Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman welcomes Stefanie Hartman, founder of Centaur Strategies, to the show to discuss behind the scenes marketing strategies for experts to better position themselves in their given fields.

Stefanie shares her own expert knowledge in marketing, such as “Thinking Outside the Book,” what to do after your book is written. Jason and Stefanie also talk about back-end sales strategies, copywriting and campaign design. At Centaur Strategies, Stefanie Hartman works with a team of behind the scenes specialists when you need to make the profits happen, including: copywriters, virtual assistants, joint venture specialists, branding experts, media experts and advertising executives. Often referred to as “The Expert’s Expert”, Certified Trainer and Marketing Consultant Stefanie Hartman is a highly sought after Marketing Strategist and Speaker in the niche market of non-fiction book marketing.

Whether they need extraordinary sales results for an upcoming teleclass, speaking engagement or product launch, or a complete overhaul of their marketing strategy – Best-selling Authors, Speakers and Entrepreneurs serious about selling Information Products have called her number. She has worked with top industry players such as T. Harv Eker, Matt Bacak, Eric Lofholm and Cynthia Kersey.

Stefanie is well-known in the inner circles of multi-millionaire authors, speakers and experts. She rarely advertises her services as 90% of her business is through satisfied client referrals. Her work often speaks for itself. Stefanie’s marketing strategies contributed to an increase of revenue of $4.3 Million in 24 months for one client. Stefanie’s specialty is customizing and creating marketing strategies that are simple for her client to use, but rapidly increases their profits and sales results. She teaches her clients “why” she recommends specific strategies so they can build their own ‘marketing eyes’. She is very warm and cares about her client’s well-being and success. As she puts it “Your Success is my Business.”

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-18.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:53pm EST


Join Jason Hartman as he interviews Shannon Cherry, The Power Publicist, about the best practices to get companies to sponsor small business owners, coaches, consultants, and non-profit leaders who want to reach a certain target demographic.  Shannon founded the Sponsorship Made Simple Academy and has been helping organizations secure hundreds of thousands of dollars in sponsorships for more than 15 years.

As the Power Publicist, Shannon Cherry, APR, MA, helps business owners and entrepreneurs attract more customers through publicity and marketing. She is the founder and president of Cherry Communications and its subsidiaries, Be Heard Solutions and Penny Pinching Publicity.

A former TV and newspaper journalist, Shannon has developed hundreds of innovative public relations strategies. Her clients have appeared on the pages of USA Today, the New York Times, Money Magazine, Associated Press, and Parenting and have been featured on the Today Show, CNN, The History Channel, Good Morning America, and Oprah.

An award-winning publicist and published author of two books, Shannon was named one of the top 60 business bloggers in the world & one of the top 30 PR bloggers. Shannon publishes the popular and highly-recommended e-zine, Be Heard!, delivered to more than 6500 subscribers each month.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-17.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:40am EST