Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

CEO and co-founder of Workboard Deidre Paknad joins Jason Hartman on Speaking of Wealth show. Today's episode has Deidre explains and talk about her Workboard app which automatically helps line managers managed their team priorities, goals, reports and the metrics of the company into a simple to-do list as well as how to be a more efficient and better  manager with their teams.


Key Takeaways: 

1:20 – The Workboard came to be when Deidre wondered why there wasn't an app to help managers be better at leadership and managing.

2:10 – What Workboard does is take a look at how to make managers better at leading their teams.

4:32 – Workboard automatically puts together a manager workload, so managers will have more time.

5:45 – Workboard helps make a very simple to-do list of defining what the goals and metrics are for the company.

8:19 – Deidre explains what she think are the most important stages of the work load setup. 

12:32 – Workboard is bit like a project management tool, but it can do more than that.

15:00 – Workboard can prompt the manager to acknowledge and celebrate a teams effect on work and teams can also acknowledging each other work.

16:45 –  Workboard is a free app that can help teams go faster and achieve great things with less effort.


Mentioned in this episode:


@workboard inc

Direct download: SOW_19720Deidre20Paknad.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:50pm EST

Zach Swinehart founder of Online in a day joins Jason Hartman on the Speaking of Wealth. Zach talks about how Online in a day came about, the process of what it does for their clients, what kind of themes Zack uses for sites, and his advice on how to understand better and more about user experience on people's websites on today's episode. 


Key Takeaways: 

1:29 – Zach talks about how Online in a day happened.

3:54 – Zach explains what the typical work schedule for the day looks like. 

7:37 – Zach explains the development process of the designs that he does and what a child theme is.

9:03 – Zach talks about which web themes he would use depending on what type of site it is.

11:09 – Zach explains more about what he exactly does for clients.

12:18 – Zach shares some of his best tips on user experience.

16:09 – Zach advice is to learn how people use your site and also testing it.

18:35 – Zack gives a tip about properly analyzing your user visits. 

21:28 – The pricing of Zach's services depends on which package you want. 


Mentioned in this episode:


Entrepreneur On Fire



Direct download: SOW2019620Zach20Swinehart.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:39am EST

Jason Hartman welcomes back marketing strategist, public speaker and author David Meerman Scott to the Speaking of Wealth Show. Today's episode has David talking about his new book Marketing the Moon, gives some detail examples of people who made great use of newsjacking, and his belief in the importance of telling stories with conflict for public speaking.


Key Takeaways: 

1:25 – David talks about his reasons of why he wrote Marketing the Moon.

3:58 – David explains newsjacking by talking what Trent Silver did with his CashForPurses.

6:59 – David talks about how Joe Payne made a nine million blog post by newsjacking.

11:02 – David explains the importance about having relevant news to tie in your business.

15:14 – The most important tip about public speaking is telling stories to your audience.

18:09 – Conflict is essential for a captivating story telling without it people won't bother listening.

21:28 – David try to help people with their internal fear and conflict of social media by using stories.


Mentioned in this episode:

Marketing the Moon by David Meerman Scott

Trent Silver's CashForPurses

Joe Payne


The New Rules of Selling

Direct download: SOW2019520David20Meerman20Scott.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:52am EST

Jason Hartman invites Brian Gruber President of Lucky Orange to the Speaking of Wealth Show. On today's episode, Brian talks about the customer data you can get from heat mapping, polls on your website to find out how to make your customers purchase your products, and the beneficial ways of using Lucky Orange's product.


Key Takeaways: 

2:14 – Heat mapping can show you which pages are the most visited and which ones are not.

3:13 – A poll is a quick question that can help you find out what your customer is thinking.

5:47 – Brian explains how the privacy of their product works.

7:56 – Brian explains more about different types of heat mapping. 

11:45 – Lucky Orange has a feature called Behavior Tagging which segments the recordings of people by the actions they take on your website.

13:59 – Lucky Orange has another feature called Form Analytics that allows you to see people in real-time and see where they're stuck on your forms.

15:00 – Brian's advice is to get information from your customers by watching their movements on your website and asking them questions. 

16:56 – Listeners of this podcast can get an extended free trial on Lucky Orange's product via email.


Mentioned in this episode:

Behavior Tagging

Form Analytics


Direct download: SOW2019420Brian20Gruber.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:29pm EST

Jason Hartman invites online marketing consultant Joseph Bushnell to today's Speaking of Wealth show. Joseph does a dive into the five key things he looks for in a successful marketing funnel and talks about how you can attracted more customer opt-in emails to your business. In the show, Joseph talks about some of the differences between popular marketing funnel builders as well as shares some important tips on how you can succeed in funnel marketing. 


Key Takeaways: 

2:00 – Joey gives a run down on the five key problem areas he looks at and helps with.

7:33 – LeadPages is more about getting opt-in pages than anything else, but with what ClickFunnels you have better template options. 

10:55 – Joey would use ClickFunnels for making funnels and OptimizePress for creating whole websites.

11:39 – Lead magnets nowadays need to stand out since people have seen almost everything. 

13:14 – Market research is very important for creating noticeable lead magnets as well as compelling copywriting.

15:03 – Joey has done a lot of research to find the best copywriters which you can find more about on his blog. 

17:31 – There's really no fixed price in hiring copywriters. New copywriters are more likely to cost a lot less than the professionals. 

18:36 – Getting case studies from previous clients will show potential customers they can trust you and buy from you.

21:25 – Joey explains more about his strategy of building market funnels in an easy step to step process. 


Mentioned in this episode:




Rainmaker Platform



Direct download: SOW2019320Joseph20Bushnell.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:36pm EST