Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman
Jason Hartman is joined by co-founder of Mojo Video Marketing, Ira Rosen to talk about strategic video marketing. Ira talks about the video revolution going on right now and the effect short, personal videos have on clients. He offers creative ideas to reach your targeted market and stay in front of your clients. He also [...]
Direct download: sow-51-IraRosen.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:51am EST

SOW 70 - Personal Integrity with Laurie Gerber

We progress through this life often believing that our experiences define who we are and how we respond to situations. We may believe we are essentially good, but have negative and self-defeating beliefs about ourselves that we perceive as truth based on previous experiences. Jason Hartman interviews life coach, Laurie Gerber of Handel Group, about eliminating these falsehoods through personal integrity to overcome whatever is blocking a person from success. For more details, visit: www.SpeakingofWealth.com. Laurie explains her five steps to personal integrity, using having more money as an example.

  1. Change your mind
  2. Find your role model
  3. Make your plan
  4. Keep promises and keep track
  5. Dare to do business

Laurie also talks about the “chicken” and the “brat” in each of us. We can make every excuse in the book for not pursuing and following through with our dreams. They sound legitimate in our heads, but if we’re honest with ourselves, they are just excuses that prevent us from realizing our goals. The Handel Group Life Coaching teaches many different exercises, beginning with what Laurie calls dream statements and moving into purging all negativity surrounding those statements. Obtaining personal integrity is empowering and she encourages people to use this power to change the world for the better. Laurie Gerber is President of Handel Group Life Coaching (HGLC) and an expert life coach herself. Passionate about personal development, Laurie has been coaching individuals and groups for 15 years. Before enthusiastically joining The Handel Group, Laurie owned and operated Partners with Parents, a tutoring and educational consulting business in New York City. Laurie oversees 16 coaches in their work with clients on improving all areas of life. She considers herself “an angel recruiter” because she is busy looking for other people who share her mission to instill more joy and peace in the world. “When all people are living true to their ideals, then I can rest,” she says. She doesn’t anticipate being able to rest anytime soon.

For the majority of her adult life, Laurie has been teaching and coaching adults and children in a variety of settings including lectures, discussion groups, seminars, classroom teaching, tutoring and one-on-one coaching. Laurie holds a degree in Education and Political Science from Swarthmore College, along with her teaching certification. She leads large groups at Kripalu Center, Esalen Institute, Equinox Fitness, Soho House, the JCC of Manhattan and Natural Health Magazine’s Women’s Wellness Weekends. She regularly blogs for The Daily Love, Huffington Post, Crazy Sexy Wellness, Dr. Frank Lipman, HGLC’s own weekly newsletter and more. Laurie's rigorous yet loving coaching style was recently showcased in MTV's True Life Special "I'm Getting A Second Chance." In April 2012, she launched “Wake Up Your Week,” an on-going subscription to weekly live teleseminars. Laurie feels blessed to spend her days (and most nights) doing work that makes her proud and she is inspired by HGLC clients for having the guts to look at themselves honestly.

Direct download: sow-50-LaurieGerber.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm EST

As the face of business evolves, more small and medium businesses are outsourcing work to remote employees or independent contractors versus maintaining the brick and mortar offices with onsite employees. The advances in technology have made it possible to find employees and contractors around the world. But what kinds of work should be done remotely, [...]
Direct download: sow-49-MarkMurphy.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:10am EST