Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman (general)

Kimanzi Constable has an amazing story to share with the audience. He is a writer for The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, and much more. He is also the author of two books, Are you Living or Existing? And Tales of the Everyday Working Man and Woman. On the show, he shares his story with Jason on how he switched from being a bread delivery truck driver to an author, speaker, and consultant.  He shares key tips on how to increase your following and live the life you've always wanted. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:55] Kimanzi shares his story and background. 

[5:25] In Kimanzi's book, he shares stories of the everyday working man and woman. 

[6:58] Kimanzi read Amanda Hocking's success story in a USA Today magazine and was instantly inspired to become an author himself. 

[11:40] Kimanzi found great success in guest blogging and appearing in podcast interviews to expand his audience. 

[14:10] How did Kimanzi get all these guest post/podcast interview opportunities? 

[17:05] Don't get discouraged. Kimanzi was able to push through hardship because he had goals. 

[19:40] It's possible to live your dream. 

[21:05] Final business tips? Try to target larger websites to guest post on. 

[24:45] Kimanzi now consults companies how to improve their online presence. 


Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: SoW_209_Kimanzi_Constable_From_Bread_Delivery_to_Aurthor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Omar Zenhom is the host of The $100 MBA podcast, which won the iTunes award for The Best of iTunes 2014. He and his business partner, Nicole Baldinu, create quick ten minute daily podcasts. Omar talks about his background in education, how to successfully generate buzz for your new podcast, and much more on today's show. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:15] The $100 MBA wasn't Omar's first podcast. 

[4:00] Omar's podcast balances quality between content and production really well. How does he do it? 

[6:45] Use your strengths to help people. 

[10:35] Omar was accepted into Wharton business school, but he left after a semester later.  

[13:20] Universities often have nothing to do with teaching or learning. 

[17:30] Both Omar and Jason hate listening to banter on podcasts. They want to hear the information quickly. 

[20:35] Omar talks about how he generated buzz for his podcast before it launched. 

[26:35] What's Omar's work flow? 

[29:50] Who listens to Omar's podcast? 

[34:50] Final tip? Define your own success. 


Mentioned In This Episode:





Direct download: SoW_208_Omar_Zenhom_The_24100_MBA_26_Business_Republic.mp3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

James Karl Butler is a serial entrepreneur who has built four companies from the startup phase into a million dollar business. He is the author of seven books and talks about his most recent book, The System is the Secret. He tells Jason why it's important to have a good system in place and how strong systems are the key to business growth in any industry you are in. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:05] Good systems are the key to growing your business rapidly. 

[3:40] James talks about the various moving parts needed for a successful business. 

[4:50] How do you develop a good lead generating system? 

[15:05] You need some kind of lead magnet that will attract your potential customer to your website.

[18:35] How do you find good talent for your company? What's the hiring process?  

[23:30] Ask your potential employee lots of questions about your business to see who they are as people and also see where you're business is lacking. 

[25:00] Crave out 90 minute blocks once a week to work on these very important systems. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

The E-Myth by Michael Gerber

Influence by Robert Cialdini



Direct download: SoW_207_James_Karl_Butler_The_System_is_the_Secret.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:55pm EST

Lori Cheek has faced the sharks on Shark Tank and tells Jason about her experience. She shares her story from the beginning of the application process to the end when the show was aired. She talks about what her business is about and where it is today after she survived the sharks. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:30] What is the Shark Tank application process? 

[5:30] Shark Tank requires you to produce a five minute video of yourself during the application process. 

[11:25] She couldn't talk about Shark Tank to her friends, family, and even the other contestants on the show. 

[13:55] Lori talks about what it was like facing the sharks. 

[18:00] What's Lori's business about? 

[19:40] Once the sharks heard Lori's numbers, they didn't want to go further. 

[23:00] Shark Tank doesn't take equity from your business anymore. 

[24:20] The day after the show aired, Lori received so many visitors on her website. 


[26:05] Where is Lori's business today? 

Direct download: SoW_206_Lori_Cheek_How_To_Get_On_Shark_Tank_Or_Any_Reality_TV_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST

Kyle Gray talks on how our audience is constantly being bombarded by content, which is why we need to find creative new ways to grab their attention. He personally recommends using visuals elements like graphs, charts, and infographics to convey your message and get more exposure. He talks on how to create high-quality infographics for free to low-cost and much more on today's show. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:40] People are looking for a story and don't want to read huge blocks of text. 

[2:30] How do we do visual content? 

[9:15] Graphs are actually pretty easy to make. 

[11:45] If you can afford it, have someone create a custom image for your blog. 

[13:35] Kyle prefers finding skilled artists on Dibbble. 

[16:05] Why is Buzzfeed so popular? 

[20:30] How should we label images or the files from an SEO perspective? 


Mentioned In This Episode:











Direct download: SoW_205_Kyle_Gray_Content_Marketing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:12pm EST

Jon Benson is a marketing guru and has some great tips on how to capture your target audience. He is the creator of the 3X Video Sales Letter Formula and the 3X Sellerator. Jon talks to Jason about the importance of improving your copy writing, having an ideal avatar, why he loves video sales letters, and much more. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:30] When writing a sales letter or copy, don't be afraid to overuse the word 'you' and break the rules of grammar. 

[8:55] Write to your audience like you're writing to a family member. 

[13:40] People love to back people who have strong voices and opinions. 

[17:50] Niche down on your topic and you will make more money.

[21:20] 3X Sellerator is as easy as you can get when generating a video sales letter. 

[24:00] What is modality marketing? 

[29:30] Use both a video sales letter and a traditional text-based sales letter to sell your product. 

[32:10] Jon has some special offers for Jason's audience. 


Mentioned In This Episode:



Direct download: SoW_204_Jon_Benson_Video_Sales_Letter_26_Copy_Writer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EST

Kathleen Gage has been successfully self-employed for the past 20 years and has developed quite a track record. She helps entrepreneurs make money online and has a no-nonsense approach to business. Kathleen is also the author of Power Up for Profits. Jason and Kathleen talk about mastermind groups, how to start one, and why making that big investment is worth it. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:30] What has Kathleen learned from being a participant of mastermind groups? 

[4:35] When people have to pay to be part of a mastermind group, they bring their A game with them. 

[14:00] Starting your own mastermind? Start small. 

[15:30] Talk to your colleagues who have already started masterminds. 

[19:15] There is no cookie cutter answer to how you should price your mastermind. 

[20:15] How should you structure the meetings? 

[23”30] Kathleen doesn't like large mastermind groups. She prefers them more intimate. 


Mentioned In This Episode:



Ben Krueger is the owner of Authority Engine and is an avid podcaster. His company specializes in helping people start podcasts and other podcast related trainings. He talks to Jason on some very helpful podcast marketing tips to better utilize your audience and how you can build stronger relationships with your listeners. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Podcasting allows you to create content in a very easy way and it builds relationships. 

[5:20] Can podcasting work for the local provider? The dentist, chiropractor, etc? 

[9:45] Don't be afraid to turn some people off. 

[14:15] Develop a podcast the way you'd develop any friendship. 

[16:25] Ben shares direct response marketing tips to convert listeners into potential customers.

[22:10] Jason loves Tucker Max's show notes. 

[29:00] Podcast between 17-22 minutes long works really well for listeners. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Influence by Robert Cialdini


Audio-Technica ATR2100 Microphone. 

Skype Call Recorder




Direct download: SoW_Ben_Krueger_Authority_Engine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EST

Brian Kane is the host of ProfitCast and an avid podcaster. He has a background in radio and shares tips to Jason's audience on how you can be a better podcaster, remove those filler words, get listener loyalty and engagement, and much more on today's show. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:35] How can podcasters gain listener loyalty? Brian has five ways.  

[10:10] Jason finally started asking his listeners personally for reviews.

[12:30] Find the common enemy with our listeners. 

[17:20] Give honest reviews on iTunes instead of five star reviews. 

[22:35] iTunes is implementing consequences for shows that have 'too many' reviews. 

[26:45] Brian has tips on how to reduce your filler words. 

[28:40] What's a good podcast format? 

[33:50] Put yourself in the seat of the listener and ask yourself if this is a show you want to listen to. 


Mentioned In This Episode:


Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath 



Direct download: SoW_201_Brain_Kane_ProfitCast_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:22pm EST


Shane Snow is the co-founder of Contently and the author of the book Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success. Shane Snow's book talks on the patterns of people throughout history beating expectations and revolutionizing their industry. In today's episode, Shane talks on the different ways you can think about ideas, problem solve, and three important questions to ask yourself when you're trying to be innovative. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:40] What are some of the great hacks that innovators have done throughout history 

[6:15] It's risky to do things differently, but there can be a much higher reward from doing things differently in a smart way. 

[6:35] In the book, Shane talks about shortening, leverage, and soar. He explains what this means. 

[11:30] How do you become important to an influencer? 

[18:05] What are some of the questions you can ask yourself to think differently?

[23:50] Advice for people who want to become an entrepreneur? Join a startup.  


Mentioned In This Episode:

Give and Take by Adam Grant. 




Direct download: SoW_200_Shane_Snow_SmartCuts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EST


Steven Essa started out as a broke musician and now has done over $8 million in webinar sales. He shares some fantastic tips on how to make a great 60 minute webinar presentation, utilizing other people's marketing lists to generate sales, and much more on today's episode. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:35] Steven talks a little bit about his story. 

[5:40] Doing your webinars live brings a more natural message to the audience. 

[7:00] A product $1,000 or less, it's a 60 minute webinar. If it's more than $1,000, then it's 90 minutes.

[14:10] You want to have between 3 to 5 steps and really break it down so the content is simple. 

[21:00] Steven explains how he closes the deal in a webinar. 

[26:25] How do you get people to your webinar? 

[31:05] If you're getting more than a 10% conversion rate, your prices are too low. 


Mentioned In This Episode:



Direct download: SoW_199_Steven20Essa-WEBINAR20MARKETING.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am EST

Adam Hommey is a conversions expert and shares fundamental tips on how to use both Facebook and LinkedIn discussion groups. He talks on the difference between a closed and secret group, how to get the attention of your peers, and how to sell without selling. 


Key Takeaways:

[3:05] Why are discussion groups important? 

[6:10] The point of a discussion group is to build a tribe and a community. 

[10:00] Direct people to a landing page, have them opt-in, and then lead them to a secret discussion group. 

[14:40] Instead of working off a theoretical avatar, you have the person right there in front of you. 

[20:30] On Facebook, don't add members to a discussion, invite them instead. 

[27:50] Just by being helpful in a group, Adam has made a lot of affiliate income. 

[33:20] Add me and message me is Adam's five magic words. 


Mentioned In This Episode:




Jason Parker's List Building Club

 Marketing Megaminds

Internet Marketing Super Friends

Business Dojo


Your Virtual Assistants

Direct download: SOW_198_Adam_Hommey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42am EST

Patrick Hanlon joins the Speaking of Wealth audience and talks to Jason Hartman about his book, Primal Branding. Patrick sits down with Jason to talk about the seven primal rules of branding and how it can apply to small and big businesses alike. As a side note, Primal Branding was released in 2006 and there is now a newer version of the book with more recent tech examples entitled Social Code.


Key Takeaways:

1:30 – Jason gives a short introduction of Patrick. 

5:10 – It can be hard to relate to these bigger companies, but remember, they had to start somewhere too. 

8:45 – Patrick shares a neat story about Maxwell House coffee. 

12:30 – Patrick talks about the non-believers or the 'opposites'. 

17:10 – Do the creation stories work better when you're a larger business? 

20:30 – America's brand is entrepreneurship. 

25:10 – How do you apply Primal Branding to social media? 


27:25 – Social Code is the name of the new book. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon

Social Code by Patrick Hanlon

Simon Sinek TED Talk



Direct download: SOW2018820Patrick20Hanlon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:54pm EST

Whether it’s your spouse, significant other, family, friends, or even business associates, each individual speaks his or her own love language.  “The Five Love Languages” are:  Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.  Understanding which of these languages makes that special someone feel loved can be essential to the success of any relationship.   Join Jason Hartman and renowned author, Dr. Gary Chapman as they discuss these timeless concepts and how our primary language affects our interactions in our relationships.  Please visit: http://www.jasonhartman.com/podcast.


Dr. Gary Chapman seeks to fulfill his call to the ministry as a pastor, speaker, and author. He speaks extensively throughout the U.S. and internationally on marriage, family, and relationships. The government of Singapore invited him to present his marriage seminar there and the Chaplain’s Office of NATO issued a special invitation for Dr. Chapman to speak to the NATO forces in Germany. Other engagements have taken him to England, Africa, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Mexico and Hong Kong. Sales exceeding 5 million copies earned him the Platinum Book Award from the Evangelical Publishers Association for The Five Love Languages, which has been translated into over thirty-six languages. Twenty-seven other books and five video series are also among his publications.

Direct download: SoW_186.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

Today, Jason Hartman welcomes Brian Horn of The Authority Alchemy podcast to the show. Brian has helped top celebrity entrepreneurs with their branding, search engine results, and internet marketing. In 2010, he was named 'Google Guru' by Inc Magazine and he has recently released a new book titled The Authority Mindset. He talks to Jason today about SEO and shares some important insider SEO tricks with him. 


Key Takeaways:

5:00 – Brain saw a dramatic increase in his conversions when he told people he had been featured on high-end news websites. 

8:20 – Amazon has more best-selling authors than anywhere else, because it's so easy to get into their system. 

11:00 – All people want to know is if you can help them or not. It's important to cater to that or else you won't succeed. Brain calls this, 'Educator/Advocate'. Focus on helping others succeed. 

14:40 – Focus on a specific market or niche. This helps you become an expert. 

22:00 – Ask yourself what your target customer is asking? Then target those specific keywords for them. 

25:20 – The Google Penguin update really scared Brain's clients away from SEO services. 

27:40 – Stay consistent with your message. Brain explains how you can fit into one of these fours characters to help with you brand. 




Mentioned In This Episode:

R.O.I. Marketing Secrets Revealed by Brain Horn

How to Backlink: Using the NEW Linkerati to Reach Page 1 of Google by Brian Horn




Direct download: SoW_171_20_Brian_Horn_The_Authority_Alchemy_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:44am EST

SOW 70 - Personal Integrity with Laurie Gerber

We progress through this life often believing that our experiences define who we are and how we respond to situations. We may believe we are essentially good, but have negative and self-defeating beliefs about ourselves that we perceive as truth based on previous experiences. Jason Hartman interviews life coach, Laurie Gerber of Handel Group, about eliminating these falsehoods through personal integrity to overcome whatever is blocking a person from success. For more details, visit: www.SpeakingofWealth.com. Laurie explains her five steps to personal integrity, using having more money as an example.

  1. Change your mind
  2. Find your role model
  3. Make your plan
  4. Keep promises and keep track
  5. Dare to do business

Laurie also talks about the “chicken” and the “brat” in each of us. We can make every excuse in the book for not pursuing and following through with our dreams. They sound legitimate in our heads, but if we’re honest with ourselves, they are just excuses that prevent us from realizing our goals. The Handel Group Life Coaching teaches many different exercises, beginning with what Laurie calls dream statements and moving into purging all negativity surrounding those statements. Obtaining personal integrity is empowering and she encourages people to use this power to change the world for the better. Laurie Gerber is President of Handel Group Life Coaching (HGLC) and an expert life coach herself. Passionate about personal development, Laurie has been coaching individuals and groups for 15 years. Before enthusiastically joining The Handel Group, Laurie owned and operated Partners with Parents, a tutoring and educational consulting business in New York City. Laurie oversees 16 coaches in their work with clients on improving all areas of life. She considers herself “an angel recruiter” because she is busy looking for other people who share her mission to instill more joy and peace in the world. “When all people are living true to their ideals, then I can rest,” she says. She doesn’t anticipate being able to rest anytime soon.

For the majority of her adult life, Laurie has been teaching and coaching adults and children in a variety of settings including lectures, discussion groups, seminars, classroom teaching, tutoring and one-on-one coaching. Laurie holds a degree in Education and Political Science from Swarthmore College, along with her teaching certification. She leads large groups at Kripalu Center, Esalen Institute, Equinox Fitness, Soho House, the JCC of Manhattan and Natural Health Magazine’s Women’s Wellness Weekends. She regularly blogs for The Daily Love, Huffington Post, Crazy Sexy Wellness, Dr. Frank Lipman, HGLC’s own weekly newsletter and more. Laurie's rigorous yet loving coaching style was recently showcased in MTV's True Life Special "I'm Getting A Second Chance." In April 2012, she launched “Wake Up Your Week,” an on-going subscription to weekly live teleseminars. Laurie feels blessed to spend her days (and most nights) doing work that makes her proud and she is inspired by HGLC clients for having the guts to look at themselves honestly.

Direct download: sow-50-LaurieGerber.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm EST