Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman
Jason Hartman is joined by the Director of Social Media for Moncur Associates, David Murray, to talk about social media content strategies for building a successful business. Dave says that content is “the number one element that will make or break your Social Media execution.”  In this interview, Dave explains the ten most important content [...]
Direct download: sow-56-DaveMurray.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:49am EDT

Founder of Speakermatch.com, Bryan Caplovitz joins Jason Hartman to talk about the benefits of using a speakers’ bureau, how to market yourself as a speaker, how to connect with the audience, compensation, and much more. Bryan explains in detail what makes a great speaker, including marketing strategies that work best for speakers and how the [...]
Direct download: sow-55-BryanCaplovitz.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:17pm EDT

Jason Hartman is joined by author of The Naked Interview: Hiring Without Regret, David Jensen to talk about the often difficult and uncertain process of hiring employees. David noticed there are two common deficiencies in businesses, marketing and personnel. Focusing on the hiring, David talks about the “Ten Truths” that help businesses take the proper [...]
Direct download: sow-54-DavidJensen.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

With the advancement of Smartphone cameras and streaming video through UStream, YouTube, etc, raw photos and videos are in higher demand and more available. Jason Hartman interviews Rawporter founders, Kevin Davis and Rob Gaige about the wide uses of raw photos and videos and how the Rawporter App works. For details, listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com. Rawporter [...]
Direct download: sow-53-RawPorter.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:20am EDT

Video marketing has been around for many years and has evolved into a much simpler and far less expensive approach to reaching a desired customer base. Gone is the need to lug around huge video cameras and cords and cables, and the need to pay high fees for a professional studio. Jason Hartman interviews Perry [...]
Direct download: sow-52-PerryLawrence.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:37pm EDT