Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Nick Unsworth is the CEO of Life on Fire and a renowned Facebook marketing expert. He joins the show to describe how people can use Facebook as a tool to increase their customer base and revenue. 


Unsworth fills us in on the the newest updates to Facebook that businesses and entrepreneurs can utilize to get their message out and shares ways to get “targeted Facebook Likes” from people in intended audiences, FAST. He then discusses how people can leverage a page with many Likes to improve the bottom line. 


The conversation then turns to financial literacy. Unsworth has raised nearly $7,000 to purchase 100 Kindle eReaders for extended foster children ages 18-21 to promote reading and inspire entrepreneurship. He believes young adults are often pushed out of the “system” and forgotten about due to their age.


Find out more about Nick Unsworth at www.nickunsworth.com


Visit Life on Fire at www.lifeonfire.com.

Direct download: sow-139-NickUnsworth.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Christopher Johnson is the CEO of the Whitehorn Group and a contributor to Branding Magazine. He joins the show to discuss the development of facial recognition software for marketing. 


The conversation then turns to branding and how a celebrity association with a brand can be like lightning in a bottle. Johnson believes brands can positively impact humanity, so he shares tips on how people can improve their own personal brands.


Visit the Whitehorn Group at www.whitehorngroup.com.


Find out more about Christopher Johnson at www.christopherwjohnson.com


Christopher Johnson is a highly regarded authority on creating celebrity brands and business brands that change entire markets like Infiniti Automobiles and JetBlue Airways. He attended Carnegie Mellon University.

Direct download: sow-138-ChrisJohnson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:42am EST

Shelby started Content Divas back in 2007 initially to offer stay-home moms a way to make legitimate income from home. Over the past three years, she has successfully expanded her business from a small team of content providers to a staff of over 300 members world-wide, providing the highest quality outsourcing and generation organic traffic services on 50% of internet content. Visit www.contentdivas.com.

Direct download: sow-137-ShelbyLarson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:42pm EST