Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Trent Silver is the Chief Marketing Officer of SilverVisibility, Founder of PhoneDaddy, and Founder of CashForPurses. He's nicknamed the "Robin Hood of Hollywood" because he helped Lindsay Lohan with her financial problems and Charlie Sheen with his drug addiction.

Silver is one of the rare folks who's gotten rich at an early age in performance and affiliate marketing. Silver explains what businesses he's built and the genesis for the "Cash for" items such as cell phones, gold, and purses. He also shares how his businesses help the environment.

Silver discusses the effectiveness of affiliate business models. A lot of the marketing publishers employ tactics that can be considered deceptive. Silver shares his thoughts on shaving leads

Find out more about Trent Silver at www.silvervisibility.com. Check out Silver's businesses at www.cashforpurses.com and www.PhoneDaddy.com.

Direct download: sow-88-TrentSilver.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

Dave Hamilton is the co-founder of both The Mac Observer and BackBeat Media. He is also the producer and co-host of The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Podcast.

Dave has been involved in the computer and technology industry for over 15 years, doing work as not only a consultant and trainer but also a network engineer, webmaster, and programmer. Earlier, in his consulting days, he worked on the Mac, all the various Windows flavors, BeOS, a few brands of Unix, and it is rumored he once saw an OS/2 machine in action. Previous to his consulting experience he ran some of the earliest Bulletin Board systems.

Dave maintains his blog at DaveTheNerd.com

Direct download: sow-87-DaveHamilton.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

James Altucher is the Managing Director of Formula Capital and Founder of Stockpickr. He writes the popular blog, "Altucher Confidential." He is also the author of the new book, "Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream."

James first first went through big publishers to get your investing-related books out, but you now self-publish everything. James explains how viable self-publishing is and how he gets the word out for his books. 

James frequently holds Twitter chats with his followers and has even written books based off these conversations. Now he is paying people to read his new. book. This strategy is already revolutionizing content marketing.

James is the first person to pre-sell a book on Bitcoin. He describes his outlook on this currency, and how will it affect gold's value. 

Visit Altucher Confidential at www.jamesaltucher.com.

Direct download: sow-86-JamesAltucher.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Ryan Holiday is the Director of PR Strategy at American Apparel and author of, "Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator." He explains how he manipulated the media and lied his way to MSNBC, Inside Edition, ABC, NY Times, and many more outlets. 

Ryan believes contemporary blogging practices are similar to 19th and 20th century yellow journalism. He thinks big business drives today's media.

Mark Cuban recently lashed out at Facebook, saying their promoted posts are ridiculous. Ryan analyzes whether Facebook really improves a company's brand.

Find out more about Ryan Holiday at www.ryanholiday.net.

Direct download: sow-85-RyanHoliday.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:43pm EST

Patrick Ambron is Co-founder & CEO of Brand Yourself, which helps shape online profiles for people, companies and brands. Ambron explains how people can brand themselves better online. He believes there is significant room for the online reputation management industry to grow.

Ambron is still in his mid-20's. He explains how he got involved with this business while still in college at Syracuse University.

Visit Brand Yourself at www.brandyourself.com.

Direct download: sow-84-PatrickAmbron.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:44pm EST