Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Social media is truly today’s wave of marketing and it doesn’t have to require a multi-million dollar marketing budget to really create a name for yourself. Jason Hartman talks with Sinan Kanatsiz, Chairman and CEO of KComm and Chairman and Founder of The Internet Marketing Association. Sinan shares his expertise in making social media marketing a success without going broke.

Building a brand for yourself starts with understanding Google Analytics and social media, and creating a robust website with strong content. Sinan also recommends a content management system and a strong e-newsletter to create a strong social media presence. E-newsletters and e-zines are quickly replacing paper newsletters and magazines. In today’s marketing world, a good newsletter is paramount to your brand. It should be personalized and contain educational material promoting the industry you work in, without a big sales pitch for your own business. Consumers respond to stimulation, so the newsletters should be well illustrated and laid out, and with all of the new gadgets available today for reading, such as e-Readers and smart phones, it should also be created with portability in mind.

Sinan also shares with listeners how to market their brand through other brands without using pay-per-click. He discusses the basics of loosely defined partnerships, advises giving away for free some of what you do in your business, and using organic search engines for SEO. Sinan Kanatsiz is the Chairman and CEO of KComm, a marketing communications firm specializing in Public Relations, Public Affairs, Internet Marketing, Events and Strategic Relationships, founded in a sewing room in Sinan’s parents’ house in 1995. It has grown to be a large business, with a client roster that encompasses large and small, local and global clients.

Sinan is also the Chairman and Founder of The Internet Marketing Association (IMA), a professional organization that currently boasts over 515,000 members in various fields, including sales, marketing, business ownership, programming and creative development. Sinan started IMA with four key values as a foundation for success in today’s highly competitive business environment: integrity, communication, professionalism and education.

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:22am EST