Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman talks with Kim Mateus, Senior Partner of Mequoda Group, LLC who leads the Mequoda Research Team responsible for content development for events, seminars, workshops and in-house training programs. She works with new and existing consulting clients to help assess their current internet marketing programs and design educational and consulting services to increase their online revenues and profits. Kim oversees the email newsletter providing publishers with free tips and case studies to help them succeed online.

She also oversees the online video training library covering SEO, website architecture, email marketing, key metrics and more. Kim also manages content development, production and marketing for all Mequoda white papers, webinars and live events. She is an active member of the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA) and the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA). 

She co-hosts the twice-a-year two-day summit which explores current best practices for media strategy and internet marketing strategy. Kim is a frequent speaker for the Specialized Information Publishers Association and was the Email Marketing Track Chair for SIPA’s 31st Annual International Newsletter & Specialized Information Conference in Washington, DC.

Kim received her B.A. in Journalism and Public Relations from Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-5.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:49pm EST