Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Ken Wisnefski is the founder of WebiMax and is a respected leader in the online marketing industry. He started WebiMax to help provide clients with a reliable partner that could help them grow their presence online. He talks to Jason today on the Speaking of Wealth show about upcoming trends, lead generation, Facebook ads, and even Netflix. 


Key Takeaways:

3:00 – What's the best practices in lead scoring? Ken shares some important insights in this segment. 

6:20 – It's scary that Google has so much power. So many people rely on their business model. 

9:10 – Is Facebook advertising worth it? Ken says it's worth it for the mobile space. It's also better than Google AdWords right now. 

12:50 – However, Ken feels that you shouldn't abandon Google for Facebook. 

16:45 – Ken talks about the Netflix model and how he thinks we're going to see more of that business model else where. 

20:25 – Final thoughts? Companies that have been following traditional advertising paths will ultimately abandon all of those things and invest in digital marketing.


Mentioned In This Episode: 


Direct download: SoW_175_Ken_Wisnefski_WebiMax.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:47am EST

Corey Coates has edited both radio and podcasting shows for the last 10 years. He is also the owner of Podfly, a company that produces professional podcasts and provides audio editing services. Corey talks with Jason about the future of podcasting and how easy it is to make one-on-one connections with listeners through this up and coming medium. 


Key Takeaways:

2:20 – Corey has been podcasting since 2006 and has worked with a lot of industry leaders in podcasting over the last 9 years. 

4:20 – With podcasting you can target a very specific audience on your own terms. 

7:50 – Overseas Radio Network had a regular radio stream of shows, but also had it available for download in case people wanted to listen to a specific show on their own time. 

9:10 – Podcasting takes time and patience. Developing a good podcast is still best done organically and through word of mouth. 

12:37 – You don't need a large audience to be a successful podcaster. 

15:50 – Audio equipment is so cheap and compact that you can literally record your show using GarageBand on your iPhone.  

19:18 – Corey talks about the company Buzzsprout, who is looking at new ways to make podcasting easier. 

23:45 – Corey talks a little bit about Podfly and how they help clients with the pre and post-production aspect of their podcast. 

25:15 – Jason loves Podfly. He says that he is able to produce content faster than ever before because Podfly takes a load off his hands. 

28:15 – Having a lot of content available on a regular basis is what builds a great audience. 

29:15 – You can't game the Apple iTunes system. Apple ranks you based on a number of downloads and the number of subscribers you have over a 4 week period. 


Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: SOW_174_Corey_Coates_Podfly.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

When Jason Van Orden found out about podcasting in 2004, he knew it was going to be big. He created his business around business podcasting and is a well-known expert in the field. He has taught thousands of people how to use their personal stories to captivate an audience and make money doing what they love. Jason sits down with Jason Hartman to share his story and talk about how he was able to make it. 


Key Takeaways:

4:35 – Jason wasn't born an entrepreneur. He took the traditional business path, but ended up hating it.  

9:45 – Blogs weren't that popular at the time, so Jason used forums to get his name out there. 

12:00 – Google didn't even know what podcasting was in early 2005. 

15:10 – Jason's tips to launching a podcast is – who's your audience, what is their desire/pain you're trying to solve for them, and what are you bringing to the table that other people aren't? 

19:50 – iTunes looks carefully at how many people rate a podcast, subscribed to it, etc and will make you more authoritative in the iTunes network based on this. 

25:00 – Jason V and Jason H both love Facebook ads. 

28:00 – Jason V's audience has been following his company for 9 years, they've grown with him, so he's looking forward to helping them take their business to the next level and make 6-7 figure incomes. 

32:00 – Information marketers need to think about not only selling the information, the product, but also sell the community around it. 

34:25 – If you need to build a community for your business, just create a private Facebook group. 



Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: SoW_173_20JasonVanOrden_Podcasting_and_IM.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:27am EST

Jason gives a warm welcome to Justin Gilchrist, who is an author and an expert in buying online businesses. He and two others co-founded Centurica, which helps people with online business assessment and does the necessarily due diligence and verification to make sure an online company is worth purchasing. Today, Justin provides some great tips for anybody looking to purchase an online business. 


Key Takeaways:

6:00 – A good online business should be at least 3 years old before a customer should purchase it. 

8:30 – Part of Centurica's due diligence package is to verify how an online business receives their customers.   

12:00 – Depending on your technical expertise, Justin would recommend different types of online businesses that would be a good fit for you.  

15:40 – Far too often do businesses over report their revenue or doing crazy accounting schemes to make a business appear more valuable than it really is.  

20:40 – It's important to gather all the necessary information and make sure the website doesn't look 'too good to be true'. 

22:00 – Justin gives out a very technical example as to why one of the seller's websites didn't meet requirements. 

23:50 – Remember to always use leverage when buying a website. This can help decrease your costs and make it easier for you to pay off over time. 



Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: S0W_172_Justin_Gilchrist_Buying_Web_Businesses20_mixdown.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:17pm EST