Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 227, originally published in December 2015.

From humble beginnings that started on a farm just off the Island of Montréal, Rock Thomas rose to the top to become a self-made millionaire, owning several successful businesses including six RE/MAX franchises, with over 250 salespeople. His RE/MAX franchises are consistently voted the top-producing offices in Quebec. In fact, he managed to increase sales an impressive 15-50% every year during his 17 years in Real Estate.

Rock was recognized for his business leadership when he took 1st Place for Business Excellence and Professionalism, by the Montreal Chamber of Commerce in 2005. It wasn't always that way. Despite initial financial success, Rock Thomas knew there was something missing from his life that money wasn't filling. So he embarked on a quest for knowledge. For four years, he traveled the world, investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal development and success training. He studied one-on-one with only the finest teachers, including Deepak Chopra, John Gray, David Deida, David Wolf, Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield, and Wayne Dyer, Steven Covey, just to name a few.

Make no mistake, Rock Thomas didn't just gather success systems, self-actualization techniques and life strategies, he assimilated the information, processed the techniques and brings together the best of the best. The resulting speeches and seminars are a synergy of years of non-stop learning, combined with Rock's own cutting-edge success formula.

In 2003 he formed Rock Thomas International, a personal development, and training company. Rock has now taken his passion for life and keen entrepreneurial skills to the world. Today Rock Thomas is living his life to the fullest. Offering customized keynote speeches for corporations, associations and non-profits, one-on-one coaching and motivational seminars, he is fulfilling his dream of facilitating others to succeed where they never thought possible. Even working as one of Tony Robbins Trainers, Rock has impacted the lives of thousands through his energetic teachings. He strives to be an inspiration for others through authentic living and a healthy lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

[4:47] How a mastermind group saved Rock more than $1 million

[8:52] The dangers of recruiting down and how a mastermind group can help you

[12:02] The SAVERS method and how it can positively impact you

Websites Mentioned:


Direct download: SW_347_FBF_Rock_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:43am EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 197, originally published in April 2015.

CEO and co-founder of Workboard Deidre Paknad joins Jason Hartman on Speaking of Wealth show. Today's episode has Deidre explains and talk about her Workboard app which automatically helps line managers managed their team priorities, goals, reports and the metrics of the company into a simple to-do list as well as how to be a more efficient and better  manager with their teams.

Key Takeaways:

1:20 – The Workboard came to be when Deidre wondered why there wasn't an app to help managers be better at leadership and managing

2:10 – What Workboard does is take a look at how to make managers better at leading their teams

4:32 – Workboard automatically puts together a manager workload, so managers will have more time

5:45 – Workboard helps make a very simple to-do list of defining what the goals and metrics are for the company

8:19 – Deidre explains what she think are the most important stages of the work load setup

12:32 – Workboard is bit like a project management tool, but it can do more than that

15:00 – Workboard can prompt the manager to acknowledge and celebrate a teams effect on work and teams can also acknowledging each other work

16:45 –  Workboard is a free app that can help teams go faster and achieve great things with less effort



Direct download: SW_346_FBF_Deidre_Paknad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 217, originally published in October 2015.

Communications coach Beth Noymer Levine is an expert in helping Fortune 500 executives, professional and world-class athletes, and other high-profile individuals effectively think about, prepare for, and deliver their messages to important audiences. Beth is author of author of Jock Talk, Five Communication Principles Exemplified by Legends of the Sports World.

Key Takeaways:

[3:51] The 5 core principles of effective communication

[10:41] What business leaders have to do to come out ahead

[13:26] How Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton's images have (or haven't) changed because of their authenticity

[16:16] How LeBron James gave one of the best insights into his career with effective communication

[20:56] How brevity can be applied in our everyday life and make us more effective

Websites Mentioned:



Direct download: SW_345_FBF_Beth_Levine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 212, originally published in June 2015.

Jim Palmer is the founder of the Dream Biz Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. He is a coach, speaker, and business-building expert. Jim recently wrote the book DECIDE:The Ultimate Success Trigger and talks to Jason on some of the key things you can learn in the book. On the episode, Jim talks on the importance of delegating your work, cleaning out your head trash, and pushing through criticism. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:20] Highly successful entrepreneurs make a decision and move forward with it.

[5:11] If you wait too long and stay in 'squishyville', you will miss the opportunity.

[7:55] How did Jim clear his headtrash?

[12:15] Everybody has headtrash.

[18:20] People will always criticize you. Brush it off and keep moving forward.

[20:55] When is it a good time to get help?

[22:45] Start small, hire a virtual assistant for ten hours a week.

Mentioned In This Episode:


Direct download: SW_344_FBF_Jim_Palmer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST