Fri, 29 May 2020
![]() Great news for investors, people are buying homes in the suburbs! Jason Hartman speaks about the importance of exact numbers. And as a prelude to our guest on public speaking, Jason answers some questions from our listeners. We thank you for your questions and always invite more James Rosebush, a former Deputy Assistant to President Reagan, is on the show to discuss his book, Winning Your Audience. He shares tips to sound more like Reagan, the great communicator. Key Takeaways: [6:00] Knowing when your numbers need to be exact, and when they can be rough estimates for purposes of comparison. [8:20] Newly pending homes up almost 50%! Does this mean the housing market is already rebounding from Covid-19? [12:00] Answering questions for listeners [20:30] Reagan, the great communicator, loved his audience. This was his secret to success as a speaker. [26:20] Speech abilities given to Reagan because of his history as an actor. [30:00] Some tips to speak a little more like Reagan. [32:00] Visualize what you want to give brilliance to your speech. [36:00] The experience of being blessed by the Pope. [37:00] 65% of communication is non-verbal. [41:00] If you speak from your heart, you will win. [44:00] We need more speakers that are sherpas. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Sat, 9 May 2020
Today, Jason Hartman discusses the Phillips curve and its relevance to our current economic situation. While we are all challenged in ways to adapt to our shelter-in-place advising, several benefits are being popularized out of necessity. Telemedicine, or telehealth, is growing rapidly, and not just for humans. Veterinary practices are using telemedicine for your pet's health as well. Steve Hochberg returns to elaborate on the Elliott Wave. How do we know when we have too much debt, the U.S., or the individual? Key Takeaways: [1:00] Is Kim Jong-Un alive? [5:30] Telemedicine, we’re finally there [8:00] The Phillips curve [14:00] Monetary policy comes from central banks, and fiscal policy comes from the government Guest: Steve Hochberg [22:00] Everything the Fed has said they’re going to do has been backed by the Treasury. The treasury has pledged to cover any losses that the Fed is going to incur through their lending programs, and this can’t go on forever [24:00] How do we know when we have too much debt? [28:30] “I think there’s a huge bull market starting right now, and it’s the bull-market in cash” -Hochberg Websites: Jason Hartman University Membership 1-800-HARTMAN Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)
Direct download: SoW_1448_Phillips_Curve_Elliot_Wave_Steve_Hochberg_PART_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Fri, 1 May 2020
Jason Hartman shares sound advice on the top four reasons that a company fails. Steve Hochberg joins Jason to break down the methods of the Elliott Wave Principle. Listen to how the Elliott Wave Principle used collective investor psychology to predict 2020 stock market trends, without the influence of Coronavirus, as early as late 2019. Will we continue to see the stability of linear markets vs the volatility of cyclical markets, post-pandemic? Do recessions cause cautious businessmen or do cautious businessmen cause recessions? Key Takeaways: [2:30] From a discussion: the four primary reasons a company fails [4:00] Number one, FEAR - Faults, education, appearing, real [5:15] Number two, mindset [9:00] Number three, lack of connections [11:30] Number four, Lacking systems and process [15:20] What is going on in the financial world? [17:00] Unfolding the Elliott Wave Principle [18:20] “Late 2019, the U.S. economy had some very strong economic numbers, the social mood was very elevated, but there were some underlying problems going on” [19:20] The yield curve: the three month U.S. Treasury bill yield minus the ten year U.S. Treasury note, had inverted, which was a key indicator in the last months of 2019. [23:00] Cyclical vs linear markets, post-pandemic [28:00] Do recessions cause cautious businessmen or do cautious businessmen cause recessions? [30:00] An Elliot Wave is a hierarchical fractal, it has self-similar patterns at all degrees of the scale [30:45] Why do you prefer the DOW over the S&P? Websites: Jason Hartman University Membership 1-800-HARTMAN Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)
Direct download: SoW_1447_Phillips_Curve_Elliot_Wave_Steve_Hochberg.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |