Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman
SOW 74 - The Barefoot Spirit with Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey

Jason Hartman invites Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, co-founders of Barefoot Wine, to discuss “out-of-the-box” marketing principles that led to Michael’s and Bonnie’s highly successful wine business. Though his business card reads, “Head Stomper,” Michael officially served as president and CEO for 19 years. She was Vice President and “The Original Foot” for 19 years. There she had a wide variety of duties, doing whatever was necessary to operate the business. While Michael’s role was “big picture visionary,” Bonnie translated his ideas into workable processes and displayed a genius for managing the millions of details that come with a start-up. She proved to possess a rare combination of creativity and business savvy that served Barefoot well.

Starting with no money and no knowledge of the wine industry, Michael and Bonnie used out-of-the-box thinking coupled with solid business principles to build a leading national brand. They relied on “worthy cause marketing” instead of conventional advertising to grow a loyal following and promote their favorite causes. Their new book is entitled:  The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle and Heart Built a Bestselling Wine. To hear more details, visit:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

Barefoot Wines went on to win the industry’s top sales awards. They were selling well over a half a million cases annually when the E&J Gallo family purchased the brand in 2005. Since then, along with Bonnie, Michael has been a valued advisor to large and small corporations and start-ups, offering his real world experience to improve their profitability, grow their brands, and improve their culture. Sales, marketing, and performance-based compensation are his sweet spots. He also donates professional time to non-profits to help them improve their image, increase donations and achieve financial sustainability.

Michael is a funny, informative, and inspiring speaker who delivers keynotes for conventions, corporations and national conferences. (Audiences love the quirky Barefoot stories he weaves in with how-to advice they can put into practice right away.) He is also a seminar and webinar leader, a guest lecturer at business and entrepreneurial schools, and a contributor to a variety of publications. Bonnie has a passion for helping young entrepreneurs choose the right path. With her varied “hard-knocks” experience, she offers practical solutions for all aspects of starting a business. She loves showing others how to avoid painful and costly mistakes and directing them toward profitability. Michael and Bonnie coauthor weekly business blogs at www.thebarefootspirit.com and www.thebrandauthority.net

Direct download: sow-74-Barefoot.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:24pm EST

SOW 73 - DO IT Marketing with David Newman

Marketing techniques have evolved exponentially with the introduction of the internet and social media apps, and to stand out from the competition, it requires strong thought leadership. Jason Hartman is joined by marketing expert, David Newman, to talk about the four level s of marketing. David explains what 80% of business owners miss that causes marketing overwhelm and sales burnout, whether more is better than less marketing, and how to laser-focus marketing to get better results.  He shares examples of successful marketing efforts of a wide range of businesses. David emphasizes doing what you know and following the Three E Rule:  Easy, Effortless and Enjoyable. Additionally, three important factors for a successful thought leader are credibility, trust and relevance. For more information, visit:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

David Newman is a marketing expert who works with corporations, entrepreneurs and groups who want to use speaking and thought leadership strategies to sell more products and services. David is also the author of the upcoming book, Do It! Marketing: 77 Ways to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits and Crush Your Competition. There are a ton of free resources on David's website, www.doitmarketing.com, and that's also where you can go to download his free 96-page strategic marketing ebook.

Direct download: sow-73-DavidNewman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:43am EST

SOW 72 - Organizing and Executing Your Events with Anthony Krumeich

Jason Hartman teams up with Bloodhound.com founder, Anthony Krumeich, to talk about organizing and executing successful trade shows. Anthony talks about the path that led to him becoming the 26-year-old successful co-founder and CEO of Bloodhound.com. What began as an idea to do something with text messaging apps ended up turning into the development of apps that provide practical tools and solutions for event organizers.  The apps are very attractive to organizers because they work for small or large events, can be customized, provide many relevant and timely features, and the more chaotic the event the better the Bloodhound app works.

Before founding Bloodhound, Anthony studied symbolic systems and mathematics at Stanford and participated in honors research in systems neuroscience. He also studied philosophy of mind at Oxford. He grew up in a suburb of New York City and won 1st place at the 2004 Intel International Science & Engineering Fair.  Anthony is passionate about combining his interests in technology, human behavior, and design to create new opportunities. He enjoys live music, sailing, and his Boxer, Champ. The website ishttp://bloodhound.com/.

Direct download: sow-72-AnthonyKrumeich.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:08pm EST