Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Jason talks with author and marketer Jay Baer. Jay is an acclaimed keynote speaker, technology marketer, and social media consultant. Jay's newst book, Youtility, talks about key marketing ideas, and unique ideas to jump start your business.

Direct download: sow-123-JayBaer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:28pm EST

Michael Weissman is the Chairman, CEO and co-founder of SYNQY Corporation (pronounce Sync-ee). Weissman sees big changes that marketers need to consider in online content marketing, so he comes on the show to discuss how a marketer can rise above all the noise in online content marketing. 

Weissman explains how marketers can find enough content and gives the “right” goals all marketers should consider for digital and content marketing. He shares some tips on how marketers can better utilize technology to improve their content marketing.

Visit SYNQY Corporation at www.synqy.com.

Direct download: sow-122-MichaelWeissman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:00am EST

In this episode, Jason talks with Dan Norris, who owns a Wordpress support company. Dan provides technical support for Wordpress users and owners. 

Direct download: sow-121-DanNorris.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:45am EST

Brenda Garrison is a Christian speaker and author of, "Love No Matter What: When Your Kids Make Decisions You Don’t Agree With." 

Garrison joins the show to discuss how parents can guide their college freshman into good decision-making. She shares some tips for building life-long relationships with kids, including the dangers of the “My-Way-or-the-Highway" parental approach. Garrison believes parents can become a student of their child, which will ultimately help them after their child makes a poor life decision.


Visit Brenda Garrison's website at www.brendagarrison.com.

Direct download: sow-120-BrendaGarrison.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

"The Prudent Marketer," Steve Mills is the founder of the LinkedIn Academy. He joins the show to discuss his "Marketing without Money Formula" and gives some tips for more effective location marketing. Mills believes in creating targeted, local content, so he shares some secrets to automating such services.

Mills is also one of the foremost experts on LinkedIn. He shares how publishers can use LinkedIn to effectively market.

Find out more about Steve Mills by visiting www.theprudentmarketer.com and www.stevemillsmarketing.com. Visit the LinkedIn Academy at www.thelinkedinacademy.com.

Direct download: sow-119-SteveMills.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:53am EST

Eder Holguin is the founder of Ideal Media, former Chief Revenue Officer at Virtual Fan Network, former Chief Revenue Officer at Integrate, former Chief Marketing Officer at Krush, and the founder of OnDemand Research and Iron Traffic. He's an accomplished marketing entrepreneur and speaker.

Holguin tells us about Ideal Media's content discovery platform and how he's able to offer free content marketing services to his advertisers. He describes the model and how its different from Outbrain.

Holgui then shares some content marketing rules for success. He answers what is left for advertisements to be placed on and discusses the next major place we will see ads. He also elaborates on consumers becoming numb to current advertising.

Visit Ideal Media at www.idealmedia.com.

Direct download: sow-118-EderHolguin.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:02am EST

Tim Grahl is the Chief Thinker of the Out:think Group and author of, "Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book." He joins the show to discuss how any book can sell at least 1,000 copies on Amazon.

Visit the Out:think Group at www.outthinkgroup.com.

Direct download: sow-117-TimGrahl.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:51am EST

David Newman is the Founder of Do It! Marketing. He's a prolific marketing speaker and author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller: "Do It! Marketing: 77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits and Crush Your Competition."

Newman discusses the services he offers professional speakers, authors and consultants to maximize their income. He also shares some tips for speaking more profitably. 

The conversation then shifts to personal marketing, including key differences between marketing one's business vs. their career. Newman explains whether the Door-to-Door Salesman can survive today. He talks about the future of marketing and selling - and business in general.

Newman tops it all off with some myths about marketing that are just no longer true, and he answers whether kickstarters work for marketing young businesses. 

Find out more about Do It! Marketing at http://www.doitmarketing.com.

Direct download: sow-116-DavidNewman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:45am EST

Note: Please excuse the poor audio quality. Edward Meyer is the VP of Exhibits and Archives at Ripley Publishing. He's been with Ripley's for more than 30 years. He joins the show to explain what has helped make Ripley so sustainable, engaging and entertaining. He also shares some of the new marketing tactics he's utilizing for his books and exhibits.

Meyer then shares some crazy stories in this year's edition, such as: 

- Oscar the Incredible Traveling Dog visiting over 30 countries in the past three years

- Creepy and crazy Halloween-theme stories

Visit Ripley's Publishing at www.ripleys.com.

Direct download: sow-115-EdwardMeyer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Yaro Starak is an acclaimed blogger and Internet entrepreneur from Australia, Brisbane. He joins the show to discuss how people can make more than $10,000 a month just by sitting in front of their laptops. He follows up by discussing Tim Ferris' book, "4-Hour Work Week".

Yaro has been creating, buying and selling internet assets since 1998. He teaches people how to make a full-time income from blogging part time through his Blog Mastermind coaching program and how to launch online membership sites through his Membership Site Mastermind course. 

Find out more about Yaro Starak at www.yarostarak.com. Learn how you can work two hours a day at www.2HourWorkDay.com. Become a better blogger by visiting www.blogmastermind.com.

Direct download: sow-114-YaroStarak.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:43am EST

Susan Wingate is the winner of five literary awards and is a #1 Amazon Best Selling Author. She is an expert in e-book self-publishing. Her work has ranged from young adult romance to dark mystery. Susan has won various other literary awards for her short stories and poetry. 

In this interview, Wingate explains how writers can create an award-winning and popular blog.

Find out more about Susan Wingate at www.susanwingate.com

Direct download: sow-113-SusanWingate.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:50am EST

Jason Drohn is an American marketing expert, author, entrepreneur, and ex-truck driver for Pepsi Bottling Group in Erie, Pennsylvania. His is a genuine story of overcoming adversity. Alongside his wife Chelsey, he has gone from living too broke to buy spaghetti noodles to leaving his truck driving job in 2006 because of the successful business he built with the power of digital marketing.

Even while studying at Mercyhurst College, Jason recognized he had a talent for communication that resonated and motivated, and he has used those gifts to build an amazingly successful marketing company and assist major companies explode their bottom line profits.

Literally thousands of people have benefited from Jason's digital training and coaching programs such as MoneySites.com and Leveling Up Marketing to name a few. He has consulted privately with both major companies and home-based business owners all over the world. Jason's business strategies for marketing on the internet are state of the art and have become one of the highest standards of quality.

Find out more about Jason Drohn at www.jasondrohn.com.

Direct download: sow-112-JasonDrohn.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:34am EST

Mike Muhney is the CEO & Co-Founder VIPorbit Software Int'l, Inc and co-founder & co-inventor of ACT!. VIPorbit improves marketing to customers and leads through iPhone contacts. Muhney is dubbed as the father of CRM.

Muhney explains NRM and why he thinks it is the future of info marketing. He also discusses why social media can be bad for a company's brand.

Visit VIPorbit at www.viporbit.com.

Direct download: sow-111-MikeMuhney.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:06pm EST