Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Today’s  Speaking of Wealth Show features the ultimate in the world of travel, Chris Guillebeau, who has visited every one of the world’s countries. Together, he and Jason Hartman discuss many of the issues facing those looking at finding alternative sources of income, as well as providing general life tips to achieve the most success and satisfaction from what you do. He also describes some of the personal, real-life stories included in his latest book The Happiness of Pursuit. 


Key Takeaways

02.36 – Chris Guillebeau is one of the rare few who can say they’ve visited every country in the world, but it’s not just about bragging rights.

04.47 – Having just a $100 start-up gives you the chance to branch out, become empowered and find meaningful freedom.

10.20 – Once you’ve figured out what you want to get from life, you can work your projects around that.

12.16 – There are certain questions you need to ask yourself to be sure you’re really getting everything you can out of life.

16.12 – Try not to regret late starts – it’s almost never the first movers who end up most successful. 

18.55 – Chris Guillebeau’s book, The Happiness Pursuit, deals with the undertaking of various challenges, how real people have dealt with them and the effects they’ve had on them.

21.21 – People like having some kind of marker that shows how far they’ve come and how far they’ve got to go. It can help to make the challenge feel even more real. 

22.39 – For more information and to read Chris’s blog, head to www.ChrisGuillebeau.com

23.21 – Whatever it is you want to do, start it. No-one’s going to do it for you and you have to start somewhere.


Mentioned in this episode

The $100 Start Up by Chris Guillebeau

The Happiness Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau


The Lean Start Up by Eric Ries

Direct download: SOW__179_Chris_Guillebeau.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:47am EST

Joining Jason Hartman on today’s Speaking of Wealth Show is fellow podcaster, Freddie Mixell. Freddie is something of a podcasting guru with his various websites, including the Podcasters’ Boot Camp. Today, he lets listeners into his ultimate top tips on podcasting, ranging from creating interesting content, how to get your podcast up and running, and how to work your way as high up iTunes’ charts as possible.


Key Takeaways

02.56 – Freddie Mixell’s very first tip is fundamental: having an idea is great, but your podcast is nothing until you actually put in the effort to create it.

04.25 – The introduction of guests adds a new element to your show, and is great for increasing your audience.

05.25 – Social media, in its very nature, can help emerging podcasters in so many ways!

06.10 – iTunes lists and rankings are fuelled by ratings and reviews; take every chance to get those

09.48 – Every piece of information you give is important. Work out the tricks to filling in forms.

14.00 – Turn podcasting into a social experience and see your audience and following grow!

17.27 – Find out more from Freddie Mixel at www.PodcastersBootCamp.com


Mentioned in this episode

Podcasting: Good to Great by Jared Easley

Direct download: SOW_178_Freddie_Mixell_7_Podcasting_Tips.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:45am EST

Former online guru, Ryan Moran, joins Jason Hartman to talk about the pitfalls and success of working with marketing and info-publishing in this Internet-fueled world. They discuss topics such as how to optimize product selection and sales on Amazon, as well as how you can use other people’s actions as a chance to work out what’s best for your business.


Key Takeaways

03.58 – Passive income streams are always best when there’s no correlation between time invested and money gained.

06.02 – If you’re selling with Amazon, be sure to think clearly about how you want your products conveyed.

10.01 – Ryan Moran gives some of his more specific strategies for success which worked for him.

16.13 – Look at what everyone else is doing and work out what you can do differently.

18.17 – Like with Google, there are a few key ways to working through Amazon’s algorithm.

22.22 – Before you even think about selling strategies, you need to ask some questions to optimize your product selection.

27.38 – Think about the lifestyle you envisioned and stick to that. Don’t lose your purpose.

30.12 – The longer your vision of success, the more successful you will be.

31.48 – For more information about Ryan Moran, head to www.FreedomFastLane.com and search ‘Freedom Fast Lane’ in the iTunes store to access his podcast.


Mentioned in this episode


Direct download: SOW_177_Ryan_Moran_Freedom_Fast_Lane_Internet_Marketing.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:43pm EST

Kurt Mortensen is an expert in persuasion, influence, and negotiation. He has spent at least 15 years studying the art of persuasion and motivational psychology. He is also a best-selling author and has written books such as The Laws of Charisma, Maximum Influence, and Persuasion IQ. He shares some important tips and tricks on the show to help you become a little bit more persuasive in your every day life. 


Key Takeaways:

3:30 – Everything we do and what we want comes from the ability to influence other people. 

6:40 – Millionaires are more open to hearing what you have to say than the average joe. 

10:15 – People believe charisma is born in people, but the truth it is learned. 

15:10 – People who over do their perfume or cologne is a big turn off during a business meeting. Keep it simple. 

20:15 – How you word things is also a big factor to how you influence people. 

24:00 – How do you change the mood of an audience? Kurt explains in this segment. 

28:05 – Biggest problem for persuaders is that they push too much. 

30:10 – We gotta get the little yeses along the way before we can get the big yes. Break it down in smaller pieces.


Mentioned In This Episode: 



Direct download: SoW_176_Kurt_Mortensen_Influence.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:20pm EST