Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Rick Mulready was in the corporate internet marketing space for 12 years, having worked for the likes of AOL, Yahoo!, Funny Or Die, and Vibrant Media. During this time, he worked with a variety of advertisers from Fortune 500 brands to small businesses, running all different kinds of online ad campaigns.

A couple of years ago Rick realized the potential of social media and how entrepreneurs and small businesses can use it to grow their brand, so he took his years of internet marketing experience and knowledge, left his six-figure job and started his own business. 

Rick is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur.com and runs a popular podcast called Inside Social Media. He also regularly works with the most successful brands in the world like Ford, Intel, McDonald’s, Pepsi, Coke, Gary Vaynerchuk, etc.

Direct download: sow-109-RickMulready.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:57pm EST

Dave Delaney is a recognized leader, consultant and speaker on digital marketing, social media strategy, and business networking. He hosted one of the first parenting podcasts from 2005 – 2008, and he has been blogging for nearly a decade. His book, New Business Networking, is available from Que Publishing.

Since moving to Nashville, TN in 2007, Dave has co-founded two annual unconferences, PodCamp and BarCamp Nashville. He has also launched two monthly networking events, Nashcocktail and Geek Breakfast. The latter now has chapters across the US, South Africa and Australia.

In July 2012, Delaney was selected by Billboard Magazine as a digital marketing expert to follow. In May 2012, Delaney was featured by the Nashville Business Journal as a Power Leader of Technology in Nashville, TN. In 2011, Dave was awarded the prestigious Digital Media Champion AIM Award by the American Marketing Association in Nashville. In 2009, he was nominated for Nashville’s blogger of the year by the Nashville Technology Council.

Dave has appeared in technology stories in USA Today, Billboard Magazine, Globe & Mail, Nashville Business Journal, The Tennessean and Mashable.

Delaney frequently speaks at private events, functions and public conferences. Engagements include South by Southwest Interactive, PodCamp Toronto, BarCamp and PodCamp Nashville, Social Media Club Nashville, American Marketing Association Nashville, Interlogix Partners Conference, Killer Tribes, Explore Nashville, Techville, and more.

To learn more about Dave, please visit his website DaveDelaney.com 

Direct download: sow-108-DaveDelaney.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Jared Easley has a very motivational podcast concept, called "Starve the Doubts," which aims to help those who are elevating in the profession tune out those who wish to bring them back down to their level or suppress their success!

Jared Easley is a self-described “everyday guy” who is passionate about connecting with others, communicating, leveraging new media & cultivating a community of like-minded citizens. He is married to his amazing wife Rachel & they have a beautiful daughter named Lana, and they live in South Florida. 

You can listen to his inspiring podcast episodes at http://starvethedoubts.com. His interview list is quite impressive and full of individuals who are creative, unique, interesting & taking action!

Direct download: sow-107-JaredEasley.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Kristi Hines is a highly sought after writer, blogger, and social media commentator who's expertise in creating high quality content for business and corporate blogs has elevated the sales and status of many companies. Hines focuses on teaching businesses the right formula to educate their customers while increasing their sales. She's been featured on an impressive list of the top info marketing websites including Social Media Examiner, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, KISSmetrics, Unbounce, and CrazyEgg.

Kristi's home base for her personal and professional blog is called "Kikolani," which covers blog marketing and blogging tips for personal, professional, and business bloggers to succeed in search and social media marketing. 

You can find more information about Kristi at KristiHines.com and Kikolani.com

Direct download: sow-106-KristiHines.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Rich Brooks is founder and president of Flyte New Media, a web design and marketing firm in Portland, Maine. He is a nationally recognized speaker on entrepreneurship, Internet marketing and social media.

He presents and blogs at flyteblog.com on web marketing topics such as social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, blogs and building websites that sell.

He is currently an Expert Blogger at FastCompany.com and a regular contributor at SocialMediaExaminer.com.

He is a founder of The Agents of Change Digital Marketing Conference, an annual conference on search, social & mobile marketing.

He is the “tech guru” on WCSH Channel 6’s evening news show, 207, and teaches web marketing and social media courses for entrepreneurs at the University of Southern Maine's Center for Continuing Education.

Direct download: sow-105-RichBrooks.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Greg Hickman is the Creator/Host of Mobile Mixed, a Mobile Marketing Consultant focused on retail. Hickman is also the     

Co-Founder of Thumbfound, a boutique, independent mobile marketing agency. Greg started off as a self-professed "agency guy," and had the opportunity to work on brands like Pepsi, Lipton, and Walmart. In this line of work, he created and managed digital, in-store and grassroots marketing campaigns.

In 2005, Greg moved on from the larger agency to a smaller operation, but still worked with major brands, including AT&T, EA Games, Sony Pictures, The New York Jets, Florida Marlins, Winterfresh and Axe. Greg created mobile marketing campaigns for these giants, bringing them into a new space. 

Over the last 3 years, Greg has spent his time and focused his passion towards developing, implementing and managing mobile marketing programs for a media network of 300 shopping centers across the country. It's an understatement to say that the mobile marketing space for retail is a hot commodity right now. According to Hickman, "Implementing the right mobile strategies can have huge impacts on your business. Whether it’s driving people to your establishment, generating increased sales online or improving retention I can help. I’ve managed initiatives that cover Mobile Web, Smartphone apps, SMS, QR Codes, Location based services, mobile SEO etc."

Mobile marketing for businesses big and small in the retail space is not going anywhere any time soon. That's what makes Greg so passionate about his strategy through Mobile Mixed. Greg wants to help you create integrated mobile marketing strategies by talking with the best and most successful mobile marketers out there.

Learn more about Greg Hickman and Mobile Mixed at http://mobilemixed.com/about/

Direct download: sow-104-GregHickman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:43pm EST

Cynthia Sanchez launched Oh So Pinteresting in February 2012 and after a few months she was approached by a company and asked if she would not only help them with Pinterest but also manage their social media accounts. In September 2012, Cynthia left her job as full time radiation oncology nurse to focus on growing Oh So Pinteresting and her new social media business.

Just like the medical world, social media is ever evolving and changing. It requires continuous study to stay up to date on the latest methods and products. Since launching the blog, Cynthia spends time taking courses and attending several conferences a year focused on social media.

In growing and marketing her own business, she has had to learn multiple social media platforms and how to create content for them. Cynthia writes the content for the blog, produces her own podcast, records videos and creates graphics.

Cynthia uses her experience as a nurse to help her empathize with clients. She continues this approach in her business and encourages clients to take the same approach in their social media marketing.

For fun, aside from exploring the usefulness of Pinterest, Cynthia enjoy traveling with her family, which consists of two sets of twins, crafting, and learning photography.

Direct download: sow-103-CynthiaSanchez.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:02am EST

Dan Schawbel is Managing Partner of Millennial Branding and author of, "Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success." He's also the Founder of the Personal Branding Blog. He authored the #1 international bestselling book, "Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future." 

Schawbel explains what future leaders need to know for career success and how social media is changing the game. He answers whether millenials are expensive to hire and retain.

Schawbel also tells us more about Millennial Branding and his Personal Branding Blog, and how he's made them so popular.

Find out more about Dan Schawbel at www.danschawbel.com. Visit the Personal Branding Blog at www.personalbrandingblog.com.

Direct download: sow-102-DanSchawbel.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:54am EST

David Meerman Scott is a marketing strategist, advisor to emerging companies, bestselling author of eight books including three international bestsellers, and a professional speaker on topics including marketing, leadership, and social media.

His previous experience is as a recovering marketing VP for two U.S. publicly traded companies and was also an Asia marketing director for Knight-Ridder, at one time the world’s largest information company. David has lived and worked in New York, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. He currently resides in the Boston area.

David currently works as an advisor to numerous emerging companies in the marketing technology field including HubSpot, GrabCAD, Libboo, VisibleGains, ExpertFile, GutCheck, and Newstex. He also spends his time working with various nonprofits that interest him including the Grateful Dead Archive at UC Santa Cruz, HeadCount, and Nashaquisset. In the past he was on the boards of directors of NewsWatch KK (successfully sold to Yahoo Japan) and Kadient (successfully merged with Sant) and the board of advisors of Eloqua (successful IPO in mid-2012 and sale to Oracle in early 2013).

Direct download: sow-101-DavidMeerman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:03pm EST

On this episode, Jason Hartman is joined by Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, to talk about Jack’s journey to success as founder and CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, founder and chairman of The Canfield Training Group, and his latest project, Bestseller Blueprint Training Program.  As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, Jack Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre - and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of more than 123 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise (and over 500 million copies in print worldwide), Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success. His proven formula for success reached global acclaim with his most recent National Bestseller, The Success Principles™: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. For his fascinating story, listen at: www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

Jack is a multiple New York Times bestselling author, including titles such as The Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, Dare to Win, You’ve Got to Read This Book! and The Key to Living the Law of Attraction. He is the Founder and Chairman of The Canfield Training Group in Santa Barbara, California, which trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and motivated individuals how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals. Jack is also the founder of The Foundation for Self-Esteem in Westlake Village, California, which provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals. Jack wrote and produced the Goals Program, a video training program for California welfare recipients. To date, the program has been responsible for helping 450,000 people get off welfare.

Jack is a featured teacher in the movie “The Secret”, “The Opus”, “The Cure”, "The Tapping Solution”, and “Yes IS the Destination...No is How You Get There.” He has recently been filmed for inclusion in two more films entitled “Discover the Gift” and “Awakening.”

Jack has also been a featured guest on more than 1,000 radio and television programs in nearly every major market worldwide - many of them on a repeat basis. A sample of these shows include Oprah, Montel, Larry King Live, 20/20, Inside Edition, The Today Show, Fox and Friends, The CBS Evening News, The NBC Nightly News, Eye to Eye, CNN's Talk Back Live!, PBS, QVC and many others.

Direct download: sow-100-JackCanfield.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:53pm EST

John Lee Dumas is the founder of Entrepreneur On Fire, a daily Podcast that revolves around the stories of business startups and successes. John spent over 8 years in the Army, and then tried to get into the finance world. After listening to other Podcasts out there, he realized that there was no "daily" content out there. 

So John set off to start his own daily Podcast and wanted to interview entrepreneur's that were successful in their niche. Today, John still has his daily Podcast show, and has interviewed people such as Seth Godin, and Tim Ferriss. John has over 300 episodes and counting. In this show, Jason Hartman talks with John about how he got started and how he maintains his business. Learn more at http://www.entrepreneuronfire.com.

Direct download: sow-99-JohnLeeDumas.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Lewis Schiff is the Executive Director of the Inc. Business Owners Council and author of, "Business Brilliant: Surprising Lessons from the Greatest Self-Made Business Icons."

Yahoo CEO Marissa Meyer recently laid down the jackhammer: all her employees must now report to the office... no more working at home. Schiff discusses this debatable cultural phenomena. He also breaks down entrepreneurship and how important ideas are to entrepreneurial success. Apparently, doing what you "love" will not necessarily give you the best return. 

Lewis Schiff is the chairman and executive director of Inc. Business Owners Council. His new book, Business Brilliant: Surprising Lessons from the Greatest Self-Made Business Icons, was released in March, 2013. His new book, as well as his previous books, The Influence of Affluence and The Armchair Millionaire are based on research on best practices of high net worth and high-performing households. 

Visit Lewis Schiff's website at www.lewisschiff.com/. Check out Inc.'s Business Owners Council at www.inc.com/.

Direct download: sow-98-LewisSchiff.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:31am EST

Neil Waterhouse is the founder of Waterhouse Research and an eBay millionaire;. He's also the author of, "Million Dollar Ebay Business From Home - A Step By Step Guide."

Waterhouse explains how people can start businesses with no money and how they can automate businesses, so they can live the "Internet lifestyle." Waterhouse also shares his tips for simple photography and sales copy, and how we can apply all of this to make money on eBay.

Find out more about Neil Waterhouse at www.neilwaterhouse.com.

Direct download: sow-97-NeilWaterhouse.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

Dave Jackson has been educating people about technology since 1995. He once designed a class to teach people how to surf the Internet because they had no idea what it was. At one point in his his career he was the three time “Employee of the Year” winner for a company that was netting over 40 million dollars a year. Mr. Jackson worked in about every department the company had including a technician, customer service rep, marketing director, software developer, and training manager.

In late 2005 he launched the School of Podcasting, a website with step by step tutorials on how to podcast. This has lead to other podcasting related sites and services including Podcast Mechanic dealing with consulting in the world of podcasts, Podcast Clicks which is geared towards promotion, Learn to Subscribe a free tutorial for listeners of his shows, and many more.

When he is not podcasting  he is a musician in a local band, active in his church, and is currently working on his Bachelor’s Degree (in education specializing in Tech Ed) at the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio.

Direct download: sow-96-DavidJackson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:31pm EST

Ric Dragon is the author of Social Marketology and the DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual, both published by Mc-Graw Hill. He is the CEO and co-founder of DragonSearch, with more than 20 years of extensive experience in graphic design, information architecture, web development and digital marketing. As an artist, Ric has been shown in countless group and solo shows.  

He is a regular guest columnist for Marketing Land, and Social Media Monthly, and a speaker at many marketing and business conferences.

Direct download: sow-95-RicDragon.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Everte Farnell is President at 9 World's Publishing, Inc. and a freelance copywriter. He joins the show to share some secrets to copywriting and whether success within the publishing industry is dependent solely on copywriting.

He also tells us about the hedge fund advertising regulations and whether hedge fund advertising makes it easier to defraud the public.

Find out more about Everte Farnell at www.evertefarnell.com.

Direct download: sow-94-EverteFarnell.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:18am EST

Mike Salvaggio is the CEO of SEO Brand. He joins the how to discuss how important social media is to a campaign.

Salvaggio has been a leader in the internet marketing and development industry since 2000. In 2002, he organized and wrote a FICO credit score repair eBook that quickly sold over 50,000 copies and transitioned into his next endeavor, Net Direct, a global fulfillment consulting firm. While operating Net Direct out of his home and a nearby office, Salvaggio was recruited to turnaround Caiman and DVD Legacy, two of the biggest marketplace traders on Amazon.com and many different domestic and international online marketplaces. After doubling the gross profit in less than 1 year, the company was sold to a private equity firm primarily based upon the huge success of the search marketing and search engine optimization efforts he designed and employed.  

Salvaggio started SEO Brand, a full service software development and online services company specializing in application development, pay per click advertising, and search engine optimization in 2002 with his partner Michael Abitbol. With his extensive experience, Salvaggio continues to bring new concepts and creative strategies to the industry. Throughout his career, Salvaggio has held positions with leading corporations including Sunoco, Staples and Mail Services Incorporated. Salvaggio holds a degree from the University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton School of Business and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Organization Dynamics at The University of Pennsylvania. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two children, as well as playing basketball and video games, and watching movies. 

Visit SEO Brand at www.seobrand.com.

Direct download: sow-93-MikeSalvaggio.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:06am EST

Born in Zimbabwe, Gary Bembridge has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Natal-Kwazulu (South Africa) and has been based in London since 1987. During his varied career he held roles as diverse as the Global Vice President Marketing for the iconic Johnson’s Baby brand, the Global Vice President of eBusiness and the Global Vice President of the RoC Anti-Age Skincare.  

He now consults, talks, runs training programs, blogs, podcasts, and writes on his main interests of brand building, positioning and differentiation through his company "Gary Bembridge Unleashed".

Gary’s Unleashed on Marketing Podcast won awards in the European Podcast Awards in 2010, 2011 and 2012. 

Direct download: sow-92-GaryBembridge.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Ben Bressington is the CEO of iGamify. He joins the show to discuss how gamification can increase and engage customers.

Bressington also tells us about publishing mobile apps and how apps have changed the way people communicate. He shares some tips on using social media to manage brands and one's image. 

Visit iGamify at www.igamify.com. Find out more about Benn Bressington at www.aussieben.co

Direct download: sow-91-BenBressington.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:48pm EST

Jason talks with Alan Siegal, who is the author of the book Simple. They discuss about the ways people and companies need to make things more simple.

Simple is a groundbreaking and invaluable guide to achieving the three fundamental principles of simplicity: clarity, transparency, and empathy. It lays the foundation for organizations that want to enhance customer experience as a way to drive business results. This insightful book reveals the reasons why confusion continues to persist, inspires us to seek clarity, shows how organizations that embrace simplicity come out on top, and provides tangible, concrete ways to conquer complexity. 

Direct download: sow-90-AlanSiegal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Libby Gill is a former senior executive at media giants Universal, Sony, Turner Broadcasting, and the Dr. Phil Show. She's now the CEO of business coaching and brand strategy firm Libby Gill & Company and author of, “Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share Will Follow: The Art and Science of Building Brands.”

Gill discusses how businesses can create compelling brands based on emotional connection, authentic value and flawless delivery. She shares a few core mindshare methods and how businesses can capture the mindshare of their customers.

Find out more about Libby Gill at www.libbygill.com.

Direct download: sow-89-LibbyGill.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:36pm EST

Trent Silver is the Chief Marketing Officer of SilverVisibility, Founder of PhoneDaddy, and Founder of CashForPurses. He's nicknamed the "Robin Hood of Hollywood" because he helped Lindsay Lohan with her financial problems and Charlie Sheen with his drug addiction.

Silver is one of the rare folks who's gotten rich at an early age in performance and affiliate marketing. Silver explains what businesses he's built and the genesis for the "Cash for" items such as cell phones, gold, and purses. He also shares how his businesses help the environment.

Silver discusses the effectiveness of affiliate business models. A lot of the marketing publishers employ tactics that can be considered deceptive. Silver shares his thoughts on shaving leads

Find out more about Trent Silver at www.silvervisibility.com. Check out Silver's businesses at www.cashforpurses.com and www.PhoneDaddy.com.

Direct download: sow-88-TrentSilver.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

Dave Hamilton is the co-founder of both The Mac Observer and BackBeat Media. He is also the producer and co-host of The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Podcast.

Dave has been involved in the computer and technology industry for over 15 years, doing work as not only a consultant and trainer but also a network engineer, webmaster, and programmer. Earlier, in his consulting days, he worked on the Mac, all the various Windows flavors, BeOS, a few brands of Unix, and it is rumored he once saw an OS/2 machine in action. Previous to his consulting experience he ran some of the earliest Bulletin Board systems.

Dave maintains his blog at DaveTheNerd.com

Direct download: sow-87-DaveHamilton.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

James Altucher is the Managing Director of Formula Capital and Founder of Stockpickr. He writes the popular blog, "Altucher Confidential." He is also the author of the new book, "Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream."

James first first went through big publishers to get your investing-related books out, but you now self-publish everything. James explains how viable self-publishing is and how he gets the word out for his books. 

James frequently holds Twitter chats with his followers and has even written books based off these conversations. Now he is paying people to read his new. book. This strategy is already revolutionizing content marketing.

James is the first person to pre-sell a book on Bitcoin. He describes his outlook on this currency, and how will it affect gold's value. 

Visit Altucher Confidential at www.jamesaltucher.com.

Direct download: sow-86-JamesAltucher.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Ryan Holiday is the Director of PR Strategy at American Apparel and author of, "Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator." He explains how he manipulated the media and lied his way to MSNBC, Inside Edition, ABC, NY Times, and many more outlets. 

Ryan believes contemporary blogging practices are similar to 19th and 20th century yellow journalism. He thinks big business drives today's media.

Mark Cuban recently lashed out at Facebook, saying their promoted posts are ridiculous. Ryan analyzes whether Facebook really improves a company's brand.

Find out more about Ryan Holiday at www.ryanholiday.net.

Direct download: sow-85-RyanHoliday.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:43pm EST

Patrick Ambron is Co-founder & CEO of Brand Yourself, which helps shape online profiles for people, companies and brands. Ambron explains how people can brand themselves better online. He believes there is significant room for the online reputation management industry to grow.

Ambron is still in his mid-20's. He explains how he got involved with this business while still in college at Syracuse University.

Visit Brand Yourself at www.brandyourself.com.

Direct download: sow-84-PatrickAmbron.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

Jason talks with the creator of Stealth Seminar about how to create and sustain an automated webinar. 

Direct download: sow-83-GeoffRonning.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Brian Solis is the Principal at Altimeter Group and author of, "What's the Future of Business: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences." He is viewed as a stellar keynote speaker. 

In this interview, Solis explains a new generation of consumerism and how he is reaching Generation Connected, or Gen C. He is working on ways to improve business performance engagement and relationships for a new generation of consumerism. Solis also breaks down how digital culture is changing the landscape of business, consumerism, and the workplace.  Recently, Solis faked Tweets from notable celebrities in support of his book. He explains his though-process.

Find out more about Brian Solis at www.briansolis.com.

Direct download: sow-82-BrianSolis.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:58pm EST

Ken Blanchard is the author of the new book, "TRUST WORKS!" He is also author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, "The One Minute Manager." 

Blanchard suggests that men should lead their families like Jesus. Using this principle, he explains how managers can reaffirm good work when giving a reprimand. 

In today’s polarized society, building and sustaining trust has become seemingly elusive. Blanchard's ABCD trust model addresses the factors that lead to discord. Blanchard discusses his assessments for measuring trust and tools for building trust skills.

Few people have influenced the day-to-day management of people and companies more than Ken Blanchard. A prominent, sought-after author, speaker, and business consultant, Dr. Blanchard is universally characterized by his friends, colleagues, and clients as one of the most insightful, powerful, and compassionate individuals in business today. Ken is one of the most influential leadership experts in the world and is respected for his years of groundbreaking work in the fields of leadership and management. 

When Ken speaks, he speaks from the heart with warmth and humor. He is able to speak to an audience and communicate with each person as if they were alone and talking one-on-one. Ken is a sophisticated storyteller with a knack for making the seemingly complex easy to understand. 

Dr. Ken Blanchard is the cofounder and Chief Spiritual Officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies ® , an international management training and consulting firm that he and his wife, Margie Blanchard, began in 1979 in San Diego, California. In addition to being a renowned speaker and consultant, Ken also spends time as a visiting lecturer at his alma mater, Cornell University, where he is a trustee emeritus of the Board of Trustees. 

Starting with his phenomenal best-selling book, The One Minute Manager ® , coauthored with Spencer Johnson, which has sold more than 13 million copies and remains on best-seller lists, to Raving Fans ® , Gung Ho! ® , and Whale Done! , Ken’s impact as a writer is far reaching. His books have combined sales of more than 18 million copies in more than 25 languages. Ken has received many awards and honors for his contributions in the fields of management, leadership, and speaking. The National Speakers Association awarded him its highest honor, the “Council of Peers Award of Excellence.” He was inducted into the HRD Hall of Fame by Training magazine and Lakewood Conferences, and he received the Golden Gavel Award from Toastmasters International. 

Ken also received The Thought Leadership Award for continued support of work-related learning and performance by ISA—The Association of Learning Providers. Ken has been inducted into Amazon’s Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 best-selling authors of all time. The business school at Grand Canyon University bears his name. In addition, Ken teaches students in the Master of Science in Executive Leadership Program at the University of San Diego. 

Born in New Jersey and raised in New York, Ken received a master’s degree from Colgate University, and a bachelor’s and PhD from Cornell University. An avid golfer, Ken belongs to the Loch Lomond Golf Club in Scotland.

Visit Ken Blanchard's website at www.kenblanchard.com.

Direct download: sow-81-KenBlanchard.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

Relationship expert and best-selling author, Dr. John Gray, joins Jason Hartman to talk about research studies and Dr. Gray’s new work, “Boys to Men.”  Dr. Gray talks about how his observations have been backed up by and further explained by brain studies, showing obvious differences between men and women in brain function and hormones that affect health and behavior. He offers a deeper explanation of these differences based on scientific research showing how activities particular to each gender, diet, and an increased existence of xenoestrogens in our environment play a significant role in hormonal balance and imbalance. Dr. Gray discusses the proper use of supplements and the dangers of pharmaceuticals. This leads into his new work regarding healthy male development and his upcoming new book, Boys to Men, a look at how boys have been affected by today’s culture, showing a higher dropout rate than girls, lower comprehension, and higher instances of boredom and depression.  The high carbohydrate diet we consume plays a big role in this trend, and he cites inflammation in the brain as one factor in decreased comprehension. He describes activities, diet and supplements that can alleviate inflammation and stress and bring about optimal health in both men and women.

John Gray, Ph.D. is the best-selling relationship author of all time and the most trusted voice in relationships today. He is the author of 17 books, including The New York Times #1 Best-Selling Book of the last decade, MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS. His 17 books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages around the world.

John is a leading internationally recognized expert in the fields of communication and relationships. His unique focus is assisting men and women in understanding, respecting and appreciating their differences. John's advice can be easily used to improve relationships at home and in the workplace.

For more than 35 years, John Gray has conducted public and private seminars for thousands of participants. In his highly acclaimed books, videos and transformational seminars, John entertains and inspires audiences with practical communication techniques. John’s purpose is to create a world where men and women understand, respect, appreciate and ultimately work together.

Summit Entertainment (Lionsgate) has purchased the rights to John Gray’s bestseller “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus” with the intention of creating a feature film and TV series. Summit has hired Harry Elfont and Deborah Kaplan to adapt and direct the title into a romantic comedy, with BermanBraun's Lloyd Braun and Gail Berman producing.

John Gray is a popular speaker on the national and international lecture circuit and often appears on television and radio programs to discuss his work. He has made guest appearances on such shows as Oprah, The Dr. Oz Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The CBS Morning Show, Live with Regis, Fox & Friends Weekend, Good Morning New York, Larry King Live, CNN and Company and many others. He has been profiled in major publications across the United States. John Gray lives with his wife and children in Northern California.

Direct download: sow-80-JohnGray.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Susan Wiggs is a best-selling romance writer. The publishing business is struggling yet she's sold almost 30 million books. In this interview, Wiggs discusses her secrets to success.
Susan was a math teacher before turning to writing to full-time. She shares her advice to people who want to break into the book publishing industry. 

In conjunction with the release of her new book, she is sponsoring a contest to win a trip for two to a Sonoma, California resort. She explains how YOU can get in on this.
Find out more about Susan Wiggs at www.susanwiggs.com.

Direct download: sow-79-SusanWiggs.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:08pm EST

Naresh Vissa is a Digital Media Sales Consultant, having done work for clients such as the Hard Assets Alliance, The Wall Street Shuffle, and The Institute for Energy Research. He is also the former Director of The Stansberry Radio Network and former Director of Media Strategy for Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, which is one of the largest private investment publishers in the world.

Naresh has a very unique skillset in the online media and publishing areas. He tells us how he got started in this arena while still an underclassman in college. By the time he graduated from Duke University with a Master's Degree, he was able to launch the Stansberry Radio Network into one of the most successful podcasting businesses on the Internet. 

In this high-energy interview, Naresh discusses the power of podcasting and why he thinks it's the future of radio. He also shares some data and trends to help explain where the digital landscape is heading.

As an entrepreneur, marketing strategist, journalist, and media producer for various national networks and renowned publishers, Naresh Vissa is now the Manager of the Hard Assets Alliance: the only online physical precious metals trading platform available to retail investors. 

Naresh freelances in broadcast and print media for several national publications, including USA TodayBusiness InsiderYahoo!HumDesi Radio, and Minyanville. He has been featured on MSNBCBloombergBusiness WeekHuffington PostHindustan TimesIndia Today and other media. In 2009, Naresh co-hosted the top-rated financial talk show in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolis, The Wall Street Shuffle. Regular guests on his shows have included Congressman Ron Paul, CNN Chief Business Correspondent Ali Velshi, Senate candidate Peter Schiff, Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis, and authors Steve Forbes, Michael Lewis and Robert Kiyosaki. He has booked more than 800 guests in the fields of finance, economics, business management & consulting, self-help, leadership, sales and marketing.

Naresh also founded Krish Media & Marketing, Inc., consulting for an eclectic set of clients that includes The Financial Survival Network and Racine Assets. He has worked for JP Morgan Chase, Houston Astros, and the American Junior Golf Association. In addition, Naresh aided the Houston Rockets’ staff in selecting draft picks Aaron Brooks, Carl Landry and Donte Greene in the 2007 and 2008 NBA Drafts.

While making a name in the business world, Naresh never compromised his education. Despite taking as many as 27 credit hours a semester while at Syracuse University, Nareshgraduated Magna Cum Laude from the Renée Crown University Honors Program, triple majoring in broadcast and digital journalism, finance, and accounting at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and Martin J. Whitman School of Management. He was given numerous awards for his academic, leadership and speaking abilities, and Morgan Stanley nominated him as an Emerging Student Leader. During his junior and senior years, he served as an analyst for the Orange Value Fund, where he managed an investment portfolio in excess of $1.2 million of private investor money. Upon graduation, he was named as one of the highest achieving students in his graduating class.

Naresh earned a Master’s Degree from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, concurrently working as an admissions recruitment coordinator, marketing and communications blogger, and strategy research assistant to Executive in Residence Professor Bill Sax.

A former academic tutor, counselor to underrepresented students, and middle school assistant basketball coach at the nationally renowned Village School in Houston, Nareshfrequently donates his time to community service and social advocacy. He holds a first-degree Black Belt in Taekwondo.

Visit Naresh Vissa's website at www.nareshvissa.com.

Direct download: sow-78-NareshVissa.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Jason Hartman welcomes Zac Johnson, a widely respected leader in the blogging and online marketing community. Through Zac’s popular blogs, bloggingtips.com andzacjohnson.com, he has helped thousands of readers grow their brands and make money online. Zac shares his success story, including tips for gathering leads, the step-by-step affiliate marketing process, becoming a merchant, finding offers to promote and much more. He discusses using Amazon.com, Click Bank, and more to get the best commission sales. He also answers the question about how to pick a niche to focus on if you want to be a successful affiliate marketer. For more tips, tools and advice, visit www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

A self-taught entrepreneur, Zac has been making money online for over 15 years and has been involved in nearly every facet of internet marketing, while also finding great success in the world of blogging. In 2007, Zac launched his first blog at ZacJohnson.com, which is focused on his successes and failures, case studies, industry news and guides on how to make money online. In addition to his own personal experiences, Zac also writes about the latest online marketing trends and informs his readers on how and where they could be creating new revenue online. Zac's personal blog currently has thousands of daily readers and has referred over $5,000,000 in new business to his advertisers and network partners since launching the blog. 

Direct download: sow-77-ZacJohnson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Jon Ferrara is the Founder & CEO of Nimble. Nimble is revolutionizing social media and CRM through social selling. Ferrara explains how he is powering it.

Ferrara also discusses why he is doing everything in his power to help start-ups.

Jon has over 20 years of experience in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Sales Force Automation (SFA). An entrepreneur at heart, Jon founded GoldMine CRM in 1989 with a college friend and turned it into a very successful venture that he eventually sold to FrontRange. In 2009, Jon founded Nimble, Inc. and is ready to strike again! 

Visit Nimble at www.nimble.com.

Direct download: sow-76-JonFerrara.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SOW 75 - Activating Your Dormant Technology Assets with Sierra Modro

There is hardware and software technology available for every business need under the sun, with more being developed every day, yet many people who purchase these tools rarely use them to their full potential or the tools become dormant and replaced by the next new thing on the market. Jason Hartman is joined by self-proclaimed techno-geek, Sierra Modro of Leap to Greatness, to talk about how to uncover the resources businesses already have on hand. Sierra explains that most people don’t realize the full potential and profitability of the technology they currently own, often being drawn in by new products and services claiming to save time and money. They may not realize how much time and work will go into fully implementing all of the available tools of a new product or service. Sierra gives the example of the iPad and how it is not being fully utilized for business needs. She recommends several useful tools that businesses can implement inexpensively or free, such as Dropbox. For more details, listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

A true technology geek at heart, Sierra Modro has been working with computers since her first Commodore 64. For more than 18 years, Sierra was an internationally recognized technology evangelist for Intel Corporation, Informix and Digimarc Corporation, promoting new technology in 14 countries around the world, from Portland to Prague and Moscow to the Midwest. Recognized by Microsoft for her contributions in touch and tablet computing, Sierra stays on the cutting edge of technology.

Sierra leverages her extensive background in hardware, software, and user design to help organizations to Activate Your Dormant Assets. She works with organizations to optimize technology adoption with existing investments, creating a technology positive environment. Most organizations already have more technology than they are effectively using. Stop wasting your technology resources. Increase revenue, improve productivity, and reduces expenses.  Sierra can be found at: http://www.leaptogreatness.com/activate-your-dormant-assets-with-sierra-modro/.

Direct download: sow-75-SierraModro.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:42pm EST

SOW 74 - The Barefoot Spirit with Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey

Jason Hartman invites Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, co-founders of Barefoot Wine, to discuss “out-of-the-box” marketing principles that led to Michael’s and Bonnie’s highly successful wine business. Though his business card reads, “Head Stomper,” Michael officially served as president and CEO for 19 years. She was Vice President and “The Original Foot” for 19 years. There she had a wide variety of duties, doing whatever was necessary to operate the business. While Michael’s role was “big picture visionary,” Bonnie translated his ideas into workable processes and displayed a genius for managing the millions of details that come with a start-up. She proved to possess a rare combination of creativity and business savvy that served Barefoot well.

Starting with no money and no knowledge of the wine industry, Michael and Bonnie used out-of-the-box thinking coupled with solid business principles to build a leading national brand. They relied on “worthy cause marketing” instead of conventional advertising to grow a loyal following and promote their favorite causes. Their new book is entitled:  The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle and Heart Built a Bestselling Wine. To hear more details, visit:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

Barefoot Wines went on to win the industry’s top sales awards. They were selling well over a half a million cases annually when the E&J Gallo family purchased the brand in 2005. Since then, along with Bonnie, Michael has been a valued advisor to large and small corporations and start-ups, offering his real world experience to improve their profitability, grow their brands, and improve their culture. Sales, marketing, and performance-based compensation are his sweet spots. He also donates professional time to non-profits to help them improve their image, increase donations and achieve financial sustainability.

Michael is a funny, informative, and inspiring speaker who delivers keynotes for conventions, corporations and national conferences. (Audiences love the quirky Barefoot stories he weaves in with how-to advice they can put into practice right away.) He is also a seminar and webinar leader, a guest lecturer at business and entrepreneurial schools, and a contributor to a variety of publications. Bonnie has a passion for helping young entrepreneurs choose the right path. With her varied “hard-knocks” experience, she offers practical solutions for all aspects of starting a business. She loves showing others how to avoid painful and costly mistakes and directing them toward profitability. Michael and Bonnie coauthor weekly business blogs at www.thebarefootspirit.com and www.thebrandauthority.net

Direct download: sow-74-Barefoot.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:24pm EST

SOW 73 - DO IT Marketing with David Newman

Marketing techniques have evolved exponentially with the introduction of the internet and social media apps, and to stand out from the competition, it requires strong thought leadership. Jason Hartman is joined by marketing expert, David Newman, to talk about the four level s of marketing. David explains what 80% of business owners miss that causes marketing overwhelm and sales burnout, whether more is better than less marketing, and how to laser-focus marketing to get better results.  He shares examples of successful marketing efforts of a wide range of businesses. David emphasizes doing what you know and following the Three E Rule:  Easy, Effortless and Enjoyable. Additionally, three important factors for a successful thought leader are credibility, trust and relevance. For more information, visit:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

David Newman is a marketing expert who works with corporations, entrepreneurs and groups who want to use speaking and thought leadership strategies to sell more products and services. David is also the author of the upcoming book, Do It! Marketing: 77 Ways to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits and Crush Your Competition. There are a ton of free resources on David's website, www.doitmarketing.com, and that's also where you can go to download his free 96-page strategic marketing ebook.

Direct download: sow-73-DavidNewman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:43am EST

SOW 72 - Organizing and Executing Your Events with Anthony Krumeich

Jason Hartman teams up with Bloodhound.com founder, Anthony Krumeich, to talk about organizing and executing successful trade shows. Anthony talks about the path that led to him becoming the 26-year-old successful co-founder and CEO of Bloodhound.com. What began as an idea to do something with text messaging apps ended up turning into the development of apps that provide practical tools and solutions for event organizers.  The apps are very attractive to organizers because they work for small or large events, can be customized, provide many relevant and timely features, and the more chaotic the event the better the Bloodhound app works.

Before founding Bloodhound, Anthony studied symbolic systems and mathematics at Stanford and participated in honors research in systems neuroscience. He also studied philosophy of mind at Oxford. He grew up in a suburb of New York City and won 1st place at the 2004 Intel International Science & Engineering Fair.  Anthony is passionate about combining his interests in technology, human behavior, and design to create new opportunities. He enjoys live music, sailing, and his Boxer, Champ. The website ishttp://bloodhound.com/.

Direct download: sow-72-AnthonyKrumeich.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

SOW 71 - BlogTalkRadio with CEO Alan Levy

In 2006, Alan Levy, BlogTalkRadio’s Co-founder and CEO, starting writing a blog to update his family and friends about the condition of his ailing father. It was then that he saw the power of the social web, but realized that there were no platforms, which enabled a live two-way conversation with an audience. Jason Hartman is joined by Alan Levy to talk about the progression from a simple blog to a live online format on which people could call in. Alan set out to create in Internet talk radio network that leveraged a device everyone has – a phone. Listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

No stranger to voice-based communications, Alan has founded multiple telecommunications companies. Alan was President and COO of Destia Communications, helping build Destia into a global telecom enterprise with operations and customers in 10 countries and more than $350 million in annual revenue. Destia’s May 1999 IPO was shortly followed in December 1999 by the sale of the company to Viatel in a transaction valued in excess of $1 billion. Today, BlogTalkRadio, powered by Cinchcast, is the only platform that provides hosts the ability to interview multiple guests in different locations and take moderated questions from listeners tuning in live via landline, mobile or Skype. Alan explains how BlogTalkRadio works, the various platforms and the ad model available, and talks about the newest innovations available through the Cloud. He offers some great tips about standing out from the crowd.

Cinchcast is Alan’s newest endeavor in 2010. His online publishers wanted something they could use within their own environment. The Cinchcast platform provides them with the concept of their own radio network and allows a large company or organization to host such things as a large townhall meeting, conference calls and more because it is built on a conference bridge and phone integration, unlike platforms like GoToMeeting that have limited space and chat integration.

Alan wraps up by sharing his story of successes that ultimately led him to the creation of BlogTalkRadio and Cinchcast. The mission of his company is to provide an accessible platform that gives anyone the ability to express themselves and connect with an audience anytime, anywhere in the world.

Direct download: sow-71-AlanLevy.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:54am EST

SOW 70 - Crucial Conversations with Kerry Patterson

Communication is an art and science. Some people are great communicators, while others struggle to talk to anyone. Jason Hartman invites Kerry Patterson, co-author of Crucial Conversations, to talk about some of the basics of interpersonal communication. While researching this subject, the problems were pretty obvious – power struggles, strong emotions and differing opinions. The solutions were less obvious. Kerry talks about listening and verbal skills, where often what happens is people avoid a crucial conversation or handle a conversation badly, suffering the consequences either way. The solutions begin with having an open mind and putting persuasion aside, and listen, even when others overreact or withdraw. Kerry discusses high-stakes confrontations and conversations in the business setting and in the family setting. He stresses it is very important not to tell yourself an ugly story about why someone did or didn’t do something that upset or disappointed you, and to realize you don’t know the facts. Actions themselves are neutral. Focus on the facts, not a conclusion. Please listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com for more valuable information on effective communication.

Kerry Patterson is the four-time New York Times best-selling co-author of Crucial Conversations, Crucial Confrontations, Influencer, and Change Anything. For more than 25 years, he has served as an expert in organizational behavior, interpersonal communication and corporate training. Patterson is also the co-founder of VitalSmarts, an innovator in corporate training and organizational performance. VitalSmarts has consulted with more than 300 of the Fortune 500 companies, has been listed by Inc. magazine as one of the fastest-growing companies in America for eight consecutive years, and trained more than 800,000 people worldwide. More can be found at www.vitalsmarts.com.

Direct download: sow-70-KerryPatterson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

SOW 69 - The Intersection of PR, Social Media, Marketing and Sales with Scott Kelly

Jason Hartman and Black Dog Promotions Owner, Scott Kelly, put together the relationship between public relations, social media, marketing and sales. Scott defines public relations as a relationship with the media and relating to the public, getting the word out on activities. He and Jason discuss best strategies for media exposure with the face of social media changing so much through the years. Scott emphasizes that the goal of the business or a campaign has to be clear in order to capture an audience to promote a product or service. Scott provides some tips and tools for a successful public relations/marketing campaign through social media.  For more details, listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

Black Dog was founded by Scott Kelly who has an MBA in marketing and over 20 years’ experience in marketing, advertising, sales and sales training. He has started several companies from his spare room and built them into multi-million dollar corporations with hundreds of employees. He has trained over 1,000 sales and marketing professionals and has helped dozens of companies sell hundreds of millions of dollars in products and services internationally. He has worked around the world including, Russia, India, Europe and South America, and has taught marketing at the university level in the US and Europe. This experience could be very valuable to any business that wants more business.

Black Dog Promotions is a marketing consulting and media relations firm for small to medium sized companies who want to sort through all the advertising they are "Sold" and develop an advertising, marketing and media relations campaign focused on the unique aspects of "their" business and "their" goals. In addition, Black Dog Promotions represent several online, print, radio and television media, but are not beholden to any media but are focused on providing the right mix of media for businesses.

Direct download: sow-69-ScottKelly.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:37pm EST

As speaking expert Vickie Sullivan says, “Buyers do not want content that they’ve heard before.” So how do you offer unique content? Jason Hartman and Vickie, President of Sullivan Speaker Services, Inc.,  talk about what this means from a market intelligence standpoint. There are three standards that define uniqueness in thought leaders:  1. What haven’t [...]
Direct download: sow-68-VickieSullivan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:23am EST

One of the greatest ways in the current technological age to generate some extra money is through passive income. The concept has been around and in practice for some time now, and there are many tips and tools available to get started or improve an existing process. Listen on as Jason Hartman interviews the owner [...]
Direct download: sow-67-PatrickFlynn.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:47am EST

Jason Hartman and Ken McArthur get together to talk about making an impact in people’s lives.  People have the ability to make either a positive or negative difference in the lives of millions of people. Creating products and services or providing valuable solutions to problems can make a positive impact and Ken explains some of [...]
Direct download: sow-66-KenMcArthur.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:51am EST

Jason Hartman interviews Jane Atkinson, business and speaking consultant with Speaker Launcher, about the best methods to develop a successful speaking business. Jane describes her process, Ready, Aim, Fire. In the Ready stage, it’s getting crystal clear on what the speaker is promoting or selling. The Aim phase is making sure the speaker’s websites are [...]
Direct download: sow-65-JaneAtkinson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

Known as the king of information marketing, Fred Gleeck joins Jason Hartman for a great interview, talking about his experiences in information marketing from over the last 24+ years. Fred weaves together the progression and changes in info marketing, stressing that trust is the one thing that has never changed. Fred teaches on a range [...]
Direct download: sow-64-FredGleeck.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:56am EST

Jason Hartman is joined by head of The Net Results, James Jones, to talk exclusively in this interview about Kindle and how to create direct profits. James defines Kindle Triangulation, which starts with picking the right niche by doing market research. Most books that don’t perform well in the Kindle marketplace are the result of [...]
Direct download: sow-63-JamesJones.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:17am EST

The face of marketing has changed radically over the last decade, and today, techniques may include email blasts, mobile ads, banner ads, SEO, Web 2.0, social media sites, video marketing, affiliate marketing, and more. On this episode, Jason Hartman has invited Robin Robins, developer and author of the Technology Marketing Toolkit System, to offer some [...]
Direct download: sow-62-RobinRobins.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:45am EST

Jason Hartman interviews Chris Lang, author and social media marketing expert, about the pros and cons of Google+. Chris refers to Google+ as the new Google, explaining that Google+ takes things like web search, interactions that can be built to extend applications in Google+ from the Chrome browser, the most used browser in the world. [...]
Direct download: sow-61-ChrisLang.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:10am EST

Jason Hartman talks with personal development expert Mark Thompson about leadership, business success, and personal growth. Share and Enjoy:
Direct download: sow-60-MarkThompson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:43pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined by Anne Hogan, Community Manager at the Humane Society in Washington, D.C., to discuss the importance of engaging with your community of fans and followers, focusing on Facebook engagement, Twitter and blogger outreach. Anne emphasizes that responding to questions on a company’s Facebook page, on Twitter, and via email shows that [...]
Direct download: sow-59-AnneHogan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:36am EST

SOW 58 - "Link Building:  The Best Marketing Strategy You’ve Never Heard Of" with Alison Groves

Alison Groves of Raven Internet Marketing Tools joins Jason Hartman on this episode to discuss the marketing strategy of link building, literally a public relations tool to find relevant websites to help drive traffic to a business website, the actual acquisition of back links. Link building is an ethical, organic marketing approach, and Alison explains the process, beginning with good old-fashioned research, organization, and relationship building. Blogging, commenting on blogs, and writing reviews for reputable sites are just a few effective methods of link building. Marketing is turning more and more to building meaningful relationships in a business’s niche. Alison shares information about other tools that her company, Raven Marketing Tools has developed to assist marketers with reaching those niches and proving themselves to be experts in their fields. For more details on the benefits of link building, listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com.

Alison Groves ( @RavenAlison) spent nearly a decade in the music business before coming to the world of internet marketing. As the Product Coordinator for Raven Internet Marketing Tools, she works side by side with Raven's Chief Product Officer to ensure the Raven platform is constantly moving forward. Raven Internet Marketing Tools (http://raventools.com/) is an online platform that helps users quickly research, manage, monitor and report on SEO, social media and other Internet marketing campaigns. Alison is very passionate about using link building as a marketing strategy and encourages people to explore the benefits.

Direct download: sow-58-AlisonGroves.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:34am EST

Jason Hartman is joined by Dino Dogan, founder of Triberr, to talk about the secrets to building communities of customers, clients, audience, etc. for businesses and bloggers. Dino explains how relationships between businesses and consumers have changed through the years, emphasizing the need for businesses to engage with consumers to gain their trust and loyalty. [...]
Direct download: sow-57-DinoDogan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined by the Director of Social Media for Moncur Associates, David Murray, to talk about social media content strategies for building a successful business. Dave says that content is “the number one element that will make or break your Social Media execution.”  In this interview, Dave explains the ten most important content [...]
Direct download: sow-56-DaveMurray.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:49am EST

Founder of Speakermatch.com, Bryan Caplovitz joins Jason Hartman to talk about the benefits of using a speakers’ bureau, how to market yourself as a speaker, how to connect with the audience, compensation, and much more. Bryan explains in detail what makes a great speaker, including marketing strategies that work best for speakers and how the [...]
Direct download: sow-55-BryanCaplovitz.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:17pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined by author of The Naked Interview: Hiring Without Regret, David Jensen to talk about the often difficult and uncertain process of hiring employees. David noticed there are two common deficiencies in businesses, marketing and personnel. Focusing on the hiring, David talks about the “Ten Truths” that help businesses take the proper [...]
Direct download: sow-54-DavidJensen.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:59pm EST

With the advancement of Smartphone cameras and streaming video through UStream, YouTube, etc, raw photos and videos are in higher demand and more available. Jason Hartman interviews Rawporter founders, Kevin Davis and Rob Gaige about the wide uses of raw photos and videos and how the Rawporter App works. For details, listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com. Rawporter [...]
Direct download: sow-53-RawPorter.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:20am EST

Video marketing has been around for many years and has evolved into a much simpler and far less expensive approach to reaching a desired customer base. Gone is the need to lug around huge video cameras and cords and cables, and the need to pay high fees for a professional studio. Jason Hartman interviews Perry [...]
Direct download: sow-52-PerryLawrence.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:37pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined by co-founder of Mojo Video Marketing, Ira Rosen to talk about strategic video marketing. Ira talks about the video revolution going on right now and the effect short, personal videos have on clients. He offers creative ideas to reach your targeted market and stay in front of your clients. He also [...]
Direct download: sow-51-IraRosen.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:51am EST

SOW 70 - Personal Integrity with Laurie Gerber

We progress through this life often believing that our experiences define who we are and how we respond to situations. We may believe we are essentially good, but have negative and self-defeating beliefs about ourselves that we perceive as truth based on previous experiences. Jason Hartman interviews life coach, Laurie Gerber of Handel Group, about eliminating these falsehoods through personal integrity to overcome whatever is blocking a person from success. For more details, visit: www.SpeakingofWealth.com. Laurie explains her five steps to personal integrity, using having more money as an example.

  1. Change your mind
  2. Find your role model
  3. Make your plan
  4. Keep promises and keep track
  5. Dare to do business

Laurie also talks about the “chicken” and the “brat” in each of us. We can make every excuse in the book for not pursuing and following through with our dreams. They sound legitimate in our heads, but if we’re honest with ourselves, they are just excuses that prevent us from realizing our goals. The Handel Group Life Coaching teaches many different exercises, beginning with what Laurie calls dream statements and moving into purging all negativity surrounding those statements. Obtaining personal integrity is empowering and she encourages people to use this power to change the world for the better. Laurie Gerber is President of Handel Group Life Coaching (HGLC) and an expert life coach herself. Passionate about personal development, Laurie has been coaching individuals and groups for 15 years. Before enthusiastically joining The Handel Group, Laurie owned and operated Partners with Parents, a tutoring and educational consulting business in New York City. Laurie oversees 16 coaches in their work with clients on improving all areas of life. She considers herself “an angel recruiter” because she is busy looking for other people who share her mission to instill more joy and peace in the world. “When all people are living true to their ideals, then I can rest,” she says. She doesn’t anticipate being able to rest anytime soon.

For the majority of her adult life, Laurie has been teaching and coaching adults and children in a variety of settings including lectures, discussion groups, seminars, classroom teaching, tutoring and one-on-one coaching. Laurie holds a degree in Education and Political Science from Swarthmore College, along with her teaching certification. She leads large groups at Kripalu Center, Esalen Institute, Equinox Fitness, Soho House, the JCC of Manhattan and Natural Health Magazine’s Women’s Wellness Weekends. She regularly blogs for The Daily Love, Huffington Post, Crazy Sexy Wellness, Dr. Frank Lipman, HGLC’s own weekly newsletter and more. Laurie's rigorous yet loving coaching style was recently showcased in MTV's True Life Special "I'm Getting A Second Chance." In April 2012, she launched “Wake Up Your Week,” an on-going subscription to weekly live teleseminars. Laurie feels blessed to spend her days (and most nights) doing work that makes her proud and she is inspired by HGLC clients for having the guts to look at themselves honestly.

Direct download: sow-50-LaurieGerber.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm EST

As the face of business evolves, more small and medium businesses are outsourcing work to remote employees or independent contractors versus maintaining the brick and mortar offices with onsite employees. The advances in technology have made it possible to find employees and contractors around the world. But what kinds of work should be done remotely, [...]
Direct download: sow-49-MarkMurphy.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:10am EST

Marketing strategies are always evolving to keep pace with customer desires and attention spans. People are inundated with marketing information today through emails, internet ads, events, etc, and it has become so important to stand out from the crowd. Jason Hartman is joined by long-time marketing expert and author, Bill Glazer to talk about how [...]
Direct download: sow-48-BillGlazer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:01pm EST

Join Jason Hartman for an insightful conversation on creativity with author and Executive Director for Stanford Technology Ventures Program, Tina Seelig. Tina points out that many people incorrectly believe they lack creativity and that it cannot be learned. She views this as a huge problem in that it is a matter of attitude. “If you [...]
Direct download: sow-47-TinaSeelig.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:45am EST

Jason Hartman is joined on this episode by podcaster Stephen Eley. Starting back in the early days of podcasts, Steve’s interest in reading books aloud helped him decide to put together his first podcast venture, Escape Pod, begun in 2005 and which is now a very popular science fiction podcast magazine. The show provides audio [...]
Direct download: sow-46-SteveEley.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:39pm EST

Ethos:  the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group or institution (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). In today’s world of corruption and greed, it has become of the utmost importance for businesses to create trust and make a positive impact on consumers. More and more people are taking an interest in products and [...]
Direct download: sow-45-JasonNiedle.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:47pm EST

Jason Hartman and Kevin Donahue get together on this episode to talk about the various business models that speakers, consultants, authors, etc, use to market to consumers. Kevin says it’s all about the list, and people come up with all sorts of strategies and tactics to build their list. More and more infopreneurs and entrepreneurs [...]
Direct download: sow-44-KevinDonahue.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:11am EST

Jason Hartman is joined by internet marketing expert, Joe Player to talk about live streaming and broadcasting with the web. Live streaming media, or webcasting, is becoming more and more popular. It has many uses, including marketing or reviewing products, seminars, training, concerts, etc. The Japan tsunami was streamed live as it happened, bringing an [...]
Direct download: sow-43-JoePlayer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:53pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined by Marc Ostrofsky, bestselling author of Get Rich Click!, to talk about making money on the internet with the right knowledge and timing. Marc says domain names and websites are real estate, comparable to buying a piece of land and building on it. He explains how to find good names, how [...]
Direct download: sow-42-MarcOstrofsky.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:09pm EST

Running and growing a business requires a lot of dedication, passion, and often an incredible chunk of one’s life. Many business owners find themselves working 80 or more hours per week, with little to no time to enjoy the benefits of their success. But with a change in mindset and armed with a few good [...]
Direct download: sow-41-ScottFritz.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:37am EST

Life is a journey of discovery and change, and optimism or pessimism profoundly affects how we react to our experiences. Research shows that people are born either more positive or more negative than others, but it also shows that we can mold our brain to these attitudes. Jason Hartman is joined by author, Jon Gordon, [...]
Direct download: sow-40-JonGordon.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:29pm EST

Join Jason Hartman as he interviews Jamie Krakover, co-host and editor of Awakenings, “a podcast to awaken the magic in you.” The podcast discusses the characters of a book series entitled, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, a young adult book series by Michael Scott, where the cast is infused with historical and mythological [...]
Direct download: sow-39-JamieKrakover.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:57am EST

Jason Hartman interviews podcaster, Adam Graham, host of Old Time Dragnet Show, The Old Time Radio Superman Show, and The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio. Adam resamples the old Dragnet TV shows, which are now public domain, in the old radio show style.  This is a different approach from most of today’s podcasters, with [...]
Direct download: sow-38-AdamGraham.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:32pm EST

On this episode, Jason Hartman interviews host of 10 Drink Minimum Chris Burnett about his podcast experiences. Several years ago, Chris began listening to podcasts, some well done, some not so great, and got the idea that if they could do it, so could he. He talked two of his friends into co-hosting the podcast [...]
Direct download: sow-37-ChrisBurnett.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Joining Jason Hartman from Barrington, England, is Dr. Chris Smith, creator of the popular podcast, “The Naked Scientists.” Dr. Smith shares the fascinating tale of how he and his colleagues began their radio show in 2000, which then led to creating one of the world’s first podcasts. For details, listen at:  ww.SpeakingofWealth.com. They were one [...]
Direct download: sow-36-ChrisSmith.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:57am EST

Shawn Andrich, host of Gamers with Jobs Podcast, began podcasting before iTunes existed, when podcasts were only MP3s available on websites. Jason Hartman and Shawn walk through the changes in podcasting and talk about the current format of the show. Listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com. They discuss the conversation of the show, which has four hosts and [...]
Direct download: sow-35-ShawnAndrich.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:12pm EST

Join Jason Hartman for an interview with podcaster, Jeffrey Willerth, executive producer of Slice of SciFi. Jeffrey is a television producer by trade and worked on the sci-fi show, “Babylon 5” during which he helped produce content for the Web. His experiences led to the creation of Slice of SciFi video and audio podcast, which [...]
Direct download: sow-34-JeffreyWillerth.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:59am EST

For those new to podcasting, terms like RSS Feed, media hosting, and platforms can be a foreign language. Jason Hartman interviews long-time podcaster, Rob Walsh, Vice President of Podcaster Relations for Wizzard Media/Libsyn, about his career in podcasting. Listen to this super informative interview at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com. Rob talks about starting his first podcast, Podcast411, in [...]
Direct download: sow-33-RobWalch.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:35pm EST

Further exploring why and how people podcast, Jason Hartman interviews philosopher Mark Linsenmayer about the origins of The Partially Examined Life, a free philosophy podcast hosted by Mark and two of his philosophical counterparts. Listen at:  www.SpeakingofWealth.com. Mark earned his degree in philosophy, but made a life choice to go into marketing and research communications [...]
Direct download: sow-32-MarkLinsenmayer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:29am EST

Jason Hartman is joined by host and quiz master of Good Job, Brain!, Karen Chu. Karen founded a trivia podcast as a hobby, joined by her pub trivia team, because they just love sharing trivia with others. Karen relates how important being passionate about your genre and your topics is to successful podcasting. She feels [...]
Direct download: sow-31-KarenChu.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:59pm EST

Join Jason Hartman and co-founder and director of Neuro Leadership Institute, Dr. David Rock, as they explore conceptual issues of the brain as it pertains to work, such as focus, managing distractions, why our brains feel taxed, and how to maximize mental resources.

Dr. Rock explains how being able to get a mental picture makes it easier to process and hold information, but when you can’t come up with a mental picture, you’re more likely to lose your train of thought or have more difficulty retaining connections, causing the brain more stress. 

Dr. Rock also discusses optimal times for scheduling work, meetings, and undisturbed workspace. He stresses that creative work needs a lot of space in the brain, as well as a lot of quiet. “Creative work first, urgent/important second, and everything else after,” says Dr. Rock.

Dr. Rock also shares the many types of quirks of the brain, such as a blue room with high ceilings increases creativity, or changing rooms actually makes it difficult to access memories formed in the previous room. His suggestion is that people need to create their own workspace. Additionally, he talks about the unconscious and conscious brain and how breakthrough moments tend to happen when trying to solve a difficult problem. 

The quiet brain is most important for solving problems. Dr. Rock delves into the five domains that the brain is always tracking. It is very important that we don’t get a “threat” response in any of these domains because they activate the brain’s pain network, leading to defensiveness.

David is the founder and CEO of Results Coaching Systems (RCS), which has operations in 15 countries across the globe. In his capacity as CEO, David works with Fortune 500 clients specializing in embedding internal coaching capacity within organizations to develop leaders, retain talent, improve performance, and change culture. David Rock is one of the thought leaders in the global coaching profession.

Direct download: sow-30-DavidRock.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:53am EST

Jason Hartman interviews Professor Corey Olsen, President of Mythgard Institute, about how podcasting has allowed him to reach a wider audience than lectures or articles would reach. Prof. Olsen took the podcast route to appeal to his own lecture style involving his voice, and he says it has been a lot of fun being able to reach out to people.

Through the podcast experience, Prof. Olsen found there were hundreds of thousands of people out there that are interested in the academic conversation. Jason asks Prof. Olsen about his experiences with software and delivery of the podcast, which is found on iTunes ranked in the Top Ten. 

Professor Olsen also began recording class lectures and hosting recorded study groups, as well as producing segments on various works of literature. He said his content has been driven primarily by listener feedback, and as his podcast has grown, he has been able to establish long-term relationships, which has opened the door for an audience excited about taking classes and looking forward to Professor Olsen’s new book.  He says it’s all about being genuine about something you love.

In his teaching website, “The Tolkien Professor”, Professor Olsen brings his scholarship on Tolkien to the public, seeking to engage a wide and diverse audience in serious intellectual and literary conversation. His website features a series of detailed lectures on The Hobbit, and recordings of the weekly meetings of the Silmarillion Seminar, which has been working its way through The Silmarillion chapter by chapter, as well as more informal Q&A sessions with listeners. He is currently writing a book titled Exploring The Hobbit, which will be published by Houghton Mifflin in September 2012.

Corey Olsen teaches in the English Department  at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, where he began teaching in the Fall of 2004. His undergraduate and graduate teaching subjects include J.R.R. Tolkien, Arthurian literature, Chaucer, and Sir Thomas Malory. He got his BA in English and Astrophysics from Williams College in Massachusetts and his PhD in medieval literature from Columbia University. At Washington College, Professor Olsen has served as the Faculty Coordinator of Academic Integrity, the Faculty Advisor for Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society, and Master of the Revels at Washington College’s hotly contested annual Wheelbarrow Jousting Tournament.

Direct download: sow-29-CoryOlsen.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

In this first episode of our series on podcasting, Jason Hartman hears founder of Palladium Education, Inc, Alex Haddox’s story of how he began podcasting to enhance his business. One of Alex’s favorite things to do was radio shows and was in public relations for many years. He began marketing his seminars through podcasts and building his brand. Alex currently has over 200 podcasts.

He explains how he tracked downloads, noting that it takes a while to build up a listening audience. He learned how to engage the audience and to fulfill their desire for more episodes. He came up with the idea of doing a Quick Tip every other episode. As he posted these podcasts, his listening audience increased six-fold. He encourages consistency and diligence, explaining that having a passion for it, for the content, is very important for success.

Alex calls podcasting a “long game.” He has his own equipment, does his own editing and uploading, and has low overhead costs. By joining a podcasting network, Alex’s audience doubled. He explains the benefits of the podcast network, i.e. the support and rapport that is built, leading to a close knit group of podcasters. All in all, Alex has experienced great success with his podcasts, having never spent money on advertising for his show, and managing the process himself.

Alex Haddox’s diverse background led him to founding Palladium Education, Inc., Workplace Violence Prevention and Crisis Intervention Training. Mr. Haddox spent nearly a decade working for Amgen, Inc., one of the world’s largest multinational biotech firms, as a Senior Business Analyst and Senior eLearning Analyst. Among his many projects, he designed instructor-led and e-learning training modules for the Global Regulatory Affairs and Safety Education and Development department. Mr. Haddox was also the Product Manager and co-founder of the Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC).

He was considered one of the world’s leading computer virus experts, traveled worldwide on speaking engagements, and appeared on national television programs including Good Morning America, CNBC, the Discovery Channel and Fox News Network. He has been quoted in innumerable print publications from The New York Times to USA Today and was on the Advisory Board to the industry’s leading publication, “Virus Bulletin.”

Mr. Haddox is a skilled martial artist and self-defense instructor. He has nearly two decades of combined traditional martial arts training in multiple styles including American Kenpo, Hapkido and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Mr. Haddox also holds firearms instructor credentials from the National Rifle Association.

Direct download: sow-28-AlexHaddox.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:58am EST

Social media has taken the world by storm, becoming the most used medium for advertising, information sharing, and business development, with many platforms through which to reach and network with customers around the world. Jason Hartman interviews Deirdre Breakenridge on the changes in public relations, how to find the people you’re trying to attract, how to monitor your community of consumers, and listening and meeting the needs of your clients by providing more meaningful information.

Some of the most popular platforms today are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Vimeo. Deirdre explains how to “listen” on the various platforms, including searching Google and Yahoo, describing different powerful software platforms that can provide this tool for bigger brands. She also discusses effective public relations monitoring for speakers and publishers, including being part of community chats, blogs, and forums in social media communities, such as Twitter. She encourages people to be and act like the thought leader, but to also be available to answer questions or speak or coach. Deirdre stresses who you are online is really who you need to be all the way around. Your online presentation should match who you are in real life. “Be your brand,” says Deirdre.

Jason and Deirdre touch on the subject of news releases, the changes beyond traditional outlets, including the ability to hyperlink resources and embed YouTube videos in your material. Deirdre refers to this function as PR 2.0, a more customized story that can be shared in communities. In the new age of social media and public relations platforms, there are many more options available to reach customers/consumers.

As these outlets evolve, several are becoming much more cost effective. Deirdre K. Breakenridge is Chief Executive Officer at Pure Performance Communications. A veteran in PR and marketing, Deirdre has counseled senior level executives at companies including Empire Today, Hershey’s, JVC, Kraft, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the World Bank. Deirdre is the author of four Financial Times books. Her book, “Putting the Public Back in Public Relations,” published in March 2009, is available in major bookstores and online. She has also authored: “PR 2.0, New Media, New Tools, New Audiences,” “The New PR Toolkit” and “Cyberbranding: Brand Building in the Digital Economy.”

Her fifth and most recent book, “Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional,” will be published by FT Press, a Pearson company in February 2012.

Direct download: sow--27-DeirdreBreakenridge.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:24pm EST

On this episode of Speaking of Wealth, Jason Hartman invites Amish Shah to share his story of his outstanding success as an internet entrepreneur. Amish talks about how his vision and attitude changed throughout his journey until everything became aligned to lead to many successful endeavors. One lesson Amish learned was to not be too attached to the money, but more to the creation and how it’s going to make one feel. Belief and passion are the real catalysts to innovative entrepreneurialship, while focusing on the revenue of the business tends to bring one down. Amish is really into personal development and is passionate about helping others learn the secrets to personal achievement and enlightenment. He believes that with success, you should also give back.

Amish also talks about the limiting beliefs many entrepreneurs, many people, tend to have, and how it is possible to combine fun and passion while making money. Although Amish Shah is an expert in many areas, he is best described as a savvy new-age internet entrepreneur. Amish is a visionary and a futurist with many of his ideas and concepts being larger than life. Amish is best known for developing automated tools and software as well as his impressive traffic strategies. He is also very popular from his popular “Magic Bullet” courses and seminars as well as his record-setting 6-figure daily affiliate marketing earnings that changed the face of affiliate marketing forever and created a buzz no one will soon forget. Do you remember all that buzz about the “$100k Man”? That was him!

Amish successfully dominated the affiliate marketing scene through his company, DigiSpace, and moved on to develop the Magic Bullet System that taught clients how to build successful affiliate marketing businesses. DigiSpace was named the 60th fastest-growing advertising and marketing company in the United States, as well as the 10th fastest-growing in San Diego, CA by INC Magazine. Amish is a very sought after consultant to high-end clients and businesses looking to expand or increase the results of their internet-based marketing and advertising strategies, as well as build their business and increase their bottom lines.

Direct download: sow-26-AmishShah.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:54am EST

Social media is truly today’s wave of marketing and it doesn’t have to require a multi-million dollar marketing budget to really create a name for yourself. Jason Hartman talks with Sinan Kanatsiz, Chairman and CEO of KComm and Chairman and Founder of The Internet Marketing Association. Sinan shares his expertise in making social media marketing a success without going broke.

Building a brand for yourself starts with understanding Google Analytics and social media, and creating a robust website with strong content. Sinan also recommends a content management system and a strong e-newsletter to create a strong social media presence. E-newsletters and e-zines are quickly replacing paper newsletters and magazines. In today’s marketing world, a good newsletter is paramount to your brand. It should be personalized and contain educational material promoting the industry you work in, without a big sales pitch for your own business. Consumers respond to stimulation, so the newsletters should be well illustrated and laid out, and with all of the new gadgets available today for reading, such as e-Readers and smart phones, it should also be created with portability in mind.

Sinan also shares with listeners how to market their brand through other brands without using pay-per-click. He discusses the basics of loosely defined partnerships, advises giving away for free some of what you do in your business, and using organic search engines for SEO. Sinan Kanatsiz is the Chairman and CEO of KComm, a marketing communications firm specializing in Public Relations, Public Affairs, Internet Marketing, Events and Strategic Relationships, founded in a sewing room in Sinan’s parents’ house in 1995. It has grown to be a large business, with a client roster that encompasses large and small, local and global clients.

Sinan is also the Chairman and Founder of The Internet Marketing Association (IMA), a professional organization that currently boasts over 515,000 members in various fields, including sales, marketing, business ownership, programming and creative development. Sinan started IMA with four key values as a foundation for success in today’s highly competitive business environment: integrity, communication, professionalism and education.

Direct download: sow-25-Sinan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:22am EST

Join Jason Hartman and self-publishing expert, Stephanie Chandler as they discuss the numerous advantages of writing your own book and self-publishing, and how it can enhance your business.  Stephanie shares how she got started in the custom publishing business and offers some of her methods for writing, such as starting with an outline and chiseling away at it to get it done. 

Stephanie relates that self-publishing is becoming more and more attractive to even those who have been traditionally published due to the lower expenses involved and the quicker rewards. Stephanie also explains additional ways to generate revenues from a book, as well as the benefits of both trade paperbacks and ebooks, and best marketing practices.

Stephanie Chandler is the author of Booked Up! How to Write, Publish, and Promote a Book to Grow Your Business, and has authored several other business and marketing books.  She is the founder and CEO of Authority Publishing.com, a company that specializes in custom book publishing for nonfiction books.

Stephanie is also a frequent speaker at business events and on the radio, and has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, BusinessWeek, Wired Magazine, and many other media outlets, including blogging for Forbes.com. Stephanie started her career in Silicon Valley, reaping the rewards and surviving the burst of the Dot Com Boom. In 2003, she fled the corporate world and opened a bookstore in Sacramento, CA. She began studying online marketing strategies and put the techniques to use to quickly put her store website in the top of Google. From this experience, a passion for internet marketing was born.

Direct download: sow-24-StephanieChandler.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

Join Jason Hartman and Facebook Marketing 101 guru, Brian Carter, as they explore the best practices to get the most out of marketing your products or services on Facebook.  Brian explains how Facebook compares to Google AdWords and SEO, and how to use Twitter as well as an enhancement.  He talks about the difference between a group and a page and how to decide which one to choose. 

He also discusses how to use Facebook inexpensively and with the biggest impact, describing how to engage with your targeted audience and how to promote your page to get more fans.  Brian shares many incredibly useful tips and breaks down the process into simple, easy-to-follow steps. 

Brian Carter is a respected elite internet marketing expert around the world. He is known for his hands-on business experience, cutting edge insights, background in improve and stand-up comedy, which has made him a much sought after speaker and trainer.  Brian is the co-author of Facebook Marketing, and has authored an ebook called How to Get More Fans On Facebook.  He also offers a training program, called Facebook Marketing 101.  Brian develops strategies and builds search visibility and social marketing fanbases for companies of all sizes, including Universal Studios, The U.S. Army, Hardee’s, and Carls’ Jr.

He has been quoted in Twitter Marketing for Dummies and has been quoted and profiled in such publications as Information Week, U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Brian also writes for Search Engine Journal and AIIFacebook.  He is a speaker and trainer for top marketing conferences, such as SEOmoz, SMX, Pubcon, The AIIFacebook Expo, Socialize, The South Carolina Society of Association Executives, and The American Marketing Association, among others. He is the CEO of The Brian Carter Group.

Direct download: sow-23-BrianCarter.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Jason Hartman interviews Kyle MacDonald, author of One Red Paperclip, about Kyle’s amazing bartering journey from one red paperclip to eventually a movie role opportunity to a house in Saskatchewan, where the biggest housewarming party ever was held.

The idea began with a childhood game of Bigger and Better. Kyle’s opinion is that anything in life is only worth what someone is willing to give for it. Things are worth different amounts to different people, and that worth may surprise you! Kyle MacDonald grew up in Belcarra, near Vancouver.

He’s really into projects, usually fun things that take on an obsessive element to some degree. Most noteworthy of these projects was the time he started with a red paperclip and traded it for bigger and better things until he wound up with a house. It was a silly idea and turned out to be a big deal. So big that the red paperclip has become his de-facto symbol and he’s somewhat known as the “red paperclip guy.”

To Kyle, a ‘red paperclip’ is more of a symbolic thing, an idea that you’re ready to launch. A new project about to happen. That spark of insight or inspiration. The most important thing about an idea is to do something with it. Today, Kyle lives in Montreal with his wife and does speaking engagement, photography, art projects, and “Who are These Guys?” to name a few of the projects he has embarked on.

Direct download: sow-22-KyleMacDonald.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:48am EST

Join Jason Hartman and Jean Hamilton, founder of Speaking Results, for an entertaining discussion on developing and honing your skills as a speaker, presenter, or storyteller.  When you’re in front of your audience, you want to feel like there’s no place you would rather be than right there telling your story and inspiring others. 

Jean shares many NLP tips to overcome public speaking fears and build confidence in your own abilities, offering fun training techniques and insights where you can improve your body language to help your audience see you, hear you, and absorb your message. 

When Jean Hamilton founded Speaking Results in 1998, it was the natural next step in her career. Early on, she began to develop and perfect her skills as a performer and artist, working for 15 years in modern dance, mime, and theater with various professional companies that toured extensively in the U.S. and Pacific Rim. After this successful career, Jean pursued a new direction studying Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

She was soon hooked by what this discipline could accomplish and began using the tools of NLP to make profound, positive changes. She pursued her NLP studies and training with the same fervor and energy she brought to the stage. In 1993, certified as an NLP Master, Jean opened her private counseling practice. As satisfying as she found working one-on-one with clients, Jean realized that she liked being on stage and began to explore public speaking.

Direct download: sow-21-JeanHamilton.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

HOWARD S. FRIEDMAN is Distinguished Professor at the University of California in Riverside. LESLIE R. MARTIN is Professor of Psychology at La Sierra University, and Research Psychologist at UC Riverside. They met when Leslie began graduate study in 1991 at UC Riverside, where she became a key and continuing associate in Howard’s then-launching lifespan longevity studies. Here are some facts about their work, their interests, and their qualifications. Their scientific research on health and longevity has been published in over 150 influential and often-cited scientific articles and chapters in leading books and scientific journals. In addition, Professor Friedman has authored or edited ten academic books about health and one prior trade book, The Self-Healing Personality.

His textbook on Personality is now in its 5th edition. He served as Editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of Mental Health, which received recognition as a “Best Reference Source of 1998″ from Library Journal. His edited book, Foundations of Health Psychology was named a CHOICE Magazine Outstanding Academic Title. Professor Martin’s books include Health Behavior Change And Treatment Adherence, and a textbook in health psychology.  Leslie and Howard have spent 20 years collaborating on the research described in The Longevity Project.  The study tracks the loves and lives of 1,500 Americans from childhood to death.

Putting the research findings into practice, Leslie is passionate about adventure travel that stretches her past achievements. She climbed Kilimanjaro (to the summit), and she recently completed the Marathon des Sables. This ultra-marathon is a 151-mile self-sustaining endurance race across the Moroccan Sahara, in which runners must carry all food and clothing for the entire marathon (in their backpacks).

Direct download: sow-20-Longevity.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:06pm EST

On this episode of Speaking of Wealth, join Jason Hartman and Craig Duswalt as they discuss Craig’s RockStar System for Success. Learn how publishing a small book of tips can promote your business. Craig discusses why having a title is much easier than remembering a name, and he divulges his Seven RockStar Rules for standing out from the competition and becoming the go-to person in your industry.

Craig Duswalt is the creator of the RockStar System For Success – How to Achieve RockStar Status in Your Industry. Craig’s background includes touring with Guns N’ Roses, as Axl Rose’s personal manager, and Air Supply, as the band’s personal assistant. In his presentations, Craig shares numerous stories of his days with Guns N’ Roses and Air Supply, and behind-the-scenes encounters with some of the biggest names in entertainment; people like Bono, U2, Metallica, Queen, Kurt Cobain, Steven Tyler, Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, George Michael, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, Robert Plant, Elton John, Gianni Versace, Rolling Stones, Nine Inch Nails, Dave Navarro, Rick Springfield, Eddie Money, Michael Hutchense, and a bunch more.

Craig was also an award-winning copywriter, working as a Creative Director for a Los Angeles-based ad agency until opening up his own ad agency, Green Room Design & Advertising, which was named the 2002 Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year. Craig combined his backgrounds in both music and marketing, and is now a professional speaker and author, promoting his RockStar System for Success all over the country, teaching entrepreneurs, small businesses, home-based business and the self-employed how to promote themselves and their business by thinking outside the box at his 4-Day RockStar Marketing BootCamps every March and September in Los Angeles.

Craig Duswalt also speaks to corporations on how to market like a RockStar, to colleges about drug awareness, and at numerous seminars, associations and conferences, teaching entrepreneurs how to use outside the box marketing techniques to attract clients, and how to stand out from the competition by throwing televisions out hotel windows — Like a RockStar.

Direct download: sow-19-CraigDuswalt.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:50pm EST

Jason Hartman welcomes Stefanie Hartman, founder of Centaur Strategies, to the show to discuss behind the scenes marketing strategies for experts to better position themselves in their given fields.

Stefanie shares her own expert knowledge in marketing, such as “Thinking Outside the Book,” what to do after your book is written. Jason and Stefanie also talk about back-end sales strategies, copywriting and campaign design. At Centaur Strategies, Stefanie Hartman works with a team of behind the scenes specialists when you need to make the profits happen, including: copywriters, virtual assistants, joint venture specialists, branding experts, media experts and advertising executives. Often referred to as “The Expert’s Expert”, Certified Trainer and Marketing Consultant Stefanie Hartman is a highly sought after Marketing Strategist and Speaker in the niche market of non-fiction book marketing.

Whether they need extraordinary sales results for an upcoming teleclass, speaking engagement or product launch, or a complete overhaul of their marketing strategy – Best-selling Authors, Speakers and Entrepreneurs serious about selling Information Products have called her number. She has worked with top industry players such as T. Harv Eker, Matt Bacak, Eric Lofholm and Cynthia Kersey.

Stefanie is well-known in the inner circles of multi-millionaire authors, speakers and experts. She rarely advertises her services as 90% of her business is through satisfied client referrals. Her work often speaks for itself. Stefanie’s marketing strategies contributed to an increase of revenue of $4.3 Million in 24 months for one client. Stefanie’s specialty is customizing and creating marketing strategies that are simple for her client to use, but rapidly increases their profits and sales results. She teaches her clients “why” she recommends specific strategies so they can build their own ‘marketing eyes’. She is very warm and cares about her client’s well-being and success. As she puts it “Your Success is my Business.”

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-18.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:53pm EST


Join Jason Hartman as he interviews Shannon Cherry, The Power Publicist, about the best practices to get companies to sponsor small business owners, coaches, consultants, and non-profit leaders who want to reach a certain target demographic.  Shannon founded the Sponsorship Made Simple Academy and has been helping organizations secure hundreds of thousands of dollars in sponsorships for more than 15 years.

As the Power Publicist, Shannon Cherry, APR, MA, helps business owners and entrepreneurs attract more customers through publicity and marketing. She is the founder and president of Cherry Communications and its subsidiaries, Be Heard Solutions and Penny Pinching Publicity.

A former TV and newspaper journalist, Shannon has developed hundreds of innovative public relations strategies. Her clients have appeared on the pages of USA Today, the New York Times, Money Magazine, Associated Press, and Parenting and have been featured on the Today Show, CNN, The History Channel, Good Morning America, and Oprah.

An award-winning publicist and published author of two books, Shannon was named one of the top 60 business bloggers in the world & one of the top 30 PR bloggers. Shannon publishes the popular and highly-recommended e-zine, Be Heard!, delivered to more than 6500 subscribers each month.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-17.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:40am EST

Join Jason Hartman as he interviews Bronwyn Saglimbeni, founder of Bronwyn Communications, on the art of public speaking and how to push yourself beyond the basics so that your presentation captivates your audience from start to finish. 

For nearly 15 years, Bronwyn has worked with clients to improve their public speaking and media relations skills, challenging them to bring out more of themselves in their communications. Bronwyn is known for her playful, irreverent approach to coaching, combined with her knack for delivering “tough love” in a way that allows executives to achieve true breakthroughs.

Bronwyn encourages clients to be authentic, engaging and approachable, which has resulted in successful interviews for clients in publications such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, and speaking engagements at top industry events including Ad:Tech, AAAAs, AdAge Digital, CreativityandTech, Web 2.0 Expo and others. Bronwyn has also worked with clients preparing for television appearances including American Idol, The Oprah Show, and Home Shopping Network.

Bronwyn’s corporate communications career spans from working with digital marketing agencies (Isobar, Carat, Freestyle Interactive, Organic) to enterprise software companies (Jive Software, Interwoven, Savvion, Onyx Software, HNC Software), to financial services organizations (ClearStation, E*TRADE) and consumer technology start-ups (Vello, AnchorFree, Propel).

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-16.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:03pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with James Malinchak who has delivered over 2,200 presentations at conferences and meetings worldwide and is considered the top Big Money Speaker trainer in America.


James began his sales career right out of college as a stockbroker with a major Wall Street Investment Firm and was awarded Most Outstanding Performance (twice) and #1 in New Account Openings (twice). While in his twenties, James became a partner in a company that handled the investments for many famous entertainers, authors and professional athletes.

Currently, James owns three businesses and has read and researched over 1,500 books on personal and professional development.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-15.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:16am EST

Jason Hartman interviews Josh Shipp, host of the TV show Jump Shipp and author of “The Teens Guide to World Domination,” regarding encouraging everyone to overcome struggles and live life to the fullest. Josh has established an international reputation as an inspiring youth motivational speaker , whose mission is to help teens “get it” and help those who care about teens “get through” to them. He has a simple and entertaining, yet challenging message.

Josh has spoken at Harvard University, Stanford, UCLA, M.I.T., and to over 1.5 million teenagers live. He is a recognized teen expert for such media outlets as MTV, CNN, and FOX. He is known as a teen communication expert who can get through to any teen. Josh offers a healthy dose of advice that he calls “in your face, but on your side.” He counsels teenagers on everything they care about and it’s all done in a youth-friendly, humorous tone that is more hilarious survival guide than preachy sermon.

Josh certainly knows a thing or two about survival. Abandoned and abused as a child, he was able to triumph over the tragedy. He attributes his personal growth to the support of a great foster family, dynamic teachers, and enriching school programs that opened his eyes to his true potential. After serving as State DECA President and on the School-to-Work student advisory committee, Josh decided to commit his life to helping teens. Josh lives in sunny California, is a spokesperson for National Foster Care Month, and a guitar hero.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-14.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

Join Jason Hartman as he and Don Osborne, President and Founder of INQUARTA, discuss powerful, yet simple internet marketing techniques to boost your small business.

Don shares his expertise on how to get started and what to do next when marketing your business online, as well as how to get the financial results you desire.

Don Osborne founded INQUARTA in 1994 and has counseled over 2,000 applicants to graduate school. Don has worked for The Princeton Review as co-author of their MCAT verbal program and author of the “Verbal Accelerator” course. A prolific speaker and author, Don has delivered more than 400 speeches and is the author of 15 books, guides, planners and DVDs available through INQUARTA Publishing.

He has been an adjunct faculty member with the University of Redlands, where he taught economics and financial management. He earned his MBA from Pepperdine University in 1991. Don is also Lead Trainer and Course Developer for Nitro Marketing and is the co-organizer of Orange County Internet Marketers.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-13.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:28pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Darren LaCroix, the World Champion of Public Speaking, who out-spoke 25,000 contestants from 14 countries to win that title. That was just a benchmark. Since that victory, Darren has traveled the world demystifying the process of creating a powerful speech. He has roused audiences in faraway places like Saudi Arabia, China, Malaysia, and Taiwan with his inspirational journey from first-rate chump to first-class champ, proving anything is possible if you are willing to work for it.

Darren may have been “born without a funny bone in his body,” but he possessed the desire to learn and the willingness to fail necessary to achieve his dream. The self-proclaimed “student of comedy” is living proof that humor is a skill that can be learned. As a keynote speaker since 1994, he brings his incredible story to conferences around the world. He is consistently the top rated speaker at conferences.

He changes the way people think about challenges, humor, and presentations… forever. His clients include IBM, Fidelity investments, and numerous associations too long to list! He is known as the person who helps speakers launch their careers in professional speaking. His trademarked program Get Paid to Speak by Next Week.

Now, Darren is in high demand as a speaking coach. The new standard for advanced presentation skills was created when he co-created How Professional Presenters Can Own the Stage. There is no other program on the market that even comes close to this transformational program. Viewers witness exactly how coaches can create lasting significant improvement in just two days.

His successful book, Laugh & Get Rich: How to Profit from Humor in Any Business (6th printing), contains interviews with corporate executives who share his philosophy. Now translated into three languages, it is a mainstay on business bookshelves. As co-founder of The Humor Institute and a co-creator of The Humor Boot Camp®, Darren directs seminars that help presenters wisely use the power of humor to “lighten up” their presentations. He is also an award-winning producer of the film Healing, Hope, and Humor.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-12.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:54am EST

Jason Hartman talks with Dustin Mathews, Chief Marketing Officer for 7 Figure Speaking Empire, 2010 Speaker Coach Of The Year and 2010 Infusionsoft’s Marketer of The Year Finalist.

There’s a figure behind the scenes of the world’s most sought after speakers, gurus and information marketers.  His name is Dustin Mathews and he is known for creating “marketplace frenzies” that drive people to buy products and services in quantity.  He has created millions of dollars not only for himself but for his clients, including a startup company that landed at #35 on the Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Companies.

Dustin managed and marketed over 200 events, seminars and boot camps per month generating over $12 million dollars in the course of a year.  Now he runs multimillion dollar product launches online. In his spare time, he publishes the most widely read offline newsletter for speakers and promoters, Dirty Talk.  Dustin has the gift for transforming a complete newbie into a larger than life speaker.  He has also authored, How To Get Rich Working For FREE and Secrets of the Real Estate Millionaires.

Well, what’s new in the world of speaking?  When it comes to speaking for profit, the core fundamentals remain unchanged. Superior credibility, believable social proof, entertaining stories that further the sale, a mouth watering offer, etc. are vital to every talk. But here’s what’s changed: the mindset of your audience. Any one speaking to make money, from stage and even webinars, needs to understand the shift taking place in the minds of the consumer. What worked in the past won’t fly in today’s marketplace.

Those experiencing lower conversions and sales are most likely using out of date techniques and strategies. Consumers are savvy now and can see yesterday’s sales tactics from a mile away. There exists a new formula for profitable speaking in today’s marketplace. Those that understand this new way of selling stand to gain higher closing percentages, more invitations to speak and increased profits.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-11.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

Jason interviews his early mentor Dr. Denis Waitley on "The Psychology of Winning."  At age 17, Jason discovered Waitley and it was a life altering event leading to his early and sustained success. Waitley is one of America's most respected authors, keynote lecturers and productivity consultants on high performance human achievement.  

He has inspired, informed, challenged, and entertained audiences for over 25 years from the board rooms of multi-national corporations to the locker rooms of world-class athletes and in the meeting rooms of thousands of conventioneers throughout the world. Recently, he was voted business speaker of the year by the Sales and Marketing Executives' Association and by Toastmasters' International and  inducted into the International Speakers' Hall of Fame.

With over 10 million  audio programs sold in 14 languages, Denis Waitley is one of the  most listened-to voices on personal and career success. He is the  author of 15 non-fiction books, including several international best  sellers, "Seeds of Greatness," "Being the Best," "The Winner's  Edge," "The Joy of Working," and "Empires of the Mind." His audio album, "The  Psychology of Winning," is the all-time best selling program on  self-mastery.

Direct download: speaking-of-wealth-10.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:56pm EST