Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

As one of the most established ghostwriters in the nation, New York Times best-selling author Michael Levin has written, co-written or ghostwritten more than 100 books, of which eleven are national best sellers. He appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank on January 20th, 2012.

In the past, Michael has published with Simon & Schuster, Random House, St. Martin’s Press, Putnam/Berkley, and many other houses.  His works have been optioned for film and TV by Steven Soderbergh/Paramount, HBO, Disney, ABC, and others. One of his own novels became Model Behavior, an ABC Sunday night Disney movie of the week.

He has also made contributions to the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes.com, Politico, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the Jerusalem Post, Writers Digest, CBS News.  Michael has had the experience to teach writing classes at the University of California – Los Angeles and New York University.

As an Amherst College and Columbia Law School graduate, Michael served for many years as a member of the prestigious Authors Guild Council and as Treasurer of the Authors Guild Foundation.

Key Takeaways:

[2:08] How to go about finding a ghostwriter

[5:31] The nickname that Michael Gerber (from E-myths) has given him

[7:49] Why Michael's company only employs US writers

[9:40] The 3 critical issues Michael discusses with clients on their first call

[11:54] The price point that should make you wonder whether the person you're dealing with has ever written a book before

[16:41] Michael's tips for vetting prospective authors

[19:45] What it takes to get published by a New York company

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