Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Kathleen Gage has been successfully self-employed for the past 20 years and has developed quite a track record. She helps entrepreneurs make money online and has a no-nonsense approach to business. Kathleen is also the author of Power Up for Profits. Jason and Kathleen talk about mastermind groups, how to start one, and why making that big investment is worth it. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:30] What has Kathleen learned from being a participant of mastermind groups? 

[4:35] When people have to pay to be part of a mastermind group, they bring their A game with them. 

[14:00] Starting your own mastermind? Start small. 

[15:30] Talk to your colleagues who have already started masterminds. 

[19:15] There is no cookie cutter answer to how you should price your mastermind. 

[20:15] How should you structure the meetings? 

[23”30] Kathleen doesn't like large mastermind groups. She prefers them more intimate. 


Mentioned In This Episode:



Ben Krueger is the owner of Authority Engine and is an avid podcaster. His company specializes in helping people start podcasts and other podcast related trainings. He talks to Jason on some very helpful podcast marketing tips to better utilize your audience and how you can build stronger relationships with your listeners. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Podcasting allows you to create content in a very easy way and it builds relationships. 

[5:20] Can podcasting work for the local provider? The dentist, chiropractor, etc? 

[9:45] Don't be afraid to turn some people off. 

[14:15] Develop a podcast the way you'd develop any friendship. 

[16:25] Ben shares direct response marketing tips to convert listeners into potential customers.

[22:10] Jason loves Tucker Max's show notes. 

[29:00] Podcast between 17-22 minutes long works really well for listeners. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Influence by Robert Cialdini


Audio-Technica ATR2100 Microphone. 

Skype Call Recorder




Direct download: SoW_Ben_Krueger_Authority_Engine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EST

Brian Kane is the host of ProfitCast and an avid podcaster. He has a background in radio and shares tips to Jason's audience on how you can be a better podcaster, remove those filler words, get listener loyalty and engagement, and much more on today's show. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:35] How can podcasters gain listener loyalty? Brian has five ways.  

[10:10] Jason finally started asking his listeners personally for reviews.

[12:30] Find the common enemy with our listeners. 

[17:20] Give honest reviews on iTunes instead of five star reviews. 

[22:35] iTunes is implementing consequences for shows that have 'too many' reviews. 

[26:45] Brian has tips on how to reduce your filler words. 

[28:40] What's a good podcast format? 

[33:50] Put yourself in the seat of the listener and ask yourself if this is a show you want to listen to. 


Mentioned In This Episode:


Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath 



Direct download: SoW_201_Brain_Kane_ProfitCast_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:22pm EST


Shane Snow is the co-founder of Contently and the author of the book Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success. Shane Snow's book talks on the patterns of people throughout history beating expectations and revolutionizing their industry. In today's episode, Shane talks on the different ways you can think about ideas, problem solve, and three important questions to ask yourself when you're trying to be innovative. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:40] What are some of the great hacks that innovators have done throughout history 

[6:15] It's risky to do things differently, but there can be a much higher reward from doing things differently in a smart way. 

[6:35] In the book, Shane talks about shortening, leverage, and soar. He explains what this means. 

[11:30] How do you become important to an influencer? 

[18:05] What are some of the questions you can ask yourself to think differently?

[23:50] Advice for people who want to become an entrepreneur? Join a startup.  


Mentioned In This Episode:

Give and Take by Adam Grant. 




Direct download: SoW_200_Shane_Snow_SmartCuts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EST


Steven Essa started out as a broke musician and now has done over $8 million in webinar sales. He shares some fantastic tips on how to make a great 60 minute webinar presentation, utilizing other people's marketing lists to generate sales, and much more on today's episode. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:35] Steven talks a little bit about his story. 

[5:40] Doing your webinars live brings a more natural message to the audience. 

[7:00] A product $1,000 or less, it's a 60 minute webinar. If it's more than $1,000, then it's 90 minutes.

[14:10] You want to have between 3 to 5 steps and really break it down so the content is simple. 

[21:00] Steven explains how he closes the deal in a webinar. 

[26:25] How do you get people to your webinar? 

[31:05] If you're getting more than a 10% conversion rate, your prices are too low. 


Mentioned In This Episode:



Direct download: SoW_199_Steven20Essa-WEBINAR20MARKETING.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am EST

Adam Hommey is a conversions expert and shares fundamental tips on how to use both Facebook and LinkedIn discussion groups. He talks on the difference between a closed and secret group, how to get the attention of your peers, and how to sell without selling. 


Key Takeaways:

[3:05] Why are discussion groups important? 

[6:10] The point of a discussion group is to build a tribe and a community. 

[10:00] Direct people to a landing page, have them opt-in, and then lead them to a secret discussion group. 

[14:40] Instead of working off a theoretical avatar, you have the person right there in front of you. 

[20:30] On Facebook, don't add members to a discussion, invite them instead. 

[27:50] Just by being helpful in a group, Adam has made a lot of affiliate income. 

[33:20] Add me and message me is Adam's five magic words. 


Mentioned In This Episode:




Jason Parker's List Building Club

 Marketing Megaminds

Internet Marketing Super Friends

Business Dojo


Your Virtual Assistants

Direct download: SOW_198_Adam_Hommey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42am EST