. She encourages people to be and act like the thought leader, but to also be available to answer questions or speak or coach. Deirdre stresses who you are online is really who you need to be all the way around. Your online presentation should match who you are in real life. “Be your brand,” says Deirdre.

Jason and Deirdre touch on the subject of news releases, the changes beyond traditional outlets, including the ability to hyperlink resources and embed YouTube videos in your material. Deirdre refers to this function as PR 2.0, a more customized story that can be shared in communities. In the new age of social media and public relations platforms, there are many more options available to reach customers/consumers.

As these outlets evolve, several are becoming much more cost effective. Deirdre K. Breakenridge is Chief Executive Officer at Pure Performance Communications. A veteran in PR and marketing, Deirdre has counseled senior level executives at companies including Empire Today, Hershey’s, JVC, Kraft, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the World Bank. Deirdre is the author of four Financial Times books. Her book, “Putting the Public Back in Public Relations,” published in March 2009, is available in major bookstores and online. She has also authored: “PR 2.0, New Media, New Tools, New Audiences,” “The New PR Toolkit” and “Cyberbranding: Brand Building in the Digital Economy.”

Her fifth and most recent book, “Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional,” will be published by FT Press, a Pearson company in February 2012.


Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:13pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 71 that aired in February 2013.

Alan Levy, co-founder and CEO of BlogTalkRadio, discovered the power of the internet when he started a blog in 2006. But while he was learning the power of things like blogs, he realized that there was no way for people to have a live two-way conversation with an audience.

Alan joins Jason Hartman to discuss how the internet has progressed from simple blogs to live online formats which connect people to people instantaneously. Alan has some tips for broadcasters, and people in general, that will let you stand out from the herd.



Direct download: SW_288_FBF_Alan_Levy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm EST

Jon Benson, the creator of the Video Sales Letter, joins the show to talk copy writing. Jon gives out some tips on key words to focus on when you're writing, the mindset you need to influence your customers, and some specific steps you can take to boost your online sales by 100%.

Key Takeaways:

[2:18] The power of the word "you"

[5:33] How one word can change the dynamic of your copy dramatically

[7:50] The big secret of copy writing to influence your customers

[10:43] How you create your customer avatar that you write your copy for

[12:01] THE biggest problem advertisers have today

[14:43] People want to follow people who have the guts to take a position

[18:47] Honesty is missing in copy writing today

[22:21] The importance of modality marketing

[24:46] Even the decisions we make that we think are rational are driven by emotions

[30:22] Jon's challenge that will help you double your online sales



Direct download: SW_287_Jon_Benson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday takes us back to Episode 43 from December 2011.

Join Jason Hartman and Facebook Marketing 101 guru, Brian Carter, as they explore the best practices to get the most out of marketing your products or services on Facebook. Brian explains how Facebook compares to Google AdWords and SEO, and how to use Twitter as well as an enhancement. He talks about the difference between a group and a page and how to decide which one to choose.

He also discusses how to use Facebook inexpensively and with the biggest impact, describing how to engage with your targeted audience and how to promote your page to get more fans. Brian shares many incredibly useful tips and breaks down the process into simple, easy-to-follow steps.

Brian Carter is a respected elite internet marketing expert around the world. He is known for his hands-on business experience, cutting edge insights, background in improve and stand-up comedy, which has made him a much sought after speaker and trainer. Brian is the co-author of Facebook Marketing, and has authored an ebook called How to Get More Fans On Facebook. He also offers a training program, called Facebook Marketing 101. Brian develops strategies and builds search visibility and social marketing fanbases for companies of all sizes, including Universal Studios, The U.S. Army, Hardee’s, and Carls’ Jr.

He has been quoted in Twitter Marketing for Dummies and has been quoted and profiled in such publications as Information Week, U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Brian also writes for Search Engine Journal and AIIFacebook. He is a speaker and trainer for top marketing conferences, such as SEOmoz, SMX, Pubcon, The AIIFacebook Expo, Socialize, The South Carolina Society of Association Executives, and The American Marketing Association, among others. He is the CEO of The Brian Carter Group.



Direct download: SW_286_FBF_Brian_Carter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:13am EST

Dustin Mathews, founder and CEO of Speaking Empire, joins Jason Hartman to discuss whether long copy is still appropriate in today's society, how to make a presentation that will engage your audience and help you sell your products, the power of step-by-step processes, and many more tips to help you become more successful than ever.

Dustin's primary mission with his company is to teach people to communicate powerfully, unlocking their full potential, and guide their business into the next level. His latest book is NO B.S. Guide To Powerful Presentations: How To Sell ANYTHING With Webinars & Online Media, Speeches & Seminars.

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] Is long form sales a dying art?

[3:51] One of the most common mistakes speakers make and the "irrestible offer"

[8:06] The 4 secrets of mass persuasion

[10:56] The 7 minute rule

[14:27] How to make a successful webinar

[17:42] The power of having a partner involved in your webinar




Direct download: SW_285_Dustin_Mathews.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:46pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 25 from September 2010.

Jason Hartman talks with Kim Mateus, Senior Partner of Mequoda Group, LLC who leads the Mequoda Research Team responsible for content development for events, seminars, workshops and in-house training programs. She works with new and existing consulting clients to help assess their current internet marketing programs and design educational and consulting services to increase their online revenues and profits. Kim oversees the email newsletter providing publishers with free tips and case studies to help them succeed online.

She also oversees the online video training library covering SEO, website architecture, email marketing, key metrics and more. Kim also manages content development, production and marketing for all Mequoda white papers, webinars and live events. She is an active member of the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA) and the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA).

She co-hosts the twice-a-year two-day summit which explores current best practices for media strategy and internet marketing strategy. Kim is a frequent speaker for the Specialized Information Publishers Association and was the Email Marketing Track Chair for SIPA’s 31st Annual International Newsletter & Specialized Information Conference in Washington, DC.



Direct download: SW_284_FBF_Kim_Mateus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

We've been hearing for years that print media is dead, but it's still around and some venues are even doing quite well. But with pay walls abound and different publications having different takes that you want to read it can get real expensive real fast to read all your favorite news.

Jason Hartman talks with Alex Gruntsev, Chief Innovation Officer at PressReader, about how their service allows customers to subscribe to a huge variety of publications for a low monthly fee. They discuss how businesses can use hot spots to add value to their customers, how publishers can get in on the action, and why people would want the app.

Key Takeaways:

[1:54] What is PressReader?

[6:13] How PressReader pays the publishers

[11:18] What Alex sees as the future of PressReader

[14:44] Whether things like PressReader will also cause a revolution in advertising



Direct download: SW_283_Alex_Gruntsev.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:09pm EST