Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Today's Flash Back Friday takes us to Episode 75, from April 2013.

There is hardware and software technology available for seemingly everything, and more are being developed every day. But who actually uses them the way they were intended, let alone to their full potential? Often people just let the tools get stale while they go off looking for the next great thing.

Jason Hartman is joined by techno-geek Sierra Modro, technology futurist, speaker, and consultant. The two talk about how businesses can save a lot of money by simply learning to properly use many of the resources they've already purchased. New products may seem to be the latest and greatest, but are they worth the time and money to switch to? Sierra explains how the iPad is being underutilized for business needs.

Sierra also gives some recommendations for cheap or free tools that businesses should look into, Dropbox being one of them. Most organizations already have more technology than they are effectively using. Stop wasting your technology resources.




Direct download: SW_269_FBF_Sierra_Modro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Today's Flash Back Friday takes us to Episode 67, from January 2013, with Pat Flynn.

In today's world it's becoming more and more possible to make extra money passively. Pat Flynn is an advocate for passive income, generating passive income through multiple streams like e-books, audio guides, affiliate marketing, and more.

Flynn reminds listeners that passive streams of income don't just happen overnight, you have to work at it, put in the time, THEN it can become passive. Pat gives listeners some ways they can use existing platforms to spread their message and increase their passive income.

And Pat doesn't just talk, his blog has over 50,000 subscribers, and his YouTube videos have millions of views.



Direct download: SW_268_Pat_Flynn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Stefanie Hartman, founder of Centaur Strategies, to discuss marketing strategies for experts looking to position themselves better in their field.

Stefanie has worked with top industry players such as T. Harv Eker, Matt Bacak, Eric Lofholm and Cynthia Kersey. She was able to increase one client's revenue by $4.3 million in 2 years.

Direct download: SW_267_Stefanie_Hartman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Jason Hartman talks with Daniel Pink, author of Drive and To Sell is Human, about what he did on his Nat Geo show crowd control, and some interesting ways we can motivate others.

In 2015, Daniel was named one of the top 10 business thinkers in the world by Thinkers 50, and his TED Talk on the science of motivation is one of the 10 most-watched TED Talks of all time, having been watched over 19 million times. Prior to becoming an author and a speaker, Daniel worked as chief speechwriter for Vice President Al Gore from 1995-1997.

Key Takeaways:

[5:00] How Daniel's show was able to help a beef jerky vendor double his sales

[9:47] Daniel's fascination with the width to height ratio of people's faces based on scientific research

[13:54] Daniel's idea to stop bike theft in New Orleans that didn't work so well (but he still thinks is a great one)

[19:41] It's human nature to discount the future self

[21:40] What motivates people and how we can be better at it

[26:57] The importance of giving people a purpose, not just a job



Direct download: SW_266_Daniel_Pink.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21pm EST