Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman
Jason Hartman is joined by Anne Hogan, Community Manager at the Humane Society in Washington, D.C., to discuss the importance of engaging with your community of fans and followers, focusing on Facebook engagement, Twitter and blogger outreach. Anne emphasizes that responding to questions on a company’s Facebook page, on Twitter, and via email shows that [...]
Direct download: sow-59-AnneHogan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:36am EST

SOW 58 - "Link Building:  The Best Marketing Strategy You’ve Never Heard Of" with Alison Groves

Alison Groves of Raven Internet Marketing Tools joins Jason Hartman on this episode to discuss the marketing strategy of link building, literally a public relations tool to find relevant websites to help drive traffic to a business website, the actual acquisition of back links. Link building is an ethical, organic marketing approach, and Alison explains the process, beginning with good old-fashioned research, organization, and relationship building. Blogging, commenting on blogs, and writing reviews for reputable sites are just a few effective methods of link building. Marketing is turning more and more to building meaningful relationships in a business’s niche. Alison shares information about other tools that her company, Raven Marketing Tools has developed to assist marketers with reaching those niches and proving themselves to be experts in their fields. For more details on the benefits of link building, listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

Alison Groves ( @RavenAlison) spent nearly a decade in the music business before coming to the world of internet marketing. As the Product Coordinator for Raven Internet Marketing Tools, she works side by side with Raven's Chief Product Officer to ensure the Raven platform is constantly moving forward. Raven Internet Marketing Tools (http://raventools.com/) is an online platform that helps users quickly research, manage, monitor and report on SEO, social media and other Internet marketing campaigns. Alison is very passionate about using link building as a marketing strategy and encourages people to explore the benefits.

Direct download: sow-58-AlisonGroves.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:34am EST

Jason Hartman is joined by Dino Dogan, founder of Triberr, to talk about the secrets to building communities of customers, clients, audience, etc. for businesses and bloggers. Dino explains how relationships between businesses and consumers have changed through the years, emphasizing the need for businesses to engage with consumers to gain their trust and loyalty. [...]
Direct download: sow-57-DinoDogan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:05pm EST