Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Scott Petinga is the Founder of Akquracy, which specializes in data driven marketing to better optimize leads and existing contacts. Petinga joins the show to explain how to better segment lists and use marketing correlations to boost revenue.

Petinga discusses why most "marketers" completely miss the mark, so he lists some things that great marketers get that failing ones don't. He also shares modern strategies for building market share.

Petinga caps the discussion by telling the story of how he launched Akquracy in his basement after surviving cancer.

Visit Akquracy at www.akquracy.com.

Direct download: SOW_159_-_Big_Data_Marketing_with_Scott_Petinga.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:10pm EST

Brian Massey is the Conversion Scientist at Conversion Sciences. He joins the show to explain how he generates more sales for websites through his services. 


Brian Massey calls himself The Conversion Scientist and he has the lab coat to prove it. A trained Computer Scientist, Brian realized soon after college that his social skills would doom him in the computer programming field.  


He took a sales job out of college, but ended up in marketing where his skills as a scientist could be less ignored. It was the beginning of the golden age of online marketing, and he wasn't satisfied to spend his days sending mass emails.  


To fully spread his scientific wings, Brian began his own online marketing laboratory and called it Conversion Sciences.  


Now, with almost 20 years of online marketing experience, this programmer / marketer / entrepreneur has helped thousands of companies of all sizes from all industries be successful on the Web.  


Brian is a husband, father of two, national speaker, writer and consultant living in Austin, Texas, where life and the Internet are hopelessly entwined.


Visit Conversion Sciences at www.conversionsciences.com.


Find out more about Brian Massey at www.conversionscientist.com.

Direct download: SoW_158_-_The_Art_of_Conversion_Sciences_with_Brian_Massey.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

Yuval Mor is the CEO of Beyond Verbal, which has created the first emotion analytic technology for marketing purposes. 


Yuval Rabin has over 30 years of experience in software industries with varied roles in large scale project management, sales and marketing. Yuval truly espouses a global vision, having led initiatives for various companies, utilities and governments all over the world. Yuval is a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces’ Mamarm Computer Center.     


Yuval’s experience is with large international companies (DEC) as well as Israeli startups (Sapiens, ESim) serving companies as diverse as AARP, The Principal Group, Visteon, Ericsson, Airbus Industries, Nokia, ARKLA (Arkansas Louisiana Gas), Samsung and the American Bureau of Shipping.     


In addition to Yuval’s experience in the technology work, he has worked with numerous companies doing business development and creating unique creative opportunities in new markets and geographies.     


Yuval has broad understanding in a wide range of technologies, the ability to understand their applicability and the vision to leverage their potential. Over the years Yuval has overseen the development of systems in numerous fields including: decision support systems involving complex financial data, advanced email systems, aviation simulation systems, cellular phone design software, location-based guidance software, web crawler and alert systems, and many more.


Visit Beyond Verbal at www.BeyondVerbal.com.

Direct download: SoW_157_-_Emotion_Analysis_with_Yuval_Mor_CEO_of_Beyond_Verbal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:57pm EST

Dale Brown writes military-action-aviation techno-thrillers and was a navigator-bombardier in the G-model B-52 Stratofortress heavy bomber and the FB-111, a supersonic medium bomber. He rose to the rank of captain via automatic promotion and is the recipient of several military decorations and awards, including the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Combat Crew Award, and the Marksmanship ribbon. He is also a Life Member of the Air Force Association and the U.S. Naval Institute. 


Brown is the author of the new book, "Starfire," which challenges notions of what is possible in the realm of cutting-edge weaponry and spacecraft and with life and humanity itself. 


Brown previously wrote "TIGER’S CLAW" - a rapidly unfolding narrative of U.S.-China relations today. Brown thinks China is America’s #1 military, economic and political rival. He discusses how he expects US-Chinese relations to play out. 


Brown writes military-action-aviation techno-thrillers, so he tell us more about his history and background to qualify him to write on such topics. 


Brown also gives advice to writers who want to get their work out there.


Finally, Brown is a video game consultant, so he discusses his work in the gaming space. 


Dale Brown was born in Buffalo, New York on November 2, 1956. He graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Western European History and received an Air Force commission in 1978. He was a navigator-bombardier in the B-52G Stratofortress heavy bomber and the FB-111A supersonic medium bomber, and is the recipient of several military decorations and awards including the Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Combat Crew Award, and the Marksmanship ribbon. Dale was also one of the nation's first Air Force ROTC cadets to qualify for and complete the grueling three-week U.S. Army Airborne Infantry paratrooper training course. He was also an Air Force instructor on aircrew life support and combat survival, evasion, resistance, and escape.  


Dale supports a number of organizations to promote law enforcement, education, and literacy. He is a Life Member of the Air Force Association, U.S. Naval Institute, and National Rifle Association. He is a command pilot for Angel Flight West (www.angelflightwest.org), a group that donate their time, skills, and aircraft to fly medical patients free of charge. He is also a mission pilot with the Civil Air Patrol, flying a variety of missions in support of the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies. He is a multi-engine and instrument-rated private pilot and can often be found in the skies all across the United States, piloting his Piper Aztec-E airplane. On the ground, Dale enjoys tennis, scuba diving, and soccer. Dale, his wife Diane, and son Hunter live near Lake Tahoe, Nevada.


Find out more about Dale Brown at www.dalebrown.info.

Direct download: SOW_156_-_Improve_your_novel_writing_skills_with_Dale_Brown.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Daniel J. Lewis has been Podcasting since 2007. He runs the website The Audacity to Podcast, which helps give people advice and tips about how to run a successful Podcast. Daniel continues to help small busineeses, as well as people new to Podcasting, on setting up your show and helping with any problems they might have. 

Daniel is also available to speak about Podcasting, social media, or consulting. 

Direct download: SOW_155_-_Podcasting_Tips_and_Tricks_with_Daniel_J._Lewis.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Kris Gilbertson is the creator of the Lifestyle Academy and the Inspirational Podcast. She joins the show to discuss the art of podcast and how it fits into anyone's lifestyle. She also discusses how people can launch and monetize their podcasts. 


Kris Gilbertson is a leading expert in how to partner with iTunes to create your own world class podcast. Her clients praise their podcast enables them to reach their ideal customer, create a thriving tribe, increase their traffic to their website from over 40%-5000% and do what they love by simply using the power of their voice. bio


Listen to the Inspirational Podcast at www.inspirationalpodcast.podomatic.com


Visit the Lifestyle Academy at www.lifestyleacademy.com.

Direct download: SOW_154_-_Podcasting_for_Business_with_Kris_Gilbertson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30am EST

Amy Newmark is the publisher, editor, and author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books. She's the author of the new, "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living with Alzheimer's & Other Dementias: 101 Stories of Caregiving, Coping, and Compassion."


Newmark tells us about the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" business model and how she sells so many books. She shares the marketing strategies she utilizes.


Newmark then explains how people with Alzheimer's and dementias live more productive lives. She gives tips on how their caretakers cope. 


Newmark then discusses a story about how a taxi driver ‘angel’ saved a drug addict from himself. She then advises how fathers can deal with getting laid off.

Amy Newmark has been a writer, speaker, financial analyst and business executive in the worlds of finance and telecommunications for over thirty years. Today she is publisher, co-author and editor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. She has edited or co-authored the last 100+ books in the series.

Amy graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University where she majored in Portuguese and minored in French. As the culmination of her Portuguese studies, she wrote a thesis about popular, spoken-word poetry in Brazil. She traveled throughout Brazil’s impoverished northeast region, meeting with poets and writer and collecting their stories as she studied whether their popular form of expression would survive the country’s modernization.

Amy joined the commercial sector while a senior at Harvard, editing a newsletter about opportunities to sell telecom equipment in Brazil. This work led to a new passion for the telecommunications. She became a consultant to the industry at the Gartner Group, where she wrote several books on telecommunications and ran the telecommunications services practice. Amy then moved to Wall Street in 1981, where she spent many years writing and speaking about telecommunications and information services, providing her stock picks to mutual funds and hedge fund clients.

Amy ran her own hedge fund from 1993 to 1995, specializing in telecommunications and technology companies, and then joined the original management team of Winstar Communications, Inc. where she served as executive vice president of strategic planning for two years. She left Winstar in 1997 and spent the next ten years serving on the boards of several public companies in telecommunications and technology.

Amy stepped in as publisher of Chicken Soup for the Soul in 2008. She is delighted to have come full circle in her writing career – from collecting poetry “from the people” in Brazil as a 20-year-old to, 30 years later, collecting stories and poems “from the people” for Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Amy works daily with her husband, Bill Rouhana, CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul. She and Bill are the proud parents of four grown children.

Visit Chicken Soup for the Soul at www.chickensoup.com.


Direct download: SOW_153_-_Chicken_Soup_for_the_Soul_with_Amy_Newmark.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30am EST

When networks like CNN and HLN need someone to explain social, mobile or digital marketing to their viewers, who do they call? Internationally-recognized keynote speaker Jamie Turner, who has been profiled in the world's best-selling marketing textbook and is the author of two books on social media and mobile marketing.

Jamie speaks around the globe on the subjects of social media, mobile marketing and branding.He has has helped companies like AT&T, CNN, The Coca-Cola Company and Cartoon Network grow their sales and revenue with innovative marketing programs.


And he has been called one of the world's leading experts on digital marketing.If you're looking for an engaging, energetic and captivating speaker who speaks around the globe on the subjects of social, mobile and branding, then Jamie Turner may be just what you're looking for.

Direct download: SOW_152_-_Digital_Marketing_Explained_with_Jamie_Turner.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30am EST

Dush Ramachandran is Business Tranformation Coach for The Net Momentum. He has built, grown and sold two of his own companies and most recently served at Vice President of Sales and Business Development at ClickBank where he was instrumental in growing the company’s revenues nearly 500% in five years. Dush is the host of the ‘Entrepreneur Effect’ radio show and is the author of an upcoming book on entrepreneurial success.

Direct download: SOW_151_-_Affiliate_Marketing_Tips_with_Dush_Ramachandran.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Anil Gupta is the author of, "Immediate Happiness: Be Happy NOW Using Practical Steps with Immediate Proven Results." He joins the podcast to discuss his strategies to living a happy life.


Anil Gupta is an electrifying catalyst for profound healing who has devoted his life to helping people rise out of pain and blockage into overflowing abundance and meaning. He has a gift for identifying blocks and patterns that are keeping a person stuck and uses his advanced intuitive gifts to reconnect people with their spirit, truth and life's purpose. Anil literally wakes up people's souls to living so they realize their greatness.  


Anil Gupta is widely recognized for helping thousands of people. His reputation as an intuitive observer and spiritual guide has taken him to other countries where he has been called upon to work with people to clear the out dated beliefs and life patterns that are keeping them stuck in their lives. His triumphs are legendary. People are ready and eager to heal their personal pain and relationship issues, and he has been blessed with the knowledge and tools now to make that possible.  


"My ability is to take what is deeply rooted or spiritual and then translate it into practical tools to assist people in creating the lives that they want. Seeing them receive immediate results and healing is what inspires me to continue my work." said Gupta.  


Anil believes his greatest gift is teaching. He has been teaching and speaking since 1998. Anil Gupta has received many written and video testimonials for how his work has changed their lives. He has a way to engage his audience with his clear, concise and candid speaking style. What Anil says makes sense. His words have an immediate, transforming effect on the audience. Anil's programs offer both immediate release as well as long lasting change. What he offers is much more than a temporary fix, instead you leave his seminar feeling a profound shift in the way you see relationships.  


Anil speaks on topics ranging from creating healthy relationships, creating abundance, creating wealth, motivational/inspirational, finding the meaning in life, and success, as well healing and health. In short, Anil helps with your life purpose.  


Anil Gupta lives in Orlando, Florida with his wife, Meena. They are the parents of 2 young adults, Ajay and Anu.


Get "Immediate Happiness" at www.ImmediateHappiness.com.


Find out more about Anil Gupta at www.anilguptainspires.com.

Direct download: SOW_150_-_Immediate_Happiness_with_Anil_Gupta.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Bryan Dulaney has helped companies more than triple their revenue using his Perfect Funnel System when consulting and when implementing it for clients.  His recent case study he helped a vacation company, Vacation Strategy, scale from $1.5 million to over $5 million dollars in less than 5 months and is what he now calls “The $5,357,728 Case Study.”

Bryan started marketing online while finishing up his Masters in Marketing at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.  It was back then that Bryan taught himself how to build lead capture and sales pages that could convert.  His first day, was while he was at Liberty University, where he made just over $10,000 in sales for a product launch.  Then again a few weeks later over $20,000 where he outranked his mentor, Mike Filsaime, at the time.  Now they are friends.

Bryan has been paid upwards of $100,000 to help people launch products and services online and his normal consulting fee is $10,000 for a one day strategy session where he helps you personally roll out a Perfect Funnel System.  Why $10,000?  Because it’s worth 10x that amount in actual revenue and sales immediately, in his experience.

Bryan has helped people launch Webinars, where they generated over $150,000 in 90 days and the list goes on and on.  So what are you waiting for?  Click Here to Get a Quote and let Bryan and his OptimizePress Ninja’s do it for you while you can “guide them” or just sit back and kick it on the beach, spend time with your family, take a break from all of the learning that you’re doing and start putting other people to work in your business so that you can work ON your business as Michael Gerber says it best.

- See more at: http://optimizepressninja.com/about-us/#sthash.rea56ely.dpuf

Direct download: SOW_149_-_The_Perfect_Funnel_System_with_Bryan_Dulaney.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:39pm EST