Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Join Jason Hartman and self-publishing expert, Stephanie Chandler as they discuss the numerous advantages of writing your own book and self-publishing, and how it can enhance your business.  Stephanie shares how she got started in the custom publishing business and offers some of her methods for writing, such as starting with an outline and chiseling away at it to get it done. 

Stephanie relates that self-publishing is becoming more and more attractive to even those who have been traditionally published due to the lower expenses involved and the quicker rewards. Stephanie also explains additional ways to generate revenues from a book, as well as the benefits of both trade paperbacks and ebooks, and best marketing practices.

Stephanie Chandler is the author of Booked Up! How to Write, Publish, and Promote a Book to Grow Your Business, and has authored several other business and marketing books.  She is the founder and CEO of Authority Publishing.com, a company that specializes in custom book publishing for nonfiction books.

Stephanie is also a frequent speaker at business events and on the radio, and has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, BusinessWeek, Wired Magazine, and many other media outlets, including blogging for Forbes.com. Stephanie started her career in Silicon Valley, reaping the rewards and surviving the burst of the Dot Com Boom. In 2003, she fled the corporate world and opened a bookstore in Sacramento, CA. She began studying online marketing strategies and put the techniques to use to quickly put her store website in the top of Google. From this experience, a passion for internet marketing was born.

Direct download: sow-24-StephanieChandler.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

Join Jason Hartman and Facebook Marketing 101 guru, Brian Carter, as they explore the best practices to get the most out of marketing your products or services on Facebook.  Brian explains how Facebook compares to Google AdWords and SEO, and how to use Twitter as well as an enhancement.  He talks about the difference between a group and a page and how to decide which one to choose. 

He also discusses how to use Facebook inexpensively and with the biggest impact, describing how to engage with your targeted audience and how to promote your page to get more fans.  Brian shares many incredibly useful tips and breaks down the process into simple, easy-to-follow steps. 

Brian Carter is a respected elite internet marketing expert around the world. He is known for his hands-on business experience, cutting edge insights, background in improve and stand-up comedy, which has made him a much sought after speaker and trainer.  Brian is the co-author of Facebook Marketing, and has authored an ebook called How to Get More Fans On Facebook.  He also offers a training program, called Facebook Marketing 101.  Brian develops strategies and builds search visibility and social marketing fanbases for companies of all sizes, including Universal Studios, The U.S. Army, Hardee’s, and Carls’ Jr.

He has been quoted in Twitter Marketing for Dummies and has been quoted and profiled in such publications as Information Week, U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Brian also writes for Search Engine Journal and AIIFacebook.  He is a speaker and trainer for top marketing conferences, such as SEOmoz, SMX, Pubcon, The AIIFacebook Expo, Socialize, The South Carolina Society of Association Executives, and The American Marketing Association, among others. He is the CEO of The Brian Carter Group.

Direct download: sow-23-BrianCarter.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:33pm EST