Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Nick Loper of Side Hustle Nation joins Jason Hartman to discuss three different business models, from sales to services, everything from knife sharpening to pooper scooping. Build a side hustle to fund your vacation or fund your next investment property. Nick Loper is host to a podcast and author of a couple of books. His creative approach to building business outside of the standard brick and mortar has inspired thousands. 

Books: The Side HustleThe Progress Journal

Key Takeaways:

[0:45] Nick jokes that one of the best ways to build your side hustle is through a self-published book with extremely long subtitles. 

[3:00] If you’re looking to make money quickly, with the lowest barrier to entry...

[6:30] Who hires a lawn service? Twenty years ago, only 5% hired out. Now, it's closer to 40%.

[10:00] Podcasting still hasn’t reached its full potential. 

[15:45] 500+ Online Resources?





Direct download: SoW_Nick_Loper_Side_Hustle_Nation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST