Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Today’s  Speaking of Wealth Show features the ultimate in the world of travel, Chris Guillebeau, who has visited every one of the world’s countries. Together, he and Jason Hartman discuss many of the issues facing those looking at finding alternative sources of income, as well as providing general life tips to achieve the most success and satisfaction from what you do. He also describes some of the personal, real-life stories included in his latest book The Happiness of Pursuit. 


Key Takeaways

02.36 – Chris Guillebeau is one of the rare few who can say they’ve visited every country in the world, but it’s not just about bragging rights.

04.47 – Having just a $100 start-up gives you the chance to branch out, become empowered and find meaningful freedom.

10.20 – Once you’ve figured out what you want to get from life, you can work your projects around that.

12.16 – There are certain questions you need to ask yourself to be sure you’re really getting everything you can out of life.

16.12 – Try not to regret late starts – it’s almost never the first movers who end up most successful. 

18.55 – Chris Guillebeau’s book, The Happiness Pursuit, deals with the undertaking of various challenges, how real people have dealt with them and the effects they’ve had on them.

21.21 – People like having some kind of marker that shows how far they’ve come and how far they’ve got to go. It can help to make the challenge feel even more real. 

22.39 – For more information and to read Chris’s blog, head to www.ChrisGuillebeau.com

23.21 – Whatever it is you want to do, start it. No-one’s going to do it for you and you have to start somewhere.


Mentioned in this episode

The $100 Start Up by Chris Guillebeau

The Happiness Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau


The Lean Start Up by Eric Ries

Direct download: SOW__179_Chris_Guillebeau.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:47am EST

Joining Jason Hartman on today’s Speaking of Wealth Show is fellow podcaster, Freddie Mixell. Freddie is something of a podcasting guru with his various websites, including the Podcasters’ Boot Camp. Today, he lets listeners into his ultimate top tips on podcasting, ranging from creating interesting content, how to get your podcast up and running, and how to work your way as high up iTunes’ charts as possible.


Key Takeaways

02.56 – Freddie Mixell’s very first tip is fundamental: having an idea is great, but your podcast is nothing until you actually put in the effort to create it.

04.25 – The introduction of guests adds a new element to your show, and is great for increasing your audience.

05.25 – Social media, in its very nature, can help emerging podcasters in so many ways!

06.10 – iTunes lists and rankings are fuelled by ratings and reviews; take every chance to get those

09.48 – Every piece of information you give is important. Work out the tricks to filling in forms.

14.00 – Turn podcasting into a social experience and see your audience and following grow!

17.27 – Find out more from Freddie Mixel at www.PodcastersBootCamp.com


Mentioned in this episode

Podcasting: Good to Great by Jared Easley

Direct download: SOW_178_Freddie_Mixell_7_Podcasting_Tips.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:45am EST

Former online guru, Ryan Moran, joins Jason Hartman to talk about the pitfalls and success of working with marketing and info-publishing in this Internet-fueled world. They discuss topics such as how to optimize product selection and sales on Amazon, as well as how you can use other people’s actions as a chance to work out what’s best for your business.


Key Takeaways

03.58 – Passive income streams are always best when there’s no correlation between time invested and money gained.

06.02 – If you’re selling with Amazon, be sure to think clearly about how you want your products conveyed.

10.01 – Ryan Moran gives some of his more specific strategies for success which worked for him.

16.13 – Look at what everyone else is doing and work out what you can do differently.

18.17 – Like with Google, there are a few key ways to working through Amazon’s algorithm.

22.22 – Before you even think about selling strategies, you need to ask some questions to optimize your product selection.

27.38 – Think about the lifestyle you envisioned and stick to that. Don’t lose your purpose.

30.12 – The longer your vision of success, the more successful you will be.

31.48 – For more information about Ryan Moran, head to www.FreedomFastLane.com and search ‘Freedom Fast Lane’ in the iTunes store to access his podcast.


Mentioned in this episode


Direct download: SOW_177_Ryan_Moran_Freedom_Fast_Lane_Internet_Marketing.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:43pm EST

Kurt Mortensen is an expert in persuasion, influence, and negotiation. He has spent at least 15 years studying the art of persuasion and motivational psychology. He is also a best-selling author and has written books such as The Laws of Charisma, Maximum Influence, and Persuasion IQ. He shares some important tips and tricks on the show to help you become a little bit more persuasive in your every day life. 


Key Takeaways:

3:30 – Everything we do and what we want comes from the ability to influence other people. 

6:40 – Millionaires are more open to hearing what you have to say than the average joe. 

10:15 – People believe charisma is born in people, but the truth it is learned. 

15:10 – People who over do their perfume or cologne is a big turn off during a business meeting. Keep it simple. 

20:15 – How you word things is also a big factor to how you influence people. 

24:00 – How do you change the mood of an audience? Kurt explains in this segment. 

28:05 – Biggest problem for persuaders is that they push too much. 

30:10 – We gotta get the little yeses along the way before we can get the big yes. Break it down in smaller pieces.


Mentioned In This Episode: 



Direct download: SoW_176_Kurt_Mortensen_Influence.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

Ken Wisnefski is the founder of WebiMax and is a respected leader in the online marketing industry. He started WebiMax to help provide clients with a reliable partner that could help them grow their presence online. He talks to Jason today on the Speaking of Wealth show about upcoming trends, lead generation, Facebook ads, and even Netflix. 


Key Takeaways:

3:00 – What's the best practices in lead scoring? Ken shares some important insights in this segment. 

6:20 – It's scary that Google has so much power. So many people rely on their business model. 

9:10 – Is Facebook advertising worth it? Ken says it's worth it for the mobile space. It's also better than Google AdWords right now. 

12:50 – However, Ken feels that you shouldn't abandon Google for Facebook. 

16:45 – Ken talks about the Netflix model and how he thinks we're going to see more of that business model else where. 

20:25 – Final thoughts? Companies that have been following traditional advertising paths will ultimately abandon all of those things and invest in digital marketing.


Mentioned In This Episode: 


Direct download: SoW_175_Ken_Wisnefski_WebiMax.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:47am EST

Corey Coates has edited both radio and podcasting shows for the last 10 years. He is also the owner of Podfly, a company that produces professional podcasts and provides audio editing services. Corey talks with Jason about the future of podcasting and how easy it is to make one-on-one connections with listeners through this up and coming medium. 


Key Takeaways:

2:20 – Corey has been podcasting since 2006 and has worked with a lot of industry leaders in podcasting over the last 9 years. 

4:20 – With podcasting you can target a very specific audience on your own terms. 

7:50 – Overseas Radio Network had a regular radio stream of shows, but also had it available for download in case people wanted to listen to a specific show on their own time. 

9:10 – Podcasting takes time and patience. Developing a good podcast is still best done organically and through word of mouth. 

12:37 – You don't need a large audience to be a successful podcaster. 

15:50 – Audio equipment is so cheap and compact that you can literally record your show using GarageBand on your iPhone.  

19:18 – Corey talks about the company Buzzsprout, who is looking at new ways to make podcasting easier. 

23:45 – Corey talks a little bit about Podfly and how they help clients with the pre and post-production aspect of their podcast. 

25:15 – Jason loves Podfly. He says that he is able to produce content faster than ever before because Podfly takes a load off his hands. 

28:15 – Having a lot of content available on a regular basis is what builds a great audience. 

29:15 – You can't game the Apple iTunes system. Apple ranks you based on a number of downloads and the number of subscribers you have over a 4 week period. 


Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: SOW_174_Corey_Coates_Podfly.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

When Jason Van Orden found out about podcasting in 2004, he knew it was going to be big. He created his business around business podcasting and is a well-known expert in the field. He has taught thousands of people how to use their personal stories to captivate an audience and make money doing what they love. Jason sits down with Jason Hartman to share his story and talk about how he was able to make it. 


Key Takeaways:

4:35 – Jason wasn't born an entrepreneur. He took the traditional business path, but ended up hating it.  

9:45 – Blogs weren't that popular at the time, so Jason used forums to get his name out there. 

12:00 – Google didn't even know what podcasting was in early 2005. 

15:10 – Jason's tips to launching a podcast is – who's your audience, what is their desire/pain you're trying to solve for them, and what are you bringing to the table that other people aren't? 

19:50 – iTunes looks carefully at how many people rate a podcast, subscribed to it, etc and will make you more authoritative in the iTunes network based on this. 

25:00 – Jason V and Jason H both love Facebook ads. 

28:00 – Jason V's audience has been following his company for 9 years, they've grown with him, so he's looking forward to helping them take their business to the next level and make 6-7 figure incomes. 

32:00 – Information marketers need to think about not only selling the information, the product, but also sell the community around it. 

34:25 – If you need to build a community for your business, just create a private Facebook group. 



Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: SoW_173_20JasonVanOrden_Podcasting_and_IM.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:27am EST

Jason gives a warm welcome to Justin Gilchrist, who is an author and an expert in buying online businesses. He and two others co-founded Centurica, which helps people with online business assessment and does the necessarily due diligence and verification to make sure an online company is worth purchasing. Today, Justin provides some great tips for anybody looking to purchase an online business. 


Key Takeaways:

6:00 – A good online business should be at least 3 years old before a customer should purchase it. 

8:30 – Part of Centurica's due diligence package is to verify how an online business receives their customers.   

12:00 – Depending on your technical expertise, Justin would recommend different types of online businesses that would be a good fit for you.  

15:40 – Far too often do businesses over report their revenue or doing crazy accounting schemes to make a business appear more valuable than it really is.  

20:40 – It's important to gather all the necessary information and make sure the website doesn't look 'too good to be true'. 

22:00 – Justin gives out a very technical example as to why one of the seller's websites didn't meet requirements. 

23:50 – Remember to always use leverage when buying a website. This can help decrease your costs and make it easier for you to pay off over time. 



Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: S0W_172_Justin_Gilchrist_Buying_Web_Businesses20_mixdown.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:17pm EST

Today, Jason Hartman welcomes Brian Horn of The Authority Alchemy podcast to the show. Brian has helped top celebrity entrepreneurs with their branding, search engine results, and internet marketing. In 2010, he was named 'Google Guru' by Inc Magazine and he has recently released a new book titled The Authority Mindset. He talks to Jason today about SEO and shares some important insider SEO tricks with him. 


Key Takeaways:

5:00 – Brain saw a dramatic increase in his conversions when he told people he had been featured on high-end news websites. 

8:20 – Amazon has more best-selling authors than anywhere else, because it's so easy to get into their system. 

11:00 – All people want to know is if you can help them or not. It's important to cater to that or else you won't succeed. Brain calls this, 'Educator/Advocate'. Focus on helping others succeed. 

14:40 – Focus on a specific market or niche. This helps you become an expert. 

22:00 – Ask yourself what your target customer is asking? Then target those specific keywords for them. 

25:20 – The Google Penguin update really scared Brain's clients away from SEO services. 

27:40 – Stay consistent with your message. Brain explains how you can fit into one of these fours characters to help with you brand. 




Mentioned In This Episode:

R.O.I. Marketing Secrets Revealed by Brain Horn

How to Backlink: Using the NEW Linkerati to Reach Page 1 of Google by Brian Horn




Direct download: SoW_171_20_Brian_Horn_The_Authority_Alchemy_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:44am EST

Jeff DeGraff joins the show today with Jason Hartman. DeGraff is a professor for the University of Michigan's Ross Business school and has worked extensively in teaching innovation. Today, he joins the show to talk a little bit about his new book called, “Making Stone Soup: How to Jumpstart Innovation Teams” and how it can help you succeed in your business venture. 


Key Takeaways: 

1:35 – Companies are struggling with innovation on a team level and his new book, Making Stone Soup, talks about some of these challenges and how they can over come it. 

4:25 – When you look at the history of innovation, most of these come from conflicting ideas or completely new hybrid ideas to try and make something better. 

7:15 – Forget the 80/20 rule. Innovation uses the 20/80 rule. 

11:25 – When you look at the patent timeline, it is more incremental than ever before. Jason asks, “Is it because everything has already been invented?” 

15:00 – Remember, you're catering to a completely new generation. Millennials experience the world in a completely different way now. 

20:00 –  DeGraff breaks down the four important elements that make innovation happen. 

23:00 – Tip: Focus on something that works. Do not focus on trying to fix something that's broken. 

27:00 – You can not start something new unless you give up something you're currently doing. We simply can't do it all at once. 


28:15 – As you are trying to build or invent something for the first time, remember that you need multiple versions of it before you can truly succeed. 

Direct download: Speaking_of_Wealth-170_Jeff_Degraff.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

Lane Fournerat is a YouTuber or who has had 3 million video views on one video and has 56,000 subscribers on his main channel YouTube.com/LaneVid. He joins Jason today to talk a little bit about YouTube and video editing.


Key Takeaways:

3:10 – Doing a collaboration with another user on YouTube really strengths your YouTube brand.

7:00 – Youtubers make money off ad-sense advertising, product or brand promotion, and merchandising.

10:20 – A sponsor can pay anywhere between $50 - $75 per 1,000 views.

13:25 – Equipment is easy. Lane edits his videos on iMovie using his Mac Book Pro and shoots his videos on a Canon PowerShot ELPH 330 that shoots HD video.

14:40 – Lane's lighting tips; Stay near a window or turn on every light that's in front of you, but not the ones that are behind you.

16:00 – He doesn't film videos on iPhones often because it's too shaky and because of hard drive space issues.

17:30 – YouTube.com is a major player, because it's owned by Google.

Mentioned In This Episode:



Canon PowerShot ELPH 330

Acorn E90

RODE NTG-2 ShotGun Mic.


Direct download: SW_169_Lane_Fournerat.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:45am EST

Public Relations is an industry that most people in business are aware of, but often we don’t understand the finer intricacies that go into a successful PR campaign. Merilee Kern, President of Kern Communications, joins Jason Hartman on today’s Speaking of Wealth Show to discuss the ins and outs of her marketing business and to talk about the reality of getting involved in this particular industry.



Key Takeaways


02.00 – Many people in the Public Relations industry view their line of work as a balance between art and science.

04.05 – PR companies have a very set series of processes which they go through with every new client to best achieve the desired final result.

07.00 – Linking the release of a product to current events and news gives a certain credibility and relevance in the eyes of an editor.

09.40 – The risk associated with ‘publicity stunt’ style campaigns can often far outweigh the reward so going down this line must not be a decision taken lightly.

12.35 – Both wire services and mainstream databases are effective methods of contact with journalists, though the wire service gives an unspoken sense of credibility.

13.45 – As well as custom databases and the wire services, there are also wider database management services such as Vocus, BusinessWire and PRNewsWire where you can buy access to these lists.

16.00 – When hiring a publicist, be sure to be diligent. You need to know what you’re getting and who their links are with.

18.15 – For more information on Merilee Kern’s own public relations network, head to www.kerncommunications.com

19.00 – www.helpareporter.com and ProfNet are two similar resources which every publicist in the country should be registered with.

Direct download: SW_168_-_Merilee_Kern.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:41am EST

LaunchMoxie founder Chris van Buren is on today’s Speaking of Wealth Show to talk about what’s really going on in the worlds of joint ventures and affiliate marketing. He mentions some of the key points about why the marketplace as a whole is changing and developing, as well as giving advice on how to really make the most of your own marketing strategies, both for yourself and for your business partners.



Key Takeaways


02.20 – In general terms, affiliate marketing works as a one-way transaction, while joint venture marketing is a two-directional affiliate model.

04.00 – The way that the Internet now works with so many followers and such a wide audience means that everybody is publishing something.

05.20 – The problem with the affiliate model is that companies want to make money selling their product, not selling yours.

06.50 - Affiliate models are dying out because they realize they can put themselves in a much better situation by creating their own products.

08.20 – In terms of digital media, platforms such as www.udemy.com and even Google Hangouts are paving the way. www.balboapress.com and www.bookbaby.com are some of the leading platforms for eBook publishing and all Mac users have access to high quality audio editing with Garage Band.

10.50 – Slightly more outdated, yet still used programs are public affiliate networks such as www.shareasale.com, www.clickbank.com and www.uk.cj.com.

13.06 – The two main obstacles people come up against in joint venture affiliation are: incompatibility in the size of the partners and incompatibility in the content of the partners. When making these connections on your own, be sure to look out for these incompatibilities because they will hinder your success.

18.00 – The way you approach a potential partner can make all the difference in your success at affiliation.

20.00 – More information about Chris van Buren and his projects can be found at www.LaunchMoxie.com.

Full Transcript at: http://speakingofwealth.com/audio-podcast/


Direct download: SoW_167_-_Christopher_Van_Buren.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

Izabela Russell is the Managing Director at Music Radio Creative. She joins the show to give insight into the field of audio branding and the effects high quality audio has on a podcast. Izabela Russell is an entrepreneur - Managing Director of Music Radio Creative - an audio production company that works with DJs, podcasters, radio stations and businesses on their audio image.  


Izabela's personal and professional passion is the audio branding - through Music Radio Creative she gets to work with podcasters, individuals and businesses in creating their own unique sound and encompassing it within their marketing strategies.


Find out more about Izabela Russell at www.IzabelaRussell.com


Visit Music Radio Creative at www.MusicRadioCreative.com.

Direct download: SoW_166_Izabela_Russell.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

With her casual grace and quiet confidence, Jennifer Paige seems the type person who can take virtually any excitement in stride. But when her single “Crush” climbed to No. 1 in 16 countries, selling more than 11 million copies worldwide and going 5x-platinum, even Paige admits that the speed of the song’s success caught her by surprise. Paige’s arrival at the top of the charts may have been sudden, but her life in music had been years in the making.


She was introduced to all styles of music at an early age by her music-loving parents, and began playing piano at the age of 8. By 10, she was performing with her older brother in local coffeehouses and restaurants in her hometown of Marietta, Georgia. In high school, Paige studied Voice, Dance and Theater at the prestigious Cobb County Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts.


Visit Jennifer's website at: www.JenniferPaige.com

Direct download: SoW_165_Jennifer_Paige.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:34pm EST

Doug Tucker is the Managing Director of the leading international sales training organization, Sales Commando and author of the new book, ‘Sales Commando: Unleash Your Potential.’ He joins the podcast to discuss how important old selling is versus digital and online marketing and selling.


Tucker shares tips for finding prospects, engaging clients and getting referrals. He talks about why the word "selling" is considered dirty in some countries. 


Tucker's book, "Sales Commando: Unleash Your Potential," has really taken off in new and emerging markets such as the UAE, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Tucker explains why and also speaks about why his business is in Dubai. 


Tucker then shifts gears and talks about younger workers and the gulf between the employment expectations of graduates and the expectations of potential employers. He thinks universities need to better equip students to find suitable employment once they have graduated by adding real-world training as part of the university course structure. 


Visit Sales Commando at www.sales-commando.com.


Direct download: SoW_164_Doug_Tucker_Sales_Commando.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:37pm EST

Brian Carter is the Founder of the Brian Carter Group. He joins the show to discuss how Facebook can revolutionize an organization if they use it effectively. 


Brian Carter is respected as one of the elite internet marketing experts in the world. His hands-on business experience, cutting edge insights, background in improv and stand up comedy culminate in a speaker and trainer who leaves every audience not only entertained, but armed with powerful strategies and tactics.

Brian is co-author of the bestselling book Facebook Marketing, and author of the forthcoming book, The Like Economy. He also has authored an ebook called How To Get More Fans On Facebook.

Brian has 12 years experience with Google, Twitter and Facebook marketing, both as a consultant and marketing agency director. He has trained and managed Gen X and Gen Y employees, in addition to the more than 5,000 students of his FanReach Facebook marketing online course.

Brian develops strategies and builds search visibility and social marketing fanbases for companies of all sizes, including well known entities such as Universal Studios, The U.S. Army, Hardee's and Carl's Jr. He is quoted in the book Twitter Marketing For Dummies and has been quoted and profiled by Information Week, U.S. News & World Report, The Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur Magazine.

Brian writes for two of the most popular marketing blogs, Search Engine Journal and AllFacebook with a combined readership of over 400,000. He has more than 30,000 Twitter followers and an overall reach of more than 50,000 fans through Facebook, LinkedIn, and his other social marketing channels.

A speaker and trainer for top marketing conferences such as SEOmoz, SMX, Pubcon, The AllFacebook Expo, Socialize, The South Carolina Society of Association Executives and The American Marketing Association to name a few. Brian is a seasoned expert and most entertaining presenter in Internet marketing.

Find out more about Brian Carter at www.briancartergroup.com.

Direct download: SoW_163_Brian_Carter_Facebook_Profiling__Engagement.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

Alexander Osterwalder is the Co-Founder of Strategyzer and author of, “Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers” and “Business Model You: A One-Page Method For Reinventing Your Career.” Osterwalder gives his recommendations on what people should do when writing business plans. He shares his thoughts on whether entrepreneurs should just skip writing business plans and just “do” instead.


He then discusses how much time one should spend on planning vs operating a business.


Dr. Alexander Osterwalder works as an independent author, speaker and advisor with a particular focus on business model innovation, strategic management and management innovation. He regularly performs keynote speeches and workshops on the topic of business model innovation in companies, in business schools and at conferences around the world.


Besides his independent activities he is partner at Arvetica, a consulting boutique focusing on the private banking and wealth management industry. His role includes business development and the management of a peer knowledge exchange platform for senior executives in private banking. The platform aims at helping senior executives and private banking professionals understand the changing industry landscape, notably from other leading personalities, such as CEOs of top Swiss and international banks.


Before that Dr. Osterwalder founded and ran BusinessModelDesign.com, a consulting boutique active in strategy consulting with a focus on business model innovation. He also helped develop and implement the strategy and business concept of a globally active not for profit network called The Constellation for over one year in Thailand. The Constellation brought knowledge management methods from the private sector (particularly BP) to the health sector to better respond to the challenges of HIV/AIDS and Malaria.


Dr. Osterwalder has a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems (MIS) from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, where he worked as a teaching and research assistant and published extensively. He also developed and taught a seminar on Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).


Previously, he was active as an entrepreneur in the banking sector and as an online business journalist for BILANZ. He is an inaugural member of the Open World Initiative (OWI) of the Evian Group at IMD, Switzerland.


Visit Strategyzer at www.Strategyzer.com.


Learn more about Osterwalder’s business tips at www.businessmodelgeneration.com andwww.businessmodelalchemist.com


Find out more about Alex Osterwalder at www.alexosterwalder.com.

Dan Millman is the author of, "Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives" and "The Creative Compass: Writing Your Way from Inspiration to Publication." He's also the former director of gymnastics at Stanford University and a former world champion athlete, martial arts instructor, and college professor.  


After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan's teaching found its form as the Peaceful Warrior's Way, expressed fully in his books and lectures. His work continues to evolve over time, to meet the needs of a changing world.  


Dan's thirteen books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior, have inspired and informed millions of readers in 29 languages worldwide. The feature film, "Peaceful Warrior," starring Nick Nolte, was adapted from Dan's first book, based upon incidents from his life.  


Much of Dan's time is devoted to writing and speaking. His keynotes, seminars, and workshops span the generations to influence men and women from all walks of life, including leaders in the fields of health, psychology, education, business, politics, sports, entertainment, and the arts.  


Dan and his wife Joy live in northern California. They have three grown daughters and two grandsons so far.


Visit the Peaceful Warrior at www.peacefulwarrior.com.


Direct download: SoW_161_-_Way_of_the_Peaceful_Warrior_with_Dan_Millman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

Keith Ferrazzi is the author of, "Never Eat Alone: Expanded and Updated" and founder and chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight. He joins the show to discuss how digital networking provides unique opportunities for personal and professional growth. 


Ferrazzi shares the best practices to achieve the same meaningful connections while using newly available digital networking tools. He explains the difference between a relationship and a meaningful relationship and the value that is created when introducing other people to each other. He then walks listeners through how people can properly introduce other people to each other. 


Keith Ferrazzi is the Founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight. He provides market leaders with strategic consulting and training services to increase company sales and enhance team performance.


Ferrazzi Greenlight strategically leverages the insight of its executive team, whose careers span the highest echelons of corporate America, along with principles from Ferrazzi’s bestselling book, Never Eat Alone. Never Eat Alone has been recognized as one of the best business books of 2005, 2006, and 2007. His recent book, Who’s Got Your Back, guides readers to develop an intimate inner circle, a handful of people who they trust completely to hold them accountable to ever higher levels of achievement.


Ferrazzi created The Relationship Masters Academy, an online learning academy for “people skills” that delivers an exclusive program aimed at sales people and business professionals.


Ferrazzi is a frequent contributor to CNN and CNBC. He has authored numerous articles for leading business and consumer publications, including Forbes, Inc., The Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review, and Reader’s Digest.


Ferrazzi was previously Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Sales at Starwood Hotels, where he oversaw marketing activities for global brands including Sheraton, Westin, The Luxury Collection, St. Regis, and W Hotels. Ferrazzi also served as Chief Marketing Officer for Deloitte Consulting, a leading global management consulting firm, where he developed and managed the industry’s first globally integrated marketing organization.


Ferrazzi’s foundation, Big Task Weekend, is an impactful, invitation only event that brings together a diverse group of visionary leaders from top organizations to facilitate partnerships to solve the world’s biggest challenges.


Visit Ferrazzi Greenlight at www.ferrazzigreenlight.com.


Find out more about Keith Ferrazzi at www.keithferrazzi.com

Direct download: SoW_160_-_Relationships_and_Networking_with_Keith_Ferrazzi.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Scott Petinga is the Founder of Akquracy, which specializes in data driven marketing to better optimize leads and existing contacts. Petinga joins the show to explain how to better segment lists and use marketing correlations to boost revenue.

Petinga discusses why most "marketers" completely miss the mark, so he lists some things that great marketers get that failing ones don't. He also shares modern strategies for building market share.

Petinga caps the discussion by telling the story of how he launched Akquracy in his basement after surviving cancer.

Visit Akquracy at www.akquracy.com.

Direct download: SOW_159_-_Big_Data_Marketing_with_Scott_Petinga.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:10pm EST

Brian Massey is the Conversion Scientist at Conversion Sciences. He joins the show to explain how he generates more sales for websites through his services. 


Brian Massey calls himself The Conversion Scientist and he has the lab coat to prove it. A trained Computer Scientist, Brian realized soon after college that his social skills would doom him in the computer programming field.  


He took a sales job out of college, but ended up in marketing where his skills as a scientist could be less ignored. It was the beginning of the golden age of online marketing, and he wasn't satisfied to spend his days sending mass emails.  


To fully spread his scientific wings, Brian began his own online marketing laboratory and called it Conversion Sciences.  


Now, with almost 20 years of online marketing experience, this programmer / marketer / entrepreneur has helped thousands of companies of all sizes from all industries be successful on the Web.  


Brian is a husband, father of two, national speaker, writer and consultant living in Austin, Texas, where life and the Internet are hopelessly entwined.


Visit Conversion Sciences at www.conversionsciences.com.


Find out more about Brian Massey at www.conversionscientist.com.

Direct download: SoW_158_-_The_Art_of_Conversion_Sciences_with_Brian_Massey.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

Yuval Mor is the CEO of Beyond Verbal, which has created the first emotion analytic technology for marketing purposes. 


Yuval Rabin has over 30 years of experience in software industries with varied roles in large scale project management, sales and marketing. Yuval truly espouses a global vision, having led initiatives for various companies, utilities and governments all over the world. Yuval is a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces’ Mamarm Computer Center.     


Yuval’s experience is with large international companies (DEC) as well as Israeli startups (Sapiens, ESim) serving companies as diverse as AARP, The Principal Group, Visteon, Ericsson, Airbus Industries, Nokia, ARKLA (Arkansas Louisiana Gas), Samsung and the American Bureau of Shipping.     


In addition to Yuval’s experience in the technology work, he has worked with numerous companies doing business development and creating unique creative opportunities in new markets and geographies.     


Yuval has broad understanding in a wide range of technologies, the ability to understand their applicability and the vision to leverage their potential. Over the years Yuval has overseen the development of systems in numerous fields including: decision support systems involving complex financial data, advanced email systems, aviation simulation systems, cellular phone design software, location-based guidance software, web crawler and alert systems, and many more.


Visit Beyond Verbal at www.BeyondVerbal.com.

Direct download: SoW_157_-_Emotion_Analysis_with_Yuval_Mor_CEO_of_Beyond_Verbal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:57pm EST

Dale Brown writes military-action-aviation techno-thrillers and was a navigator-bombardier in the G-model B-52 Stratofortress heavy bomber and the FB-111, a supersonic medium bomber. He rose to the rank of captain via automatic promotion and is the recipient of several military decorations and awards, including the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Combat Crew Award, and the Marksmanship ribbon. He is also a Life Member of the Air Force Association and the U.S. Naval Institute. 


Brown is the author of the new book, "Starfire," which challenges notions of what is possible in the realm of cutting-edge weaponry and spacecraft and with life and humanity itself. 


Brown previously wrote "TIGER’S CLAW" - a rapidly unfolding narrative of U.S.-China relations today. Brown thinks China is America’s #1 military, economic and political rival. He discusses how he expects US-Chinese relations to play out. 


Brown writes military-action-aviation techno-thrillers, so he tell us more about his history and background to qualify him to write on such topics. 


Brown also gives advice to writers who want to get their work out there.


Finally, Brown is a video game consultant, so he discusses his work in the gaming space. 


Dale Brown was born in Buffalo, New York on November 2, 1956. He graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Western European History and received an Air Force commission in 1978. He was a navigator-bombardier in the B-52G Stratofortress heavy bomber and the FB-111A supersonic medium bomber, and is the recipient of several military decorations and awards including the Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Combat Crew Award, and the Marksmanship ribbon. Dale was also one of the nation's first Air Force ROTC cadets to qualify for and complete the grueling three-week U.S. Army Airborne Infantry paratrooper training course. He was also an Air Force instructor on aircrew life support and combat survival, evasion, resistance, and escape.  


Dale supports a number of organizations to promote law enforcement, education, and literacy. He is a Life Member of the Air Force Association, U.S. Naval Institute, and National Rifle Association. He is a command pilot for Angel Flight West (www.angelflightwest.org), a group that donate their time, skills, and aircraft to fly medical patients free of charge. He is also a mission pilot with the Civil Air Patrol, flying a variety of missions in support of the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies. He is a multi-engine and instrument-rated private pilot and can often be found in the skies all across the United States, piloting his Piper Aztec-E airplane. On the ground, Dale enjoys tennis, scuba diving, and soccer. Dale, his wife Diane, and son Hunter live near Lake Tahoe, Nevada.


Find out more about Dale Brown at www.dalebrown.info.

Direct download: SOW_156_-_Improve_your_novel_writing_skills_with_Dale_Brown.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Daniel J. Lewis has been Podcasting since 2007. He runs the website The Audacity to Podcast, which helps give people advice and tips about how to run a successful Podcast. Daniel continues to help small busineeses, as well as people new to Podcasting, on setting up your show and helping with any problems they might have. 

Daniel is also available to speak about Podcasting, social media, or consulting. 

Direct download: SOW_155_-_Podcasting_Tips_and_Tricks_with_Daniel_J._Lewis.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Kris Gilbertson is the creator of the Lifestyle Academy and the Inspirational Podcast. She joins the show to discuss the art of podcast and how it fits into anyone's lifestyle. She also discusses how people can launch and monetize their podcasts. 


Kris Gilbertson is a leading expert in how to partner with iTunes to create your own world class podcast. Her clients praise their podcast enables them to reach their ideal customer, create a thriving tribe, increase their traffic to their website from over 40%-5000% and do what they love by simply using the power of their voice. bio


Listen to the Inspirational Podcast at www.inspirationalpodcast.podomatic.com


Visit the Lifestyle Academy at www.lifestyleacademy.com.

Direct download: SOW_154_-_Podcasting_for_Business_with_Kris_Gilbertson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30am EST

Amy Newmark is the publisher, editor, and author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books. She's the author of the new, "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living with Alzheimer's & Other Dementias: 101 Stories of Caregiving, Coping, and Compassion."


Newmark tells us about the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" business model and how she sells so many books. She shares the marketing strategies she utilizes.


Newmark then explains how people with Alzheimer's and dementias live more productive lives. She gives tips on how their caretakers cope. 


Newmark then discusses a story about how a taxi driver ‘angel’ saved a drug addict from himself. She then advises how fathers can deal with getting laid off.

Amy Newmark has been a writer, speaker, financial analyst and business executive in the worlds of finance and telecommunications for over thirty years. Today she is publisher, co-author and editor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. She has edited or co-authored the last 100+ books in the series.

Amy graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University where she majored in Portuguese and minored in French. As the culmination of her Portuguese studies, she wrote a thesis about popular, spoken-word poetry in Brazil. She traveled throughout Brazil’s impoverished northeast region, meeting with poets and writer and collecting their stories as she studied whether their popular form of expression would survive the country’s modernization.

Amy joined the commercial sector while a senior at Harvard, editing a newsletter about opportunities to sell telecom equipment in Brazil. This work led to a new passion for the telecommunications. She became a consultant to the industry at the Gartner Group, where she wrote several books on telecommunications and ran the telecommunications services practice. Amy then moved to Wall Street in 1981, where she spent many years writing and speaking about telecommunications and information services, providing her stock picks to mutual funds and hedge fund clients.

Amy ran her own hedge fund from 1993 to 1995, specializing in telecommunications and technology companies, and then joined the original management team of Winstar Communications, Inc. where she served as executive vice president of strategic planning for two years. She left Winstar in 1997 and spent the next ten years serving on the boards of several public companies in telecommunications and technology.

Amy stepped in as publisher of Chicken Soup for the Soul in 2008. She is delighted to have come full circle in her writing career – from collecting poetry “from the people” in Brazil as a 20-year-old to, 30 years later, collecting stories and poems “from the people” for Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Amy works daily with her husband, Bill Rouhana, CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul. She and Bill are the proud parents of four grown children.

Visit Chicken Soup for the Soul at www.chickensoup.com.


Direct download: SOW_153_-_Chicken_Soup_for_the_Soul_with_Amy_Newmark.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30am EST

When networks like CNN and HLN need someone to explain social, mobile or digital marketing to their viewers, who do they call? Internationally-recognized keynote speaker Jamie Turner, who has been profiled in the world's best-selling marketing textbook and is the author of two books on social media and mobile marketing.

Jamie speaks around the globe on the subjects of social media, mobile marketing and branding.He has has helped companies like AT&T, CNN, The Coca-Cola Company and Cartoon Network grow their sales and revenue with innovative marketing programs.


And he has been called one of the world's leading experts on digital marketing.If you're looking for an engaging, energetic and captivating speaker who speaks around the globe on the subjects of social, mobile and branding, then Jamie Turner may be just what you're looking for.

Direct download: SOW_152_-_Digital_Marketing_Explained_with_Jamie_Turner.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30am EST

Dush Ramachandran is Business Tranformation Coach for The Net Momentum. He has built, grown and sold two of his own companies and most recently served at Vice President of Sales and Business Development at ClickBank where he was instrumental in growing the company’s revenues nearly 500% in five years. Dush is the host of the ‘Entrepreneur Effect’ radio show and is the author of an upcoming book on entrepreneurial success.

Direct download: SOW_151_-_Affiliate_Marketing_Tips_with_Dush_Ramachandran.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Anil Gupta is the author of, "Immediate Happiness: Be Happy NOW Using Practical Steps with Immediate Proven Results." He joins the podcast to discuss his strategies to living a happy life.


Anil Gupta is an electrifying catalyst for profound healing who has devoted his life to helping people rise out of pain and blockage into overflowing abundance and meaning. He has a gift for identifying blocks and patterns that are keeping a person stuck and uses his advanced intuitive gifts to reconnect people with their spirit, truth and life's purpose. Anil literally wakes up people's souls to living so they realize their greatness.  


Anil Gupta is widely recognized for helping thousands of people. His reputation as an intuitive observer and spiritual guide has taken him to other countries where he has been called upon to work with people to clear the out dated beliefs and life patterns that are keeping them stuck in their lives. His triumphs are legendary. People are ready and eager to heal their personal pain and relationship issues, and he has been blessed with the knowledge and tools now to make that possible.  


"My ability is to take what is deeply rooted or spiritual and then translate it into practical tools to assist people in creating the lives that they want. Seeing them receive immediate results and healing is what inspires me to continue my work." said Gupta.  


Anil believes his greatest gift is teaching. He has been teaching and speaking since 1998. Anil Gupta has received many written and video testimonials for how his work has changed their lives. He has a way to engage his audience with his clear, concise and candid speaking style. What Anil says makes sense. His words have an immediate, transforming effect on the audience. Anil's programs offer both immediate release as well as long lasting change. What he offers is much more than a temporary fix, instead you leave his seminar feeling a profound shift in the way you see relationships.  


Anil speaks on topics ranging from creating healthy relationships, creating abundance, creating wealth, motivational/inspirational, finding the meaning in life, and success, as well healing and health. In short, Anil helps with your life purpose.  


Anil Gupta lives in Orlando, Florida with his wife, Meena. They are the parents of 2 young adults, Ajay and Anu.


Get "Immediate Happiness" at www.ImmediateHappiness.com.


Find out more about Anil Gupta at www.anilguptainspires.com.

Direct download: SOW_150_-_Immediate_Happiness_with_Anil_Gupta.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Bryan Dulaney has helped companies more than triple their revenue using his Perfect Funnel System when consulting and when implementing it for clients.  His recent case study he helped a vacation company, Vacation Strategy, scale from $1.5 million to over $5 million dollars in less than 5 months and is what he now calls “The $5,357,728 Case Study.”

Bryan started marketing online while finishing up his Masters in Marketing at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.  It was back then that Bryan taught himself how to build lead capture and sales pages that could convert.  His first day, was while he was at Liberty University, where he made just over $10,000 in sales for a product launch.  Then again a few weeks later over $20,000 where he outranked his mentor, Mike Filsaime, at the time.  Now they are friends.

Bryan has been paid upwards of $100,000 to help people launch products and services online and his normal consulting fee is $10,000 for a one day strategy session where he helps you personally roll out a Perfect Funnel System.  Why $10,000?  Because it’s worth 10x that amount in actual revenue and sales immediately, in his experience.

Bryan has helped people launch Webinars, where they generated over $150,000 in 90 days and the list goes on and on.  So what are you waiting for?  Click Here to Get a Quote and let Bryan and his OptimizePress Ninja’s do it for you while you can “guide them” or just sit back and kick it on the beach, spend time with your family, take a break from all of the learning that you’re doing and start putting other people to work in your business so that you can work ON your business as Michael Gerber says it best.

- See more at: http://optimizepressninja.com/about-us/#sthash.rea56ely.dpuf

Direct download: SOW_149_-_The_Perfect_Funnel_System_with_Bryan_Dulaney.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:39pm EST

Johan Wallin has a background in property management and started implementing the Internet at an early stage in this field. In 2008 he started his own business and was looking to do some marketing for that business.  Social Media was just breaking out at this time and he took a social media class to learn more about using social media to market a business and fell in love with how social media can be used to help businesses.  In late 2009 he completely shifted gears, launched his consulting business "My Social Partner" and set out to help as many businesses as possible with how to use social media in their marketing.

In 2012 Johan started working with "Smash It Social" and utilizing their app "Real Fan Reviews" and was promoted to CEO of the company in august 2013. 

Over the years Johan has personally coached hundreds of businesses on social media and shown them how to use a contest/sweepstakes strategy to really supercharge results in Social Media.

For more information visit:







Direct download: SOW_148_-_The_Power_of_Contests_Reviews__Social_Media_with_Johan_Wallin.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Joel Comm is the New York Times best-selling author of,  "The AdSense Code: What Google Never Told You about Making Money with AdSense." He's also the author of the new, "So What Do YOU Do: Discovering the Genius Next Door with One Simple Question," and former host and Executive Producer of "The Next Internet Millionaire."


Comm has been doing business online since the beginning of the world wide web. He discusses how the online sales space has evolved and how he teaches people to make money with their websites. Comm then talks about how the average person can leverage the power of social media. 

Comm finally talks about the importance for businesses to be active on apps. He created the iFart app and explains what it is. Find out more about Joel Comm at www.joelcomm.com.


Joel Comm is an entrepreneur, NY Times bestselling author, and new media innovator. An expert on harnessing the power of social media and mobile applications to expand your brand's reach and engage in active relationship marketing, Joel is a sought-after public speaker who leaves his audience inspired, entertained, and armed with strategic tools to create a new media campaign that will explode their business.

Direct download: SOW_147_-_The_AdSense_Code_with_Joel_Comm.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:42am EST

Jason Mott is the New York Times best-selling author of, "The Returned." Mott wrote "The Returned" while working as a customer service rep at a Verizon call center. How explains how he was able to write while working. The book was haphazardly on a mail pile when a bored literary agent waiting for a meeting picked it up off an assistant’s desk and leafed through. He contacted Mott and sold the book to Harlequin. Brad Pitt bought the TV rights and sold it to ABC to create the new ABC TV series “The Resurrection.” 


Jason Mott lives in southeastern North Carolina. He has a BFA in Fiction and an MFA in Poetry, both from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. His poetry and fiction has appeared in various literary journals. He was nominated for a 2009 Pushcart Prize award and Entertainment Weekly listed him as one of their 10 "New Hollywood: Next Wave" people to watch.

He is the author of two poetry collections: We Call This Thing Between Us Love and "...hide behind me..." The Returned is his first novel.

The Returned has also been optioned by Brad Pitt's production company, Plan B, in association with Brillstein Entertainment and ABC. It will air in March, 2014 on the ABC network under the title "Resurrection."


Visit Jason Mott's official website at www.jasonmottauthor.com.

Direct download: SOW_146_-_Book_Writing_Tips_with_Jason_Mott.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:58am EST

Brian Godawa is a Christian screenwriter and author of the Amazon bestselling Biblical fantasy novel “Noah Primeval.” He joins the show to discuss why there is so much controversy surrounding the new film, "Noah," and how the controversy compares to "Passion of the Christ" in 2004.


"Noah" has been edited many times to appease Christian critics like Godawa, but he's still not happy with the final version. Godawa explains how the film turns into environmentalist propaganda.


Brian Godawa is the screenwriter for the award-winning feature film, To End All Wars, starring Kiefer Sutherland. It was awarded the Commander in Chief Medal of Service, Honor and Pride by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, won the first Heartland Film Festival by storm, and showcased the 2003 Cannes Film Festival Cinema for Peace. He wrote and directed the documentary Wall of Separation for PBS, Lines That Divide: The Great Stem Cell Debate for CBC Network, and School's Out: Political Correctness Vs. Academic Freedom for Boulevard Pictures. He also adapted The Visitation by best-selling author Frank Peretti for Ralph Winter (X-Men, Wolverine).  


Mr. Godawa's scripts have won multiple awards in such screenplay competitions as Carl Sautter, The Nicholl Fellowship, Austin Heart of Film, Fade-In, Worldfest, Writer's Network, Chesterfield Writer's Film Project, Columbus Discovery Awards and Reader's Digest Screenplay Competition.  


He gives lectures at high schools and colleges on screenwriting, as well as the art of watching and writing movies. He has had his articles on movies and philosophy published in magazines around the world, most recently winning First Place from the EPA for his article on the philosophy of The Matrix.  


His book, Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment (InterVarsity Press) is in its ninth printing, and his new book Word Pictures: Knowing God Through Story and Imagination (IVP) addresses the power of image and story in the pages of the Bible to transform the Christian life. 


Find out more about Brian Godawa at www.godawa.com.

Direct download: SOW_145_-_Film_making_and_Marketing_with_Brian_Godawa.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

Joe Yazbeck is Founder, President and Senior Coach at Prestige Leader Advisors and author of, "No Fear Speaking." He joins the show to discuss his tips for speakers to develop their confidence and skills.


Yazbeck also talks about sales presentations, webinar training, and on-camera coaching for radio or TV. He explains how people with accents can improve their speaking abilities. 


Spanning more than 30 years, Joe Yazbeck has successfully helped thousands of people providing professional speaker, executive leadership training and live performance coaching.  


Joe, as Founder, President and Senior Coach of Prestige Leadership Advisors, continues to serve leaders and professionals in business, technology, law, public service and entertainment/media industries with effective leadership, performance and presentation methodology with programs he has developed throughout his remarkable career.  


As a master speaker himself, Joe has delivered over 3700 presentations, workshops, lectures, seminars and key-note addresses worldwide.  


Influenced by Joe’s own achievements in the performing arts as talent developer/coach and performer , his creative and charismatic coaching approach serves his many clients to succeed in this very high-profile, media influenced business world.


Visit Prestige Leader at www.prestigeleader.com


Find out more about "No Fear Speaking" at www.nofearspeaking.com.

Direct download: SOW_144_-__No_Fear_Speaking__with_Joe_Yazbeck.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:17pm EST

John Papola is the CEO of Emergent Order and Director of EconPop, which just launched a YouTube show. Papola joins the show to tell us more about it.


Papola directed the videos, "Fear the Boom & Bust" and the "Fight of the Century", which have been seen by millions on the Internet. He explains the genesis of these ideas and what went into their productions. 


Papola is "konnected" to the Koch brothers, who fund his projects. Despite this, he believes the Left loves his work.


Watch Econ Stories at www.econstories.tv


Visit Emergent Order at www.emergentorder.com.

Direct download: SOW_143_-_How_to_make_Viral_Videos_with_John_Papola.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:34pm EST

Kate Mosse is an English novelist, non fiction and short story writer and broadcaster. She is best known for her 2005 novel Labyrinth, which has been translated into more than 37 languages.Although best known for her adventure and ghost fiction, inspired by real history, Mosse's first two works were non fiction. Becoming A Mother (now in its seventh edition) was published by Virago in 1993, followed in 1995 by The House: Behind the Scenes at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, published by BBC books to accompany the award-winning BBC 2 fly-on-the-wall documentary series of the same name. She then turned her hand to fiction, publishing two contemporary novels. Eskimo Kissing, about a young, adopted woman searching for her background, was published to critical acclaim in 1996. This was followed in 1998 by the biotech thriller Crucifix Lane. From 1998 up to 2001, she held the position of executive director of the Chichester Festival Theatre. Meanwhile she also remained engaged in research work for the first of a series of timeslip historical adventure novels set in southwest France in the past and present day.

In 2005, the first of the Languedoc Trilogy, Labyrinth, was published. A number 1 bestseller all over the world, it has sold millions of copies throughout the world, was the bestselling title in the UK for 2006 and won the Richard & Judy Best Book at the British Book Awards 2006 and was named as one of Waterstones Top 25 books of the past 25 years. Television rights were sold to Scott Free and Tandem Communications and the Labyrinth miniseries was broadcast in 2013. The international cast included John Hurt, Janet Suzman, Jessica Brown Findlay, Tom Felton, and Sebastian Stan.[2]

In October 2007, the second novel in the Languedoc Trilogy - Sepulchre - was published in 2007. A tale of haunting and Tarot set in fin-de-siècle and 20th century France, it was also a No.1 bestseller in the UK and an international bestseller. While Mosse was researching for the third and final novel in the Trilogy, she released her novel The Winter Ghosts in 2009, based on a novella she previously contributed to the Quick Reads Initiative. Film rights have been sold to Ruby Films. Citadel, the third novel in Mosse's Languedoc Trilogy, came out in 2013 and was also an international bestseller. Inspired by the real history of the resistance in Carcassonne during WW II, it tells the story of an imagined all-female resistance unit.

In October 2013, Mosse's collection of short stories, The Mistletoe Bride & Other Haunting Tales was published. The Mistletoe Bride & Other Haunting Tales is a collection of ghost stories inspired by traditional folk tales and country legends from England and France, throughout Sussex, Brittany and the Languedoc (settings Mosse is known for).

Direct download: SOW_142_-_Advanced_Writing_Techniques_with_Kate_Mosse.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Mike Cline is founder of Tech Guys Who Get Marketing. Mike's evolution into the tech space all started with a Tandy TSR-80 that he first played with until becoming bored, and then tearing it apart. From there, it was all downhill. Visual Basic apps, basic tech support, outside service tech, programming, database engineering, etc.


Tech Guys Who Get Marketing helps people and companies get their business off the ground by providing website design and development. It's the complete package from development to marketing. Visit: www.techguyswhogetmarketing.com


Direct download: sow-141-MikeCline.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:28pm EST

Dr. Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist at Stanford University and author of, "THE WILLPOWER INSTINCT: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do To Get More of It." 


Dr. McGonigal teaches one of the most popular courses at Stanford University called, “The Science of Willpower.” She has helped hundreds of students achieve their goals through the idea of willpower. She believes stress should be welcomed in people's lives, thus causing greater willpower.


Dr. McGonigal breaks down the science behind why we give in to temptation and how we can find the strength to resist.


Find out more about Dr. Kelly McGonigal at kellymcgonigal.com.


Kelly McGonigal, PhD, is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, and a leading expert in the new field of “science-help.” She is passionate about translating cutting-edge research from psychology, neuroscience, and medicine into practical strategies for health, happiness, and personal success.  


Her most recent book, The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It (Penguin 2012), explores the latest research on motivation, temptation, and procrastination, as well as what it takes to transform habits, persevere at challenges, and make a successful change. Her audio series The Neuroscience of Change (Sounds True 2012) weaves the newest findings of science with Eastern contemplative wisdom to give listeners a revolutionary process for personal transformation. She is also the author of Yoga for Pain Relief: Simple Practices to Calm Your Mind and Heal Your Pain (New Harbinger, 2009), which translates recent advances in neuroscience and medicine into mind-body strategies for relieving chronic pain, stress, depression, and anxiety.  


She teaches for a wide range of programs at Stanford University, including the Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, the Graduate School of Business, and the School of Medicine’s Health Improvement Program. She has received a number of teaching awards for her undergraduate psychology courses, including Stanford University’s highest teaching honor, the Walter J. Gores award. Her popular public courses through Stanford’s Continuing Studies program—including the Science of Willpower and the Science of Compassion—demonstrate the applications of psychological science to personal health and happiness, as well as organizational success and social change. Through a wide range of conferences, workshops, university-affiliated programs, and consulting, Dr. McGonigal also provides continuing education and training to executives, teachers, healthcare providers, and other professionals.  


Her psychology research (on compassion, mindfulness, and emotion regulation) has been published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Motivation and Emotion, The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, and The Journal of Happiness Studies. From 2005-2012, Dr. McGonigal served as the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, a peer-reviewed journal of mind-body research, healthcare policy, and clinical practice. A long-time practitioner of yoga and meditation, Dr. McGonigal is a founding member of the Yoga Service Council and serves on the advisory boards of several non-profit organizations bringing yoga and meditation to underserved and at-risk populations, including Yoga Bear (providing yoga in hospitals nationwide and to cancer survivors and their caregivers) and The Art of Yoga Project (brining yoga into juvenile detention facilities in the San Francisco Bay Area).  


Dr. McGonigal’s work has been covered widely by the media, including the CBS Evening News, U.S. News and World Report,CNN.com, O! The Oprah Magazine, Time magazine, USA Today, and the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology. She is also a frequent source of expert advice and commentary for media outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC.com, Web MD, Time, Fitness, Women’s Health, and more. In 2010, Forbes named her one of the 20 most inspiring women to follow on Twitter. In 2012, she teamed up with the Oprah Winfrey Network and Superbetter Labs to create an online game that would spread the benefits of gratitude to millions of people worldwide.  


Dr. McGonigal received her PhD in psychology from Stanford University, with a concentration in humanistic medicine. She received a B.A. in Psychology and a B.S. in Mass Communication from Boston University.  


She is also passionate about the benefits of physical exercise and has been certified as a group fitness instructor since 2000. In her free time, she continues to teach group fitness classes – because sometimes moving, breathing, and sweating is the best thing you can do to create health, joy, and resilience.

Direct download: sow-140-KellyMcGonigal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:55pm EST

Nick Unsworth is the CEO of Life on Fire and a renowned Facebook marketing expert. He joins the show to describe how people can use Facebook as a tool to increase their customer base and revenue. 


Unsworth fills us in on the the newest updates to Facebook that businesses and entrepreneurs can utilize to get their message out and shares ways to get “targeted Facebook Likes” from people in intended audiences, FAST. He then discusses how people can leverage a page with many Likes to improve the bottom line. 


The conversation then turns to financial literacy. Unsworth has raised nearly $7,000 to purchase 100 Kindle eReaders for extended foster children ages 18-21 to promote reading and inspire entrepreneurship. He believes young adults are often pushed out of the “system” and forgotten about due to their age.


Find out more about Nick Unsworth at www.nickunsworth.com


Visit Life on Fire at www.lifeonfire.com.

Direct download: sow-139-NickUnsworth.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Christopher Johnson is the CEO of the Whitehorn Group and a contributor to Branding Magazine. He joins the show to discuss the development of facial recognition software for marketing. 


The conversation then turns to branding and how a celebrity association with a brand can be like lightning in a bottle. Johnson believes brands can positively impact humanity, so he shares tips on how people can improve their own personal brands.


Visit the Whitehorn Group at www.whitehorngroup.com.


Find out more about Christopher Johnson at www.christopherwjohnson.com


Christopher Johnson is a highly regarded authority on creating celebrity brands and business brands that change entire markets like Infiniti Automobiles and JetBlue Airways. He attended Carnegie Mellon University.

Direct download: sow-138-ChrisJohnson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:42am EST

Shelby started Content Divas back in 2007 initially to offer stay-home moms a way to make legitimate income from home. Over the past three years, she has successfully expanded her business from a small team of content providers to a staff of over 300 members world-wide, providing the highest quality outsourcing and generation organic traffic services on 50% of internet content. Visit www.contentdivas.com.

Direct download: sow-137-ShelbyLarson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:42pm EST

Al Ries & his daughter Laura Ries have been working together as focusing consultants for 18 years.


Ries & Ries was founded in New York in 1994. Three years later, Al & Laura relocated to Atlanta, Georgia.But the Ries team spends most of its time on the road consulting with top corporations around the world from Microsoft to Ford, Disney, Merck, Frito-Lay, and many others.


The dynamic duo and bestselling authors have been profiled by Business Week, Marketing News, Advertising Age, The Wall Street Journal, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and countless other domestic & international publications.


Al first rose to fame in 1972 when a series of three articles on a new concept called “Positioning” authored by Al Ries & Jack Trout appeared in Advertising Age. The positioning idea took the ad world by storm and was voted by AdAge as one of the 75 most important advertising ideas of the past 75 years.


In 1981, the Positioning book was published and has since sold well over 1 million copies. The book has sold over 400,000 copies in China alone. The two authors also wrote Marketing Warfare, Bottom-Up Marketing, Horse Sense and The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing.


More recently, Al & Laura have written six books together and have continued to rattle the establishment by breaking with traditional conventions.


You can learn more about Al & Laura at http://ries.com

Direct download: sow-136-AlRies.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:06pm EST

Rich Zeoli is an author, talk show host, and communications expert.  Rich is the author of The Seven Principles of Public Speaking: Proven Methods From a PR Professional, and a weekday host on CBS Radio Talk Radio 1210 WPHT in Philadelphia.


Rich Zeoli has worked with clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies and national television personalities to candidates for national political office and bestselling authors.  He has personally trained individuals for appearances on major programs including Good Morning America, CNN American Morning, Larry King Live, CBS Evening News, Hannity, NPR, and many others.  All of his training is personal and customized to the individual needs of the client.


Rich is often called upon to speak on topics including effective communication and marketing. He has appeared nationally on ABC Nightline, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, and National Public Radio. In addition, he has given print interviews to national publications including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Congressional Quarterly. He has contributed articles on effective communication to major sites and publications sites including Forbes and The American Management Association.


Rich is a Visiting Associate at the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Direct download: sow-135-RichZeoli.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30pm EST

Matthew Mather is the best-selling author of "CyberStorm" and a leading member of the world’s cybersecurity community. He joins the show to discuss a "Third Path" to publishing that winds between the traditional publishing and self-publishing models.


Mather was rejected by more than 100 agents and publishers. He never believed that self-publishing would make you so much money, but he's now sold nearly 200,000 books in the past 18 months and sold the film rights of his latest novel, "CyberStorm," to 20th Century Fox Walk. Mather explains the process he used to make a lot of money and market his books.


Find out more about Matthew Mather at www.matthewmather.com.


Matthew is the best-selling author of CyberStorm and the six-part hit series Atopia Chronicles. He is also a leading member of the world's cybersecurity community who started out his career working at the McGill Center for Intelligent Machines. He went on to found one of the first tactile interface companies, which became the world leader in its field, as well as creating a major award-winning brain training video game. In between he's worked in a variety of start-ups,everything from computational nanotechnology to electronic health records, weather prediction systems to genomics, and even social intelligence research. His writing credits include #1 best-selling Atopia Chronicles and CyberStorm novels. He spends his time between Charlotte, NC, and Montreal, QC, hanging out with his bright and beautiful girlfriend Julie and their three dogs and a cat.

Direct download: sow-134-MatthewMather.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

Julia Herz is Publisher of CraftBeer.com and the Craft Beer Program Director at the Brewers Association. She joins the show to discuss an array of topics dealing with beer.

The fourth quarter been the biggest annual sales period for the craft beer market over the last five years, largely because of the holidays. Herz explains the correlation.

Herz also discusses some of the best "hometown" beers available, how people can go about getting access to these beers, and pairing tips to make the beers taste delicious. She thinks people should switch to craft beer ASAP! 

There are several international beer events that Herz is involved with. She describes each one's features. 

As publisher of CraftBeer.com, Herz talks about her strategy in running and marketing the site. 

Visit Craft Beer at www.CraftBeer.com.  

Find out more about the Brewers Association at www.brewersassociation.org.

Direct download: sow-133-JuliaHerz.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:31pm EST

Paul Tobey is a digital marketing, data mining, SEO and social media expert. He's the CEO of Training Business Pros, which coaches executives in public speaking and consultation marketing. He's also a renowned jazz pianist, producer, arranger, composer, and director. 

Tobey discusses his key hypnotic marketing concepts that will increase online conversions. He explains how people can leverage the Internet and social media to grow their reputations.

Tobey believes everyone should follow his basic rules of marketing, whether marketing a business or oneself. He shares some advanced Internet marketing techniques.

Find out more about Paul Tobey at www.paultobey.com. Visit Training Business Pros at www.trainingbusinesspros.com.

Direct download: sow-132-PaulTobey.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:29pm EST

Justin Sachs is the Publisher of Motivational Press and Chairman of the Board of Justin Sachs Companies, a group of companies that provide high-level services to business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporations world-wide.

Justin joins the show to tell us about Motivational Press and its successes in 2013.

Find out more about Justin Sachs at www.justinsachscompanies.com

Visit Motivational Press at www.motivationalpress.com.

Justin's work has been acknowledged by Presidents, Congressmen, World-Renowned Business Leaders, Non-Profit Executives, Authors, and Entrepreneurs alike for his ability to achieve extraordinary results.

Having advised and trained hundreds of thousands of people internationally, Justin is a highly regarded business expert on effectiveness, peak-performance, and marketing tactics. Justin has produced three movies including his best-selling Achieve Your Ultimate Success. He has written 6 books, including 5 international best sellers, on topics ranging from leadership to business growth. He has been featured in hundreds of media outlets throughout the world including MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, and Yahoo Finance. Justin has been featured alongside world-renowned business experts including Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier and many others.

Justin's philanthropic endeavors have won him many awards and accolades including the Prudential Spirit of Community Award, and Distinguished Recognition from the California Department of Education. Justin started a non-profit organization when he was 16 to inspire youth to engage in community service. More recently, he has been honored to partner with organizations like Kiva, Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Foundation, and The Illumination Foundation.

Justin's books and DVDs have been read by hundreds of thousands worldwide.

Direct download: sow-131-JustinSachs.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:21pm EST