Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

LaunchMoxie founder Chris van Buren is on today’s Speaking of Wealth Show to talk about what’s really going on in the worlds of joint ventures and affiliate marketing. He mentions some of the key points about why the marketplace as a whole is changing and developing, as well as giving advice on how to really make the most of your own marketing strategies, both for yourself and for your business partners.



Key Takeaways


02.20 – In general terms, affiliate marketing works as a one-way transaction, while joint venture marketing is a two-directional affiliate model.

04.00 – The way that the Internet now works with so many followers and such a wide audience means that everybody is publishing something.

05.20 – The problem with the affiliate model is that companies want to make money selling their product, not selling yours.

06.50 - Affiliate models are dying out because they realize they can put themselves in a much better situation by creating their own products.

08.20 – In terms of digital media, platforms such as www.udemy.com and even Google Hangouts are paving the way. www.balboapress.com and www.bookbaby.com are some of the leading platforms for eBook publishing and all Mac users have access to high quality audio editing with Garage Band.

10.50 – Slightly more outdated, yet still used programs are public affiliate networks such as www.shareasale.com, www.clickbank.com and www.uk.cj.com.

13.06 – The two main obstacles people come up against in joint venture affiliation are: incompatibility in the size of the partners and incompatibility in the content of the partners. When making these connections on your own, be sure to look out for these incompatibilities because they will hinder your success.

18.00 – The way you approach a potential partner can make all the difference in your success at affiliation.

20.00 – More information about Chris van Buren and his projects can be found at www.LaunchMoxie.com.

Full Transcript at: http://speakingofwealth.com/audio-podcast/


Direct download: SoW_167_-_Christopher_Van_Buren.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

Izabela Russell is the Managing Director at Music Radio Creative. She joins the show to give insight into the field of audio branding and the effects high quality audio has on a podcast. Izabela Russell is an entrepreneur - Managing Director of Music Radio Creative - an audio production company that works with DJs, podcasters, radio stations and businesses on their audio image.  


Izabela's personal and professional passion is the audio branding - through Music Radio Creative she gets to work with podcasters, individuals and businesses in creating their own unique sound and encompassing it within their marketing strategies.


Find out more about Izabela Russell at www.IzabelaRussell.com


Visit Music Radio Creative at www.MusicRadioCreative.com.

Direct download: SoW_166_Izabela_Russell.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

With her casual grace and quiet confidence, Jennifer Paige seems the type person who can take virtually any excitement in stride. But when her single “Crush” climbed to No. 1 in 16 countries, selling more than 11 million copies worldwide and going 5x-platinum, even Paige admits that the speed of the song’s success caught her by surprise. Paige’s arrival at the top of the charts may have been sudden, but her life in music had been years in the making.


She was introduced to all styles of music at an early age by her music-loving parents, and began playing piano at the age of 8. By 10, she was performing with her older brother in local coffeehouses and restaurants in her hometown of Marietta, Georgia. In high school, Paige studied Voice, Dance and Theater at the prestigious Cobb County Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts.


Visit Jennifer's website at: www.JenniferPaige.com

Direct download: SoW_165_Jennifer_Paige.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:34pm EST

Doug Tucker is the Managing Director of the leading international sales training organization, Sales Commando and author of the new book, ‘Sales Commando: Unleash Your Potential.’ He joins the podcast to discuss how important old selling is versus digital and online marketing and selling.


Tucker shares tips for finding prospects, engaging clients and getting referrals. He talks about why the word "selling" is considered dirty in some countries. 


Tucker's book, "Sales Commando: Unleash Your Potential," has really taken off in new and emerging markets such as the UAE, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Tucker explains why and also speaks about why his business is in Dubai. 


Tucker then shifts gears and talks about younger workers and the gulf between the employment expectations of graduates and the expectations of potential employers. He thinks universities need to better equip students to find suitable employment once they have graduated by adding real-world training as part of the university course structure. 


Visit Sales Commando at www.sales-commando.com.


Direct download: SoW_164_Doug_Tucker_Sales_Commando.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:37pm EST