Thu, 24 December 2020
Jason Hartman discusses the 12 days of Christmas with one caveat: inflation adjustments! First, let us all rediscover the true meaning of Inflation. This year, Inflation for the 12 days of Christmas has some peculiar changes, thanks largely to social distancing. Will we get a second stimulus? If so, how much will it be? Does your investment produce income? If not - it’s probably not an investment. Contest TWO Winners: $500 Make a video: Tell us about your real estate and investing goals, health, fitness, etc. Key Takeaways: [1:20] Inflation, one of the economic maladies. [3:10] What’s the average US home price, not the median home price? [5:30] What will happen with this second pandemic stimulus? [9:40] Inflation, Inflation, Inflation! [10:00] What’s the difference between Real and Nominal, Price, and Value? [16:20] For 37 years, PNC has been indexing the 12 days of Christmas. [20:00] The Inflation starting with a partridge in a pear tree. [25:25] Five golden rings or six geese a-laying? [31:50] No inflation on nine ladies dancing; it’s not even available. [33:00] Are we all going to end up being germaphobes? [38:00] Some Q&A from live viewers. [39:00] What’s double arbitrage? [40:30] If it doesn’t produce income, can it be called an investment? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN
Direct download: SoW_1623_The_12_Days_of_Christmas_INFLATION_ADJUSTED.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST |
Fri, 4 December 2020
Jason Hartman is joined by Dr. Steve Turley, NY Times bestselling author of many books including, The New Nationalism, How the Populous Right is Defeating Globalism and Awakening A New Political Order. Dr. Turley discusses the breaking up of the world, and reverting to a cultural appetite that differs from the one size fits all ideology of modernity. Dr. Turley states that we are living in a time of post-modernity, where we’ve accepted the differences of cultures. Key Takeaways: [2:30] Modern intellectual theory has hindered the teachings of conversation. [5:10] What is cultural marxism? [7:55] “Scientific rationalism was really the one size fits all way of understanding reality.” -Turley [14:00] Modernity has collapsed into post-modernism. [15:50] The world is breaking up, and it’s not because liberal democracy won, it’s because modernity lost. [20:00] If the world is going post-modern, you really only have two choices. [23:30] What’s the fundamental difference between economic marxism and cultural marxism? [31:30] The Monologue Media Vs. The Dialogue Media Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN
Direct download: SoW_10th_Intellectual_Dark_Web__The_New_Nationalism_Dr._Steve_Turley.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |